
如何获取Youtube视频的信息';API的哪些章节?,api,youtube,youtube-api,youtube-data-api,Api,Youtube,Youtube Api,Youtube Data Api,最近,Youtube增加了将进度条中的视频分解为“章节”的功能 目前,我可以从Youtube API获取有关视频的信息。然而,似乎没有任何关于视频章节的信息,我在API文档中也没有找到任何关于章节的信息。是我遗漏了什么,还是根本没有办法获得章节数据?据我所知,在视频描述中,这些数据是纯文本的 因此,您可以使用以下示例: 本演示中使用的视频: URL请求: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&id=NNgYI


目前,我可以从Youtube API获取有关视频的信息。然而,似乎没有任何关于视频章节的信息,我在API文档中也没有找到任何关于章节的信息。是我遗漏了什么,还是根本没有办法获得章节数据?






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                "publishedAt": "2020-09-14T18:37:46Z",
                "channelId": "UC0roOaAn95Rtgoe078RkVXQ",
                "title": "Top 10 Monsters with 2500 Attack in YuGiOh",
                "description": "In this video we'll go over the best monsters that have 2500 attack, and attack threshold for a lot of boss monsters actually.\n\nCheck out my DnD channel @TheD&DLogs \n\n--The List--\nIntro: (0:00)\n10- Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon: (0:00)\n9- Invoked Mechaba: (2:14)\n8- Number S39: Utopia the Lightning: (3:23)\n7- Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu: (4:35)\n6- Eldlich the golden Lord: (6:04)\n5- True King Lithosagym the Disaster: (7:34)\n4- Block Dragon: (8:54)\n3- Astrograph sorcerer: (10:25)\n2- Beatrice lady of the eternal: (12:36)\n1- Firewall Dragon: (14:37)\n- \n-----------------------------------------\n#yugioh #top10 \n\nDuels are all done on EDOpro, its completely free and updated all the time. If you want it, just look for the EDOpro discord and you'll find all you need to download it from there\n\nSome of the Video backgrounds in this video were made by \"Amitai Angor AA VFX\" https://www.youtube.com/dvdangor2011\n\n\nhttps://twitter.com/hirumared\nhttps://twitter.com/TheDuelLogs",
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                    "title": "Top 10 Monsters with 2500 Attack in YuGiOh",
                    "description": "In this video we'll go over the best monsters that have 2500 attack, and attack threshold for a lot of boss monsters actually.\n\nCheck out my DnD channel @TheD&DLogs \n\n--The List--\nIntro: (0:00)\n10- Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon: (0:00)\n9- Invoked Mechaba: (2:14)\n8- Number S39: Utopia the Lightning: (3:23)\n7- Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu: (4:35)\n6- Eldlich the golden Lord: (6:04)\n5- True King Lithosagym the Disaster: (7:34)\n4- Block Dragon: (8:54)\n3- Astrograph sorcerer: (10:25)\n2- Beatrice lady of the eternal: (12:36)\n1- Firewall Dragon: (14:37)\n- \n-----------------------------------------\n#yugioh #top10 \n\nDuels are all done on EDOpro, its completely free and updated all the time. If you want it, just look for the EDOpro discord and you'll find all you need to download it from there\n\nSome of the Video backgrounds in this video were made by \"Amitai Angor AA VFX\" https://www.youtube.com/dvdangor2011\n\n\nhttps://twitter.com/hirumared\nhttps://twitter.com/TheDuelLogs"
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"In this video we'll go over the best monsters that have 2500 attack, and attack threshold for a lot of boss monsters actually.

Check out my DnD channel @TheD&DLogs 

--The List--
Intro: (0:00)
10- Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon: (0:00)
9- Invoked Mechaba: (2:14)
8- Number S39: Utopia the Lightning: (3:23)
7- Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu: (4:35)
6- Eldlich the golden Lord: (6:04)
5- True King Lithosagym the Disaster: (7:34)
4- Block Dragon: (8:54)
3- Astrograph sorcerer: (10:25)
2- Beatrice lady of the eternal: (12:36)
1- Firewall Dragon: (14:37)
#yugioh #top10 

Duels are all done on EDOpro, its completely free and updated all the time. If you want it, just look for the EDOpro discord and you'll find all you need to download it from there

Some of the Video backgrounds in this video were made by "Amitai Angor AA VFX" https://www.youtube.com/dvdangor2011
