Arrays 如何在C中删除数组中的字符串

Arrays 如何在C中删除数组中的字符串,arrays,c,string,Arrays,C,String,我正在尝试使用下面的代码从数组中删除字符串(名称)。 AddArray是从用户处获取数组,而RemoveArray是删除字符串 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define LENGTH 5 unsigned char num = 0; unsigned char numact = 0; #include <string.h> #define STR_MAX_SIZE 255 #define Names 5 #d


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LENGTH 5
unsigned char num = 0;
unsigned char numact = 0;
#include <string.h>
#define STR_MAX_SIZE 255
#define Names 5
#define Groups 5

void AddArray() {
  int i = 0;
  char word[Names][30] = {""};
  char word2[Groups][50] = {""};
  for (i = 0; i < Names; i++) {
    printf("--Input Name = ");
    if (!fgets(word[i], sizeof word[i], stdin))
    size_t len = strlen(word[i]);
    if (word[i][len - 1] == '\n')
      word[i][--len] = 0;
    printf("--Input Group = ");
    if (!fgets(word2[i], sizeof word2[i], stdin))
    size_t len2 = strlen(word2[i]);
    if (word2[i][len2 - 1] == '\n')
      word2[i][--len2] = 0;

void RemoveArray() {
  int position, i = 0, n = 5;
  char word[Names][30];
  char word2[Groups][50];
  printf("Enter the location where you wish to delete name\n");
  scanf("%d", &position);
  if (position >= n + 1)
    printf("Deletion not possible.\n");
    for (i = position - 1; i < n - 1; i++)
      word[Names][i] == word[Names][i + 1];
      word2[Groups][i] == word2[Groups][i + 1];
      printf("Resultant array:\n");
      for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
        printf("%d, %s, %s\n", i, word[i], word2[i]);





if(strcmp(word[Names][i], word[Names][i+1]) == 0);
if(strcmp(word2[Groups][i], word2[Groups][i+1]) == 0);

例如,从字符串数组中删除字符串意味着从该内存区域中删除所有字符内容。i、 e.将字符串的第一个字符设置为


  • ()

    • 这种管理字符串的方法很难。因为您使用的是静态分配的数组,所以与现代编程方法相比,这是一种简单的方法。您最好使用动态内存分配和指针,以便能够在列表中添加和删除元组或行。您还可以实现LinkedList结构,因为它很容易管理节点,但实现起来有点困难。






      #define NROWS       5       /* simplify your constants */
      #define MAXLEN     32       /*     all upper-case      */
      #define LINLEN   1024
      int addarray (char (*names)[MAXLEN], char (*groups)[MAXLEN], size_t *nmemb)
          if (*nmemb == NROWS) {                                  /* check array full */
              puts ("\n(arrays full)\n");
              return 0;
          char line[LINLEN];                                      /* buffer to hold input */
          size_t len;                                             /* length of input */
          fputs ("\n--Input Name  = ", stdout);                   /* prompt for name */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          line[(len = strcspn(line, "\n"))] = 0;                  /* trim \n, save length */
          if (len >= MAXLEN) {                                    /* validate name fits */
              fputs ("  error: name exceeds storage\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          memcpy (names[*nmemb], line, len + 1);                  /* copy to names */
          fputs ("--Input Group = ", stdout);                     /* prompt for group */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          line[(len = strcspn(line, "\n"))] = 0;                  /* trim \n, save length */
          if (len >= MAXLEN) {                                    /* validate name fits */
              fputs ("  error: group exceeds storage\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          memcpy (groups[(*nmemb)++], line, len + 1);             /* copy to groups,
                                                                   * increment nmemb */
          return 1;       /* return success */


      #define NROWS       5       /* simplify your constants */
      #define MAXLEN     32       /*     all upper-case      */
      #define LINLEN   1024
      int addarray (char (*names)[MAXLEN], char (*groups)[MAXLEN], size_t *nmemb)
          if (*nmemb == NROWS) {                                  /* check array full */
              puts ("\n(arrays full)\n");
              return 0;
          char line[LINLEN];                                      /* buffer to hold input */
          size_t len;                                             /* length of input */
          fputs ("\n--Input Name  = ", stdout);                   /* prompt for name */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          line[(len = strcspn(line, "\n"))] = 0;                  /* trim \n, save length */
          if (len >= MAXLEN) {                                    /* validate name fits */
              fputs ("  error: name exceeds storage\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          memcpy (names[*nmemb], line, len + 1);                  /* copy to names */
          fputs ("--Input Group = ", stdout);                     /* prompt for group */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          line[(len = strcspn(line, "\n"))] = 0;                  /* trim \n, save length */
          if (len >= MAXLEN) {                                    /* validate name fits */
              fputs ("  error: group exceeds storage\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          memcpy (groups[(*nmemb)++], line, len + 1);             /* copy to groups,
                                                                   * increment nmemb */
          return 1;       /* return success */


      int removearray (char (*names)[MAXLEN], char (*groups)[MAXLEN], size_t *nmemb)
          size_t loc, i;
          char line[LINLEN];                                      /* buffer to hold input */
          fputs ("enter location to remove: ", stdout);           /* request idx to remove */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          if (sscanf (line, "%zu", &loc) != 1) {                  /* convert/VALIDATE! */
              fputs ("  error: invalid location input.\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          if (NROWS - 1 < loc || *nmemb <= loc) {                 /* validate location */
              fputs ("  error: position requested out of range.\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          for (i = loc + 1; i < *nmemb; i++) {        /* loop from index above until end */
              strcpy (names[i - 1], names[i]);        /* overwrite row to remove */
              strcpy (groups[i - 1], groups[i]);      /* ditto */
          (*nmemb)--;                                 /* decrement no. of members in array */
          return 1;       /* return success */



      $ ./bin/array_addrem_row
      --Input Name  = my
      --Input Group = pronoun
      --Input Name  = dog
      --Input Group = animal
      --Input Name  = has
      --Input Group = being-verb
      --Input Name  = fleas
      --Input Group = insect
      --Input Name  = bummer!
      --Input Group = adverb
      (arrays full)
      my                    pronoun
      dog                   animal
      has                   being-verb
      fleas                 insect
      bummer!               adverb
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove: 0
        error: position requested out of range.
      (arrays empty)

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <string.h>
      #define NROWS       5       /* simplify your constants */
      #define MAXLEN     32       /*     all upper-case      */
      #define LINLEN   1024
      int addarray (char (*names)[MAXLEN], char (*groups)[MAXLEN], size_t *nmemb)
          if (*nmemb == NROWS) {                                  /* check array full */
              puts ("\n(arrays full)\n");
              return 0;
          char line[LINLEN];                                      /* buffer to hold input */
          size_t len;                                             /* length of input */
          fputs ("\n--Input Name  = ", stdout);                   /* prompt for name */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          line[(len = strcspn(line, "\n"))] = 0;                  /* trim \n, save length */
          if (len >= MAXLEN) {                                    /* validate name fits */
              fputs ("  error: name exceeds storage\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          memcpy (names[*nmemb], line, len + 1);                  /* copy to names */
          fputs ("--Input Group = ", stdout);                     /* prompt for group */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          line[(len = strcspn(line, "\n"))] = 0;                  /* trim \n, save length */
          if (len >= MAXLEN) {                                    /* validate name fits */
              fputs ("  error: group exceeds storage\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          memcpy (groups[(*nmemb)++], line, len + 1);             /* copy to groups,
                                                                   * increment nmemb */
          return 1;       /* return success */
      int removearray (char (*names)[MAXLEN], char (*groups)[MAXLEN], size_t *nmemb)
          size_t loc, i;
          char line[LINLEN];                                      /* buffer to hold input */
          fputs ("enter location to remove: ", stdout);           /* request idx to remove */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          if (sscanf (line, "%zu", &loc) != 1) {                  /* convert/VALIDATE! */
              fputs ("  error: invalid location input.\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          if (NROWS - 1 < loc || *nmemb <= loc) {                 /* validate location */
              fputs ("  error: position requested out of range.\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          for (i = loc + 1; i < *nmemb; i++) {        /* loop from index above until end */
              strcpy (names[i - 1], names[i]);        /* overwrite row to remove */
              strcpy (groups[i - 1], groups[i]);      /* ditto */
          (*nmemb)--;                                 /* decrement no. of members in array */
          return 1;       /* return success */
      void prnarrays (char (*names)[MAXLEN], char (*groups)[MAXLEN], size_t nmemb)
          if (nmemb == 0) {
              puts ("\n(arrays empty)\n");
          for (size_t i = 0; i < nmemb; i++)
              printf ("%-20s  %s\n", names[i], groups[i]);
      int main (void) {
          char names[NROWS][MAXLEN] = {""},                       /* names */
              groups[NROWS][MAXLEN] = {""};                       /* groups */
          size_t nmemb = 0;                                       /* no. members in each */
          while (addarray (names, groups, &nmemb)) {}             /* add to both */
          prnarrays (names, groups, nmemb);                       /* output both */
          putchar ('\n');
          while (removearray (names, groups, &nmemb)) {}          /* remove from both */
          prnarrays (names, groups, nmemb);                       /* output both */
      #定义NROWS 5/*简化常数*/
      #定义MAXLEN 32/*全大写*/
      int addarray(字符(*名称)[MAXLEN],字符(*组)[MAXLEN],大小\u t*nmemb)
      大小\u t len;/*输入长度*/
      fputs(“\n--Input Name=,stdout);/*提示输入名称*/
      $ ./bin/array_addrem_row
      --Input Name  = my
      --Input Group = pronoun
      --Input Name  = dog
      --Input Group = animal
      --Input Name  = has
      --Input Group = being-verb
      --Input Name  = fleas
      --Input Group = insect
      --Input Name  = bummer!
      --Input Group = adverb
      (arrays full)
      my                    pronoun
      dog                   animal
      has                   being-verb
      fleas                 insect
      bummer!               adverb
      enter location to remove: 4
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove:
      (user canceled input)
      dog                   animal
      has                   being-verb
      fleas                 insect
      $ ./bin/array_addrem_row
      --Input Name  = my
      --Input Group = pronoun
      --Input Name  = dog
      --Input Group = animal
      --Input Name  = has
      --Input Group = being-verb
      --Input Name  = fleas
      --Input Group = insect
      --Input Name  = bummer!
      --Input Group = adverb
      (arrays full)
      my                    pronoun
      dog                   animal
      has                   being-verb
      fleas                 insect
      bummer!               adverb
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove: 0
      enter location to remove: 0
        error: position requested out of range.
      (arrays empty)
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <string.h>
      #define NROWS       5       /* simplify your constants */
      #define MAXLEN     32       /*     all upper-case      */
      #define LINLEN   1024
      int addarray (char (*names)[MAXLEN], char (*groups)[MAXLEN], size_t *nmemb)
          if (*nmemb == NROWS) {                                  /* check array full */
              puts ("\n(arrays full)\n");
              return 0;
          char line[LINLEN];                                      /* buffer to hold input */
          size_t len;                                             /* length of input */
          fputs ("\n--Input Name  = ", stdout);                   /* prompt for name */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          line[(len = strcspn(line, "\n"))] = 0;                  /* trim \n, save length */
          if (len >= MAXLEN) {                                    /* validate name fits */
              fputs ("  error: name exceeds storage\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          memcpy (names[*nmemb], line, len + 1);                  /* copy to names */
          fputs ("--Input Group = ", stdout);                     /* prompt for group */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          line[(len = strcspn(line, "\n"))] = 0;                  /* trim \n, save length */
          if (len >= MAXLEN) {                                    /* validate name fits */
              fputs ("  error: group exceeds storage\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          memcpy (groups[(*nmemb)++], line, len + 1);             /* copy to groups,
                                                                   * increment nmemb */
          return 1;       /* return success */
      int removearray (char (*names)[MAXLEN], char (*groups)[MAXLEN], size_t *nmemb)
          size_t loc, i;
          char line[LINLEN];                                      /* buffer to hold input */
          fputs ("enter location to remove: ", stdout);           /* request idx to remove */
          if (!fgets (line, LINLEN, stdin) || *line == '\n') {    /* VALIDATE!, handle EOF */
              puts ("\n(user canceled input)\n");
              return 0;
          if (sscanf (line, "%zu", &loc) != 1) {                  /* convert/VALIDATE! */
              fputs ("  error: invalid location input.\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          if (NROWS - 1 < loc || *nmemb <= loc) {                 /* validate location */
              fputs ("  error: position requested out of range.\n", stderr);
              return 0;
          for (i = loc + 1; i < *nmemb; i++) {        /* loop from index above until end */
              strcpy (names[i - 1], names[i]);        /* overwrite row to remove */
              strcpy (groups[i - 1], groups[i]);      /* ditto */
          (*nmemb)--;                                 /* decrement no. of members in array */
          return 1;       /* return success */
      void prnarrays (char (*names)[MAXLEN], char (*groups)[MAXLEN], size_t nmemb)
          if (nmemb == 0) {
              puts ("\n(arrays empty)\n");
          for (size_t i = 0; i < nmemb; i++)
              printf ("%-20s  %s\n", names[i], groups[i]);
      int main (void) {
          char names[NROWS][MAXLEN] = {""},                       /* names */
              groups[NROWS][MAXLEN] = {""};                       /* groups */
          size_t nmemb = 0;                                       /* no. members in each */
          while (addarray (names, groups, &nmemb)) {}             /* add to both */
          prnarrays (names, groups, nmemb);                       /* output both */
          putchar ('\n');
          while (removearray (names, groups, &nmemb)) {}          /* remove from both */
          prnarrays (names, groups, nmemb);                       /* output both */