
如何使用applescript中的tell函数返回的数据?,applescript,Applescript,我对applescript很陌生,但我想我已经了解了它的要点。我试图写一些东西来启用/禁用从睡眠中醒来时需要密码的功能,但我需要做的是获取它返回的值,并将其设置为一个变量,以便以后查看 tell application "System Events" to set security preferences's require password to wake to not (security preferences's require password to wake) 在结果中,会显示tru


tell application "System Events" to set security preferences's require password to wake to not (security preferences's require password to wake)


tell application "System Events" to set security preferences's require password to wake to not (security preferences's require password to wake)
tell application "System Events" to return security preferences's require password to wake as boolean
tell application "System Events" to return security preferences's require password to wake as boolean
if the "require password to wake" is false then display dialog (password_req as boolean)
if the "require password to wake" is false then display dialog (password_req as boolean)
if boolean = true then display dialog (boolean as text)
if boolean = false then display dialog (boolean as text)
get "require password to wake" as text
display dialog "require password to wake"
display alert "Password toggled."

tell application "System Events"
 --note that this is a 'true tell block' as opposed to a one-liner
 set security preferences's require password to wake to not (security preferences's require password to wake)
 --above line can't return result. to do that you do:
 set passReq to security preferences's require password to wake
end tell--block end

--ok, you've toggled it. now report it:

display dialog ("Password required is set to " & (passReq as text))