HTML敏捷包语法 HTML敏捷包语法,,html,,,Html,,使用此代码片段,我获得了div中的所有详细信息……我只想要地址。不知道agility pack,但这里有一个直接的屏幕刮板: Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim webGet = New HtmlWeb() Dim document = webGet.Load("http://www.ju


不知道agility pack,但这里有一个直接的屏幕刮板:

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim webGet = New HtmlWeb()
        Dim document = webGet.Load("")

        Dim nodes1 = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@class='logoDesc']")

        For Each node In nodes1
        Next node
    End Sub

可能重复:不,不是。实际上地址周围没有标记…所以我对如何获取地址感到困惑??我的意思是如何形成语法??尝试在之后选择节点并获取上一个#文本节点?@Tetsujinnoni我今天才开始使用HTML agility。你能给我指一些教程吗??或者给我举个例子??实际上没有星星……我只是用它们来突出显示地址……很抱歉搞混了:)
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim webGet = New HtmlWeb()
        Dim document = webGet.Load("")

        Dim nodes1 = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@class='logoDesc']")

        For Each node In nodes1
        Next node
    End Sub
    string page = Methods.GetPage("");
    int firstStars = page.IndexOf("***");
    string second = page.Substring(firstStars);
    int secondStars = second.IndexOf("***");

    //Add 3 to skip over the first three stars. May not need the +3, can't recall.
    string address = page.Substring(0 + 3, secondStars);

    public static string GetPage(string url)
        WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
        byte[] reqHTML;
        string page = string.Empty;

        UTF8Encoding objUTF8 = new UTF8Encoding();
            reqHTML = webClient.DownloadData(url);
            page = objUTF8.GetString(reqHTML);
        catch (Exception theex)

        return page;
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim webGet = New HtmlWeb()
    Dim document = webGet.Load("")
    Dim nodes1 = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@class='logoDesc']/text()")
    For Each node In nodes1
    Next node
End Sub