Applescript Apple脚本超时“Finder出错:连接无效”

Applescript Apple脚本超时“Finder出错:连接无效”,applescript,repeat,automator,finder,Applescript,Repeat,Automator,Finder,我用这个苹果脚本处理大量数据。它所做的就是将数百个文件夹名与数百个图片名进行比较。如果图片名称中包含文件夹名称。。它将此特定图片复制到相应的文件夹中。需要比较的数据是巨大的。。有时需要一个多小时才能完成。我需要一个如何解决这个具体问题的建议 此错误消息显示在我的桌面或工作服务器上执行脚本的时间和地点。通常出现在40分钟到60分钟之间 因此,所有查找器窗口都将关闭,脚本将停止。 看起来这是一段暂停期。 有没有办法延长这一期限或完全取消这一期限 谢谢大家!! 编辑: 以下是脚本本身: use App



因此,所有查找器窗口都将关闭,脚本将停止。 看起来这是一段暂停期。 有没有办法延长这一期限或完全取消这一期限

谢谢大家!! 编辑: 以下是脚本本身:

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
property defaultColor : "Green"
on run {input}
    tell application "Finder"
        set MainFolder to (choose folder with prompt "ART.Numbers FOLDERS Directory:")
        set theArtFoldersList to every folder of MainFolder
        set NameOfMainFolder to name of MainFolder as text
        set targetFolder to "Users:zzz:Desktop:Pictures" as alias
        set pictures_collection to every file of entire contents of (targetFolder)
    end tell
    set userColor to 5
    repeat with CurrItem in theArtFoldersList
        tell application "Finder"
            if label index of CurrItem is not 7 and label index of CurrItem is not 6 and label index of CurrItem is not 5 then
                tell application "Finder" to set ArtFolderName to name of CurrItem as text
                tell application "Finder" to set elementpath to container of CurrItem as text
                set elementfolder to (elementpath & ArtFolderName) as alias
                repeat with anItem in pictures_collection
                    tell application "Finder" to set NameOfPicture to name of anItem
                    tell application "Finder" to set outpath to container of anItem as text
                    tell application "Finder"
                        if NameOfPicture contains ArtFolderName and NameOfPicture does not contain (ArtFolderName & "_VIGN_N.jpg") and label index of anItem is 7 then
                            tell application "Finder" to duplicate anItem to folder (elementfolder as alias)
                            if label index of elementfolder is not 2 then -- пази червеният цвят на папката
                                set label index of elementfolder to userColor
                            end if
                        end if
                        if NameOfPicture contains (ArtFolderName & "_VIGN_N.jpg") and label index of anItem is 7 then
                            tell application "Finder" to duplicate anItem to folder (elementfolder as alias)
                            if label index of elementfolder is not 2 then
                                set label index of elementfolder to userColor
                                exit repeat
                            end if
                        end if
                    end tell
                end repeat
            end if
        end tell
    end repeat
    tell me to activate -- display dialog as active window
    display dialog NameOfMainFolder & " is Done !"
    return input
end run




我从编写查找器脚本转移到尽可能编写系统事件脚本。系统事件通常更稳定。 我编写了一个迭代处理程序,它深入研究文件夹结构,而不是试图提前收集所有文件。这将查找者必须完成的工作分解为小的、可管理的块。 为了清晰起见,我将所有Finder调用放在单独的处理程序中。 我还将几个变量转换为属性,以便脚本处理程序在向下迭代时可以看到它们

property defaultColor : "Green"
property userColor : 5
property image_folder : "/Users/zzz/Desktop/Pictures"

on run
    set sorting_folder to (choose folder with prompt "ART.Numbers FOLDERS Directory:")
    tell application "System Events"
        set sorting_folder_name to name of sorting_folder as text
        my iterateThroughFolder(sorting_folder)
    end tell
    tell me to activate -- display dialog as active window
    display dialog sorting_folder_name & " is Done !"
end run

on iterateThroughFolder(sorted_art_folder)
    tell application "System Events"
        set subfolder_list to every folder of (sorted_art_folder)
        repeat with a_folder in subfolder_list
            my iterateThroughFolder(a_folder)
        end repeat
        -- skip top level       
        if POSIX path of sorted_art_folder is equal to image_folder then return
        set sorted_art_folder_list to folders of sorted_art_folder
        repeat with an_sorted_art_folder in sorted_art_folder_list
            set artFolderName to name of an_sorted_art_folder
            set file_list to (every file of folder image_folder whose name contains artFolderName)
            repeat with a_file in file_list
                if (my finderLabelIndex(path of a_file)) ≠ 7 then
                    my finderDupFile(path of a_file, path of an_sorted_art_folder)
                    if (my finderLabelIndex(path of an_sorted_art_folder)) ≠ 2 then
                        my finderSetLabelIndex(path of an_sorted_art_folder, userColor)
                    end if
                end if
            end repeat
        end repeat
    end tell
end iterateThroughFolder

on finderLabelIndex(finderPath)
    tell application "Finder"
        return label index of item finderPath
    end tell
end finderLabelIndex

on finderSetLabelIndex(finderPath, idx)
    tell application "Finder"
        set label index of item finderPath to idx
    end tell
end finderSetLabelIndex

on finderDupFile(fileFinderPath, destingationFinderPath)
    tell application "Finder"
        duplicate file fileFinderPath to folder destingationFinderPath
    end tell
end finderDupFile

系统事件有自己的文件系统引用对象磁盘项、文件、文件夹 Finder有自己的文件系统引用对象项、文件、文件夹 posix路径/users/../Desktop/。。。在系统事件中工作,但不在查找器中工作 系统路径Maintosh HD:用户:…:桌面:。。。在这两个应用程序中都工作
如果要将系统事件的引用发送到查找器,请使用SE的path属性返回系统路径,然后将其转换为查找器通知块中的查找器对象。请参阅上面的my Finder处理程序。
