Android 在Livecode中播放时,我可以在移动本机播放器上放置一个按钮吗?

Android 在Livecode中播放时,我可以在移动本机播放器上放置一个按钮吗?,android,livecode,Android,Livecode,我在全屏上创建了移动本机播放器,我想在移动本机播放器上放置一个按钮以显示原始大小 以下是创建移动本机播放器的代码: on mouseUp lock screen set the visible of img "poster" to false mobileControlCreate "player", "vdoplayer" put the result into pID mobileControlSet pID,"filename" , specialFolder



on mouseUp
   lock screen
   set the visible of img "poster" to false
   mobileControlCreate "player", "vdoplayer"
   put the result into pID
   mobileControlSet pID,"filename" , specialFolderpath("engine") & "/vdo.mp4" 
   mobileControlSet pID,"preserveAspect" , true
   mobileControlSet pID,"showController" , true 
   mobileControlSet pID,"fullscreen" , true
   mobileControlSet pID,"looping" , true
   mobileControlSet pID,"rect" , the rect of this card
   mobileControlSet pID,"visible" , true
   mobileControlDo pID,"play"
   unlock screen
end mouseUp


不幸的是,使用mobileControlCreate创建的本机控件位于堆栈上所有Live Code控件的顶部,因此恐怕无法执行您试图执行的操作