
Applescript:突出显示组中最近的文件,applescript,workflow,organization,Applescript,Workflow,Organization,我想知道您如何创建一个操作,您可以突出显示一组文件并从中获取修改日期,然后让它突出显示/选择/标记文件的最新日期 更新:我想在Applescript上这样做,因为我在这方面做得更深入了。这是我到目前为止所拥有的 set dateList to {} tell application "Finder" set inputList to get selection repeat with i from 1 to count (inputList) set end of



set dateList to {}
tell application "Finder"
    set inputList to get selection
    repeat with i from 1 to count (inputList)
        set end of dateList to get modification date of item i of inputList
    end repeat
end tell


--Compare section...

set boolList to {}
set j to 1
repeat with i from 1 to count (dateList)
    if i is (count (dateList)) then
        set j to 0
    end if
    set end of boolList to item i of dateList > item (i + j) of dateList
end repeat



set dateList to {}
tell application "Finder"
    set inputList to get selection
    repeat with i from 1 to count (inputList)
        set end of dateList to get modification date of item i of inputList
    end repeat
end tell

--Compare section...

set modDate to item 1 of dateList
repeat with i from 1 to count (inputList)
    if dateList's item i > modDate then
        set modDate to dateList's item i
        set theResult to displayed name of item i of inputList
        set theResultDate to item i of dateList
    end if
end repeat

--Display Result…

display alert "Most recently modified file in selection:" message "" & theResult & "
" & theResultDate


set dateList to {}
tell application "Finder"
    set inputList to get selection
    repeat with i from 1 to count (inputList)
        set end of dateList to get modification date of item i of inputList
    end repeat
end tell

--Compare section...

set theResult to item 1 of inputList as alias
set theResultDate to item 1 of dateList
set modDate to item 1 of dateList
repeat with i from 1 to count (inputList)
    if dateList's item i > modDate then
        set modDate to dateList's item i
        set theResult to item i of inputList as alias
        set theResultDate to item i of dateList
    end if
end repeat

--Display Result…

--display alert "Most recently modified file in selection:" message "" & theResult & "
--" & theResultDate
tell application "Finder" to set label index of (theResult as alias) to 6


最后,要使其成为一个有用的右键单击项目,请打开Automator,创建一个服务,在顶部选择以在文件/文件夹上使用它,将Run Applescript拖到其中,粘贴脚本,保存。现在,右键单击即可使用。一个缺点是,文件似乎需要保持选中状态,直到有东西被标记。因此,在它工作时不要单击。


tell application "Finder" to reveal item 1 of (sort (get selection) by modification date)


activate app "SystemUIServer"
tell application "Finder"
    set label index of item 1 of (sort selection by modification date) to 6
end tell

on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Finder"
        sort (input as alias list) by modification date
        set label index of item 1 of result to 6
    end tell
end run
