
禁用跟踪/跟踪apache,apache,ssl,nginx,Apache,Ssl,Nginx,我对跟踪/跟踪HTTP方法有一个问题。 我禁用了httpd.conf中的跟踪,禁用了TraceEnable。 当我尝试测试它是否真的被禁用时,我得到的是: < HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed 通过RFC指定TRACK/TRACE()的行为,没有定义不成功调用的行为。你遇到的正是这种未定义的行为 如果通过TRACK/TRACE进行的呼叫成功,则以下情况为真: HTTP状态代码为200 消息/http的内容类型 其他任何事情都被视为失败。405也被视为故障(客

我对跟踪/跟踪HTTP方法有一个问题。 我禁用了httpd.conf中的跟踪,禁用了TraceEnable。 当我尝试测试它是否真的被禁用时,我得到的是:

< HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed



  • HTTP状态代码为200
  • 消息/http的内容类型

  • 其他任何事情都被视为失败。405也被视为故障(客户端触发的故障,因此状态代码为4xx),因此,就RFC而言,这完全符合请求类型的定义方式。所以,真正的问题是,在RFC之外,你期望与你所拥有的不同之处是什么?错误响应?

    * Connected to example.com (xx.xx.xx.xx) port 80 (#0)
    > TRACE / HTTP/1.1
    > User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
    > Host: example.com
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 405 Not Allowed
    * Server nginx admin is not blacklisted
    < Server: nginx admin
    < Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2015 11:26:45 GMT
    < Content-Type: text/html
    < Content-Length: 166
    < Connection: close
    <head><title>405 Not Allowed</title></head>
    <body bgcolor="white">
    <center><h1>405 Not Allowed</h1></center>
    * Closing connection 0
    * Connected to www.example.com (xx.xx.xx.xx) port 443 (#0)
    * successfully set certificate verify locations:
    *   CAfile: none
      CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
    * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
    * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
    * SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
    * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
    * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
    * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
    * SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
    * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
    * SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
    * SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
    * SSL connection using ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
    * Server certificate:
    *    subject: OU=GT45927005; OU=See www.rapidssl.com/resources/cps (c)15; OU=Domain Control Validated - RapidSSL(R); CN=www.smartnation.ro
    *    start date: 2015-05-03 09:14:54 GMT
    *    expire date: 2016-05-05 19:37:10 GMT
    *    issuer: C=US; O=GeoTrust Inc.; CN=RapidSSL SHA256 CA - G3
    *    SSL certificate verify ok.
    > TRACE / HTTP/1.1
    > User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
    > Host: www.example.com
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
    < Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2015 11:30:55 GMT
    * Server Apache/2.2.26 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.26 OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips mod_bwlimited/1.4 is not blacklisted
    < Server: Apache/2.2.26 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.26 OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips mod_bwlimited/1.4
    < Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
    < Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
    < Pragma: no-cache
    < X-Pingback: https://www.example.com/xmlrpc.php
    < Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=6b7fbfb366741438c07a9041452ea469; path=/
    < Set-Cookie: _pmxi_session=%7C%7C%7C%7C; path=/
    < Connection: close
    < Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    <!DOCTYPE html>
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        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
        <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en" />
    Listen [::]:8081
    Listen [::]:443
    <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:8081>
        ServerName example.com
        ServerAlias www.example.com
        DocumentRoot /home/account/public_html
        ServerAdmin webmaster@example.com
        UseCanonicalName Off
        #CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/example.com combined
        #CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/example.com-bytes_log "%{%s}t %I .\n%{%s}t %O ."
        ## User account # Needed for Cpanel::ApacheConf
        UserDir enabled account
        <IfModule mod_suphp.c>
            suPHP_UserGroup account account
        <IfModule !mod_disable_suexec.c>
            <IfModule !mod_ruid2.c>
                SuexecUserGroup account account
        <IfModule mod_ruid2.c>
            RMode config
            RUidGid account account
        <IfModule itk.c>
            # For more information on MPM ITK, please read:
            #   http://mpm-itk.sesse.net/
            AssignUserID account account
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/account/public_html/cgi-bin/
        # To customize this VirtualHost use an include file at the following location
        # Include "/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/2/account/example.com/*.conf"
    <VirtualHost xx.xx.xx.xx:443>
        ServerName example.com
        ServerAlias www.example.com
        DocumentRoot /home/account/public_html
        ServerAdmin webmaster@example.com
        UseCanonicalName Off
        #CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/example.com combined
        #CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/example.com-bytes_log "%{%s}t %I .\n%{%s}t %O ."
        ## User natsmart # Needed for Cpanel::ApacheConf
        UserDir enabled account
        <IfModule mod_suphp.c>
            suPHP_UserGroup account account
        <IfModule !mod_disable_suexec.c>
            <IfModule !mod_ruid2.c>
                SuexecUserGroup account account
        <IfModule mod_ruid2.c>
            RMode config
            RUidGid account account
        <IfModule itk.c>
            # For more information on MPM ITK, please read:
            #   http://mpm-itk.sesse.net/
            AssignUserID account account
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/account/public_html/cgi-bin/
        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile /var/cpanel/ssl/installed/certs/www_example_com_dfe76_6dcdf_1462477030_fd971317dfc02602ec168052ed2c7119.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/cpanel/ssl/installed/keys/dfe76_6dcdf_d9471fcd7e80d319080f6db604599d49.key
        SSLCACertificateFile /var/cpanel/ssl/installed/cabundles/GeoTrust_Inc__6473a1b25f37e0f134912eb5d8d02a9c_1653082772.cabundle
        #CustomLog /usr/local/apache/domlogs/example.com-ssl_log combined
        SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
        <Directory "/home/account/public_html/cgi-bin">
            SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
        # To customize this VirtualHost use an include file at the following location
        # Include "/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/ssl/2/account/example.com/*.conf"
    server {
              error_log /var/log/nginx/vhost-error_log warn;
              listen xx.xx.xx.xx:80;
              listen [::]:80;
              server_name example.com www.example.com;
              access_log /usr/local/apache/domlogs/example.com-bytes_log bytes_log;
              access_log /usr/local/apache/domlogs/example.com combined;
              root /home/account/public_html;
              #location / {
              location ~*.*\.(3gp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|ico|wmv|avi|asf|asx|mpg|mpeg|mp4|pls|mp3|mid|wav|swf|flv|html|htm|txt|js|css|exe|zip|tar|rar|gz|tgz|bz2|uha|7z|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|pdf|iso)$ {
              expires 1M;
              try_files $uri @backend;
              location / {
          error_page 405 = @backend;
              add_header X-Cache "HIT from Backend";
              proxy_pass http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8081;
              include proxy.inc;
          include microcache.inc;
              location @backend {
              proxy_pass http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8081;
              include proxy.inc;
          include microcache.inc;
              location ~ .*\.(php|jsp|cgi|pl|py)?$ {
              proxy_pass http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8081;
              include proxy.inc;
          include microcache.inc;
              location ~ /\.ht {
              deny all;