Angularjs Angular JS:ng在没有嵌套结构的情况下重复多次

Angularjs Angular JS:ng在没有嵌套结构的情况下重复多次,angularjs,angularjs-directive,angularjs-ng-repeat,Angularjs,Angularjs Directive,Angularjs Ng Repeat,有没有一种方法可以让我执行嵌套的ng repeat调用,但不让它创建嵌套结构 即 假设我的脚本中有以下内容: $scope.animals = { dog : { rupert: { size: 'big' } }, cat : { jon: { size: 'small' }, don: { size: 'small'

有没有一种方法可以让我执行嵌套的ng repeat调用,但不让它创建嵌套结构


$scope.animals = {
      dog : {
        rupert: {
          size: 'big'
       cat : {
        jon: {
          size: 'small'
        don: {
          size: 'small'
       pig : {
        mike: {
          size: 'big'

   <ul ng-repeat="(type,animal) in animals">
      <li ng-repeat="(name,description) in animal">
          This is {{name}} the {{type}}, he is really {{description.size}}.
    • 这是{{name}}{{type}},他真的是{{description.size}。


                This is don the cat, he is really small.
                This is jon the cat, he is really small.
                This is rupert the dog, he is really big.
                This is mike the pig, he is really big.
            This is don the cat, he is really small.
            This is jon the cat, he is really small.
            This is rupert the dog, he is really big.
            This is mike the pig, he is really big.
    • 这是猫唐,他真的很小。
    • 这是猫乔恩,他真的很小。
    • 这是狗鲁伯特,他真的很大。
    • 这是猪迈克,他真的很大。

                This is don the cat, he is really small.
                This is jon the cat, he is really small.
                This is rupert the dog, he is really big.
                This is mike the pig, he is really big.
            This is don the cat, he is really small.
            This is jon the cat, he is really small.
            This is rupert the dog, he is really big.
            This is mike the pig, he is really big.
  • 这是猫唐,他真的很小。
  • 这是猫乔恩,他真的很小。
  • 这是狗鲁伯特,他真的很大。
  • 这是猪迈克,他真的很大。

  • 这是{{name}}{{type}},他真的是{{description.size}。

        <li ng-repeat="(name,description) in">
                This is {{name}} the dog, he is really {{description.size}}.
        <li ng-repeat="(name,description) in">
                This is {{name}} the cat, he is really {{description.size}}.
        <li ng-repeat="(name,description) in animals.pig">
                This is {{name}} the pig, he is really {{description.size}}.
  • 这是{{name}那条狗,它真的是{{{description.size}。
  • 这是{{name}猫,他真的是{{{description.size}。
  • 这是{{name}猪,他真的是{{{description.size}。


    <!-- Remove it with an ng-if -->
    <li ng-repeat-start="(type,animal) in animals" ng-if="0"></li>

    <!-- Or do -->
    <!-- <li ng-repeat-start="(type,animal) in animals" ng-if="::type<0"></li> -->

    <li ng-repeat="(name,description) in animal">
        This is {{name}} the {{type}}, he is really {{description.size}}.

    <!-- Remove it with an ng-if -->
    <li ng-repeat-end  ng-if="0"></li>

    <!-- Or do -->
    <!-- <li ng-repeat-end  ng-if="::type<0"></li> -->
  • 这是{{name}}{{type}},他真的是{{description.size}。