Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/4/algorithm/10.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181

Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/6/haskell/8.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Algorithm 我的RSA算法只适用于非常短的单词_Algorithm_Haskell_Encryption - Fatal编程技术网

Algorithm 我的RSA算法只适用于非常短的单词

Algorithm 我的RSA算法只适用于非常短的单词,algorithm,haskell,encryption,Algorithm,Haskell,Encryption,我的RSA算法对3个字母的单词(如“cat”)运行良好,但一旦单词变长,我会收到一条错误消息:Exception:decipher2.hs:(37,1)-(62,19):函数numToLet中的非穷举模式 我的程序按照以下步骤工作 用于加密 将一串字母转换为一串数字,其中每个字母都指定给特定的数字 将数字串组合成一个较大的数字 使用适当的p和q值,计算n,并选择一个与n共素的合适数字e(因为这是一个内部过程,保持p和q的秘密并不重要,但可以做到) 执行RSA算法以生成“密码” 破译 使用p




  • 将一串字母转换为一串数字,其中每个字母都指定给特定的数字
  • 将数字串组合成一个较大的数字
  • 使用适当的p和q值,计算n,并选择一个与n共素的合适数字e(因为这是一个内部过程,保持p和q的秘密并不重要,但可以做到)
  • 执行RSA算法以生成“密码”

  • 使用p和q(其中φ(n)=(p-1)*(q-1))计算总和φ(n)
  • 将寻找两个数的最大公约数的欧几里德算法写入代码
  • 将后代换部分写入代码,使其交换形成扩展的欧几里德算法
  • 计算私钥
  • 包括某种存储私钥的选项,以便不必每次都执行此功能(以提高速度)
  • RSA加密的解密算法需要执行
  • 结果应该被分割成一个数字串(与加密过程第2阶段的组合方式相反)
  • 数字字符串应转换为字母字符串(使用加密过程中使用的相同值)


import Data.List
letToNum c'' = (let (Just n) = elemIndex c'' ['a'..'z'] in n) + 10

combine = foldl addDigit 0
    where addDigit num i' = (10 ^ (floor $ log (fromIntegral i') / log 10 + 1))*num + i'

firstTwo xs = toInteger (combine (map letToNum xs))

p' = 2^2048 - 1942289
q' = 2^2048 - 2^1056 + 2^736 - 2^320 + 2^128 + 1
n' = p' * q'
e' = 7

newtype ModN = ModN (Integer, Integer) deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Num ModN where
  ModN (x, m) + ModN (y, m') | m == m' = ModN ((x + y) `mod` m, m)
                             | otherwise = undefined
  ModN (x, m) * ModN (y, m') | m == m' = ModN ((x * y) `mod` m, m)
                             | otherwise = undefined
  negate (ModN (x, m)) = ModN ((- x) `mod` m, m)
  abs _ = undefined
  signum _ = undefined
  fromInteger _ = undefined

modPow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
modPow _ 0 m = 1 `mod` m
modPow a b m = c
  where a' = ModN (a, m)
        ModN (c, _) = a' ^ b

encipherA z' = modPow z' e' n'

encipher xs = encipherA (firstTwo xs)
p' = 2^2048 - 1942289
q' = 2^2048 - 2^1056 + 2^736 - 2^320 + 2^128 + 1
n' = p' * q'

newtype ModN = ModN (Integer, Integer) deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Num ModN where
  ModN (x, m) + ModN (y, m') | m == m' = ModN ((x + y) `mod` m, m)
                             | otherwise = undefined
  ModN (x, m) * ModN (y, m') | m == m' = ModN ((x * y) `mod` m, m)
                             | otherwise = undefined
  negate (ModN (x, m)) = ModN ((- x) `mod` m, m)
  abs _ = undefined
  signum _ = undefined
  fromInteger _ = undefined

modPow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
modPow _ 0 m = 1 `mod` m
modPow a b m = c
  where a' = ModN (a, m)
        ModN (c, _) = a' ^ b

decipherA c' = modPow c' d' n'

numToLet "10" = "a"  
numToLet "11" = "b"  
numToLet "12" = "c"
numToLet "13" = "d"
numToLet "14" = "e"
numToLet "15" = "f"
numToLet "16" = "g"
numToLet "17" = "h"
numToLet "18" = "i"
numToLet "19" = "j"
numToLet "20" = "k" 
numToLet "21" = "l"
numToLet "22" = "m"
numToLet "23" = "n"
numToLet "24" = "o"
numToLet "25" = "p"
numToLet "26" = "q"
numToLet "27" = "r"
numToLet "28" = "s"
numToLet "29" = "t"
numToLet "30" = "u"
numToLet "31" = "v"
numToLet "32" = "w"
numToLet "33" = "x"
numToLet "34" = "y"
numToLet "35" = "z"
output xs = putStrLn $ concat (map numToLet xs)

partition :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
partition _ [] = []
partition n xs = (take n xs) : (partition n (drop n xs))

decipher j' = map numToLet (partition 2 (show (decipherA j')))

import Data.List
letToNum c'' = (let (Just n) = elemIndex c'' ['a'..'z'] in n) + 10

combine = foldl addDigit 0
    where addDigit num i' = (10 ^ (floor $ log (fromIntegral i') / log 10 + 1))*num + i'

firstTwo xs = toInteger (combine (map letToNum xs))

p' = 2^2048 - 1942289
q' = 2^2048 - 2^1056 + 2^736 - 2^320 + 2^128 + 1
n' = p' * q'
e' = 7

newtype ModN = ModN (Integer, Integer) deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Num ModN where
  ModN (x, m) + ModN (y, m') | m == m' = ModN ((x + y) `mod` m, m)
                             | otherwise = undefined
  ModN (x, m) * ModN (y, m') | m == m' = ModN ((x * y) `mod` m, m)
                             | otherwise = undefined
  negate (ModN (x, m)) = ModN ((- x) `mod` m, m)
  abs _ = undefined
  signum _ = undefined
  fromInteger _ = undefined

modPow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
modPow _ 0 m = 1 `mod` m
modPow a b m = c
  where a' = ModN (a, m)
        ModN (c, _) = a' ^ b

encipherA z' = modPow z' e' n'

encipher xs = encipherA (firstTwo xs)
p' = 2^2048 - 1942289
q' = 2^2048 - 2^1056 + 2^736 - 2^320 + 2^128 + 1
n' = p' * q'

newtype ModN = ModN (Integer, Integer) deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Num ModN where
  ModN (x, m) + ModN (y, m') | m == m' = ModN ((x + y) `mod` m, m)
                             | otherwise = undefined
  ModN (x, m) * ModN (y, m') | m == m' = ModN ((x * y) `mod` m, m)
                             | otherwise = undefined
  negate (ModN (x, m)) = ModN ((- x) `mod` m, m)
  abs _ = undefined
  signum _ = undefined
  fromInteger _ = undefined

modPow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
modPow _ 0 m = 1 `mod` m
modPow a b m = c
  where a' = ModN (a, m)
        ModN (c, _) = a' ^ b

decipherA c' = modPow c' d' n'

numToLet "10" = "a"  
numToLet "11" = "b"  
numToLet "12" = "c"
numToLet "13" = "d"
numToLet "14" = "e"
numToLet "15" = "f"
numToLet "16" = "g"
numToLet "17" = "h"
numToLet "18" = "i"
numToLet "19" = "j"
numToLet "20" = "k" 
numToLet "21" = "l"
numToLet "22" = "m"
numToLet "23" = "n"
numToLet "24" = "o"
numToLet "25" = "p"
numToLet "26" = "q"
numToLet "27" = "r"
numToLet "28" = "s"
numToLet "29" = "t"
numToLet "30" = "u"
numToLet "31" = "v"
numToLet "32" = "w"
numToLet "33" = "x"
numToLet "34" = "y"
numToLet "35" = "z"
output xs = putStrLn $ concat (map numToLet xs)

partition :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
partition _ [] = []
partition n xs = (take n xs) : (partition n (drop n xs))

decipher j' = map numToLet (partition 2 (show (decipherA j')))






*RSA> let encode = firstTwo
*RSA> let decode x = map numToLet (partition 2 (show x))
*RSA> decode (encode "catcatcatcat")
["x","g","f","c","*** Exception: RSA.hs:(41,1)-(66,19): Non-exhaustive patterns in function numToLet

letToNum :: Char -> Integer
letToNum c'' = (let (Just n) = fmap toInteger (elemIndex c'' ['a'..'z']) in n) + 10

combine :: [Integer] -> Integer
combine = foldl addDigit 0
    where addDigit num i' = 100*num + i'

firstTwo xs = combine (map letToNum xs)


日志不一定是必需的,但我不确定该放什么位置?抱歉阅读困难,这是我的第一个完整程序(除了“hello world”等)。我很确定你给我的代码比我写的要好得多,但因为这是我的第一个程序,我宁愿尝试在帮助下修补它,而不是复制粘贴全新的代码,如果这有意义的话?谢谢lot@MichaelRad:这是有道理的。我仍然不知道日志的作用是什么,似乎它是错的。我通过删除日志和整数溢出修复了编码器