Applescript “如何修复”;Can';t将缺少的值输入“日期”;

Applescript “如何修复”;Can';t将缺少的值输入“日期”;,applescript,osascript,Applescript,Osascript,我正在尝试列出应用程序中缺少截止日期的所有提醒,但我收到了上述错误。任何人都知道在这种情况下如何检查缺少的值 代码如下: set remListOut to "" set curDate to current date tell application "Reminders" activate repeat with theRemList in remLists tell list "@Call" set remList to (ever



set remListOut to ""
set curDate to current date

tell application "Reminders"
    repeat with theRemList in remLists
        tell list "@Call"
            set remList to (every reminder whose due date is missing value)
            repeat with theRem in remList
                log (get properties of theRem)
                set remListOut to remListOut & name of theRem & "
            end repeat
        end tell
    end repeat
end tell
return remListOut



set remListOut to ""
set curDate to current date

tell application "Reminders"
    repeat with aList in lists
        repeat with aReminder in reminders of aList
            if due date of aReminder is missing value then
                log (get properties of aReminder)
                set remListOut to remListOut & name of aReminder & return & tab & tab
            end if
        end repeat
    end repeat
end tell
return remListOut
