
无法更新查询Android,android,Android,这不是错误,但我似乎无法更新我的表活动 我找不出这些说法有什么不对。这些值没有问题 goal_id = Integer.parseInt(extras.getString("goalid")); int i=0; Activities act = new Activities(goal_id,activityname.getText().toString(),Integer.parseInt(days.getText().toString()),i,false); dbhandler.updat



goal_id = Integer.parseInt(extras.getString("goalid"));
int i=0;
Activities act = new Activities(goal_id,activityname.getText().toString(),Integer.parseInt(days.getText().toString()),i,false);

 public int updateActivty(Activities act) {
        SQLiteDatabase db = dbhandler.getWritableDatabase();

        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(MyDBHandler.COLUMN_ACTIVITY_NAME, act.getActivityName());
        values.put(MyDBHandler.COLUMN_DAYS, act.getDays());
        values.put(MyDBHandler.COLUMN_NO_OF_TASKS, act.getNoOfTasks());
        values.put(MyDBHandler.COLUMN_COMPLETE, act.getComplete());

        // updating row
        return db.update(MyDBHandler.TABLE_ACTIVITIES, values, MyDBHandler.COLUMN_ID + " = ?",
                new String[] { String.valueOf(act.getId()) });


如果我是你,我会做更多的工作,并执行以下操作: 通过搜索该id的值,尝试查看数据库中是否有数据:

下一步: 您创建的适配器可以从任何地方访问:



MyRow implements IRow
  public(to be accessed from outside upon creation) static final String COLUMN_ID = "_id";
  public static final string COLUMN_VALUE = "value";
  //here you do your implementation, with columns and stuff like that.
  //Of course you need to take care of the creation of tables
  update(SqliteDatabase db){//TODO}
  insert(SqliteDatabase db){//TODO}
  delete(SqliteDatabase db){//TODO}
  //for update/delete/insert you can here implement the values assemble method.
正如您所注意到的,YourTable在本例中被称为MyColumn,它包含一些列,这些列通常是MyRow的一部分,以便在更新值时可以访问这些列。 基本上,您只需创建表就可以了。 这在3-4个项目中对我有效,没有任何错误。

MyAdapter implements IMyAdapter
    public boolean insert(IRow row){ 
        boolean success = false;
        synchronized (lock) {
            openIfDatabaseIsClosned();//here you get the writeable database and store it somewhere(I do it for multiple databases).
            try {
                success = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Error:" + e.getMessage(), e);
        return success;

    public boolean update(IRow row) {
        boolean success = false;
        synchronized (lock) {
            try {
                success = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Your error message:" + e.getMessage(), e);
        return success;
interface IRow
   void insert(SqliteDatabase db);
   void update(SqliteDatabase db);
   void delete(SqliteDatabase db);
   void find(SqliteDatabase db);
MyRow implements IRow
  public(to be accessed from outside upon creation) static final String COLUMN_ID = "_id";
  public static final string COLUMN_VALUE = "value";
  //here you do your implementation, with columns and stuff like that.
  //Of course you need to take care of the creation of tables
  update(SqliteDatabase db){//TODO}
  insert(SqliteDatabase db){//TODO}
  delete(SqliteDatabase db){//TODO}
  //for update/delete/insert you can here implement the values assemble method.