Arrays 是否从列标题创建VBA数组?

Arrays 是否从列标题创建VBA数组?,arrays,excel,vba,range,Arrays,Excel,Vba,Range,我有一个导出“NewExport”,它总是随机化我收到的数据列。我需要这些列与“TheOrder”中的列顺序对齐,因此此代码将有助于重新组织导出以与我已经构建的列标题对齐 我有132列需要重新对齐,虽然我可以全部键入,但必须有一种更简单的方法与我已经创建的列标题对齐。需要注意的是,下面的代码是从另一个StackOverflow答案中无耻地复制/粘贴的 Sub OrderColumns(ByVal NewExport As Workbook, ByVal TheOrder As Worksheet



Sub OrderColumns(ByVal NewExport As Workbook, ByVal TheOrder As Worksheet)

Dim correctOrder() As Variant
Dim lastCol As Long
Dim headerRng As Range, cel As Range
Dim mainWS As Worksheet

Set mainWS = NewExport.Worksheets("Sheet1")

'Need to figure out how to make this an array based on a Range
correctOrder() = Array(TheOrder.Range("A1:A132").Value)

With mainWS
    lastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    Set headerRng = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, lastCol))
End With

Dim newWS As Worksheet
Set newWS = Ninja.Sheets.Add
newWS.Name = "Rearranged Sheet"

Dim col As Long
With newWS
    For col = 1 To lastCol
        For Each cel In headerRng
            If cel.Value = correctOrder(col - 1) Then
                mainWS.Columns(cel.Column).Copy .Columns(col)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next cel
    Next col
End With

End Sub


Dim correctOrder(132) As Variant 
'132 will need to be changed if there's ever any more/less columns added/excluded

For i = 1 To 132
    correctOrder(i - 1) = TheOrder.Range("A" & i).Value




  • 该函数要求您传递要捕获的正确有序标题中的工作簿。您可以修改它以要求您的
  • 该函数返回一个一维数组
  • 该函数在



Sub TestSub()

    Dim CorrectOrderArray As Variant
    Dim TargetCorrectOrderElement As Variant
    Dim RandomOrderArray As Variant
    Dim TargetRandomOrderElement As Variant
    CorrectOrderArray = CorrectOrderHeadingsArrayFunction(Workbooks("Export (4).csv"))  'Change this to target your correct workbook
    RandomOrderArray = Sheet1.Range("A1:AZ1000")  'Change this to target the correct range for your data.
    For Each TargetCorrectOrderElement In CorrectOrderArray
        For TargetRandomOrderElement = LBound(RandomOrderArray) To UBound(RandomOrderArray)
            If RandomOrderArray(TargetRandomOrderElement) = TargetCorrectorderValue Then
                'Do some code to write that column to your worksheet
                Exit For  'Leaves the current iteration of the random order array loop to go to the next iteration of the correct order array
            End If
        Next TargetRandomOrderElement
    Next TargetCorrectOrderElement
End Sub

Sub TestSub()

    Dim CorrectOrderArray As Variant
    Dim TargetCorrectOrderElement As Variant
    Dim RandomOrderArray As Variant
    Dim TargetRandomOrderElement As Variant
    CorrectOrderArray = CorrectOrderHeadingsArrayFunction(Workbooks("Export (4).csv"))  'Change this to target your correct workbook
    RandomOrderArray = Sheet1.Range("A1:AZ1000")  'Change this to target the correct range for your data.
    For Each TargetCorrectOrderElement In CorrectOrderArray
        For TargetRandomOrderElement = LBound(RandomOrderArray) To UBound(RandomOrderArray)
            If RandomOrderArray(TargetRandomOrderElement) = TargetCorrectorderValue Then
                'Do some code to write that column to your worksheet
                Exit For  'Leaves the current iteration of the random order array loop to go to the next iteration of the correct order array
            End If
        Next TargetRandomOrderElement
    Next TargetCorrectOrderElement
End Sub