Applescript &引用;“之后放弃”;命令在Mavericks中不能完全工作

Applescript &引用;“之后放弃”;命令在Mavericks中不能完全工作,applescript,osx-mavericks,Applescript,Osx Mavericks,我在AppleScript和OSX 10.9.1中遇到了一个神秘的错误 这段代码在AppleScript编辑器中工作,但当我将其保存为应用程序时,“放弃后”不起作用。不过,它在我的另一台10.6.8(雪豹)电脑上也能工作。有人知道问题出在哪里吗?谢谢 global fullTime global chosenTime set pickFromList to {1, 2} choose from list the pickFromList with prompt "Next message wil

我在AppleScript和OSX 10.9.1中遇到了一个神秘的错误


global fullTime
global chosenTime
set pickFromList to {1, 2}
choose from list the pickFromList with prompt "Next message will dissapear after 1 + x seconds. Choose x!"
set chosenTime to result as text
display dialog "Click OK and the next dialog box will appear in " & fullTime & " seconds"
delay fullTime
display dialog "Works! But now this should dissapear after " & fullTime & " seconds" giving up after fullTime
on add1sec()
    set fullTime to chosenTime + 1
end add1sec


set pickFromList to {1, 2}
set chosenTime to (choose from list the pickFromList with prompt "Next message will dissapear after 1 + x seconds. Choose x!") as number

set fullTime to add1sec(chosenTime)

display dialog "Click OK and the next dialog box will appear in " & fullTime & " seconds"
delay fullTime
tell application "SystemUIServer" to display dialog "Works! But now this should dissapear after " & fullTime & " seconds" giving up after fullTime

on add1sec(startTime)
    return startTime + 1
end add1sec


tell application "SystemUIServer" to display dialog "Works! But now this should disappear after " & fullTime & " seconds" giving up after fullTime


更新到OSX 10.9.2解决了此问题。
