Assembly 如何用汇编语言绘制正方形?

Assembly 如何用汇编语言绘制正方形?,assembly,Assembly,我想用汇编语言画一个正方形。我骑过一些关于int10h的车。有人知道怎么做吗?请在这里放置一些代码,告诉我可以使用什么来绘制正方形,或者一些高质量的教程。谢谢。正如弗雷德里克·哈米迪所说,“int 0x10h”是一个过时的BIOS接口。如果您对汇编感兴趣,我强烈建议您避免使用16位DOS/Masm教程,并在更现代的操作系统(如Linux)上学习 我强烈推荐Jonathan Bartlett的“从头开始编程”: 然而,如果您真的想在16位实模式(即DOS)下绘制直线(或正方形),下面是一个示例:


正如弗雷德里克·哈米迪所说,“int 0x10h”是一个过时的BIOS接口。如果您对汇编感兴趣,我强烈建议您避免使用16位DOS/Masm教程,并在更现代的操作系统(如Linux)上学习

我强烈推荐Jonathan Bartlett的“从头开始编程”:



只是为了好玩,这里有一个轻率的回答。您可以从汇编语言程序访问OpenGL API。几年前(确切地说是2002年),我有一台Windows机器,并编写了一个NASM程序来绘制著名红皮书开头的彩色三角形。你可以调整它来画一个正方形。这是:

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; triangle.asm
; A very simple *Windows* OpenGL application using the GLUT library.  It
; draws a nicely colored triangle in a top-level application window.  One
; interesting thing is that the Windows GL and GLUT functions do NOT use the
; C calling convention; instead they use the "stdcall" convention which is
; like C except that the callee pops the parameters.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        global  _main
        extern  _glClear@4
        extern  _glBegin@4
        extern  _glEnd@0
        extern  _glColor3f@12
        extern  _glVertex3f@12
        extern  _glFlush@0
        extern  _glutInit@8
        extern  _glutInitDisplayMode@4
        extern  _glutInitWindowPosition@8
        extern  _glutInitWindowSize@8
        extern  _glutCreateWindow@4
        extern  _glutDisplayFunc@4
        extern  _glutMainLoop@0

        section .text
title:  db      'A Simple Triangle', 0
zero:   dd      0.0
one:    dd      1.0
half:   dd      0.5
neghalf:dd      -0.5

        push    dword 16384
        call    _glClear@4              ; glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
        push    dword 9
        call    _glBegin@4              ; glBegin(GL_POLYGON)
        push    dword 0
        push    dword 0
        push    dword [one]
        call    _glColor3f@12           ; glColor3f(1, 0, 0)
        push    dword 0
        push    dword [neghalf]
        push    dword [neghalf]
        call    _glVertex3f@12          ; glVertex(-.5, -.5, 0)
        push    dword 0
        push    dword [one]
        push    dword 0
        call    _glColor3f@12           ; glColor3f(0, 1, 0)
        push    dword 0
        push    dword [neghalf]
        push    dword [half]
        call    _glVertex3f@12          ; glVertex(.5, -.5, 0)
        push    dword [one]
        push    dword 0
        push    dword 0
        call    _glColor3f@12           ; glColor3f(0, 0, 1)
        push    dword 0
        push    dword [half]
        push    dword 0
        call    _glVertex3f@12          ; glVertex(0, .5, 0)
        call    _glEnd@0                ; glEnd()
        call    _glFlush@0              ; glFlush()

        push    dword [esp+8]           ; push argv
        lea     eax, [esp+8]            ; get addr of argc (offset changed :-)
        push    eax
        call    _glutInit@8             ; glutInit(&argc, argv)
        push    dword 0
        call    _glutInitDisplayMode@4
        push    dword 80
        push    dword 80
        call    _glutInitWindowPosition@8
        push    dword 300
        push    dword 400
        call    _glutInitWindowSize@8
        push    title
        call    _glutCreateWindow@4
        push    display
        call    _glutDisplayFunc@4
        call    _glutMainLoop@0

如果您需要在Linux(或Mac、Solaris或其他任何平台)上对其进行调整,您需要了解所有OpenGL调用是如何工作的;几乎可以肯定,它们的名称不会与我使用的这个Windows API中的名称相同


是一种比dirt更早的视频BIOS中断,在当前操作系统中无法从用户模式访问。您正在运行MS-DOS吗?您是指从DOS(模拟)运行吗?如果是,您使用的是什么视频模式?否则,您希望以什么图形API为目标?非常感谢!我想问,如何在下面画更多的线?正如您所看到的,上面的代码将电脑置于320x200x8模式(int 0x0x10,mode 0x13),然后将20个黄色像素(0x44)绘制到视频缓冲区(地址40960==0xa000)。视频缓冲区实际上是一个数组。第一行中的第一个像素是0xa000+0,第一行中的第二个像素是0xa000+1,等等。第二行中的第一个像素是0xa000+200,第二个是0xa000+201,等等。如果要绘制任何行中的任何像素,只需计算偏移量。要画一条水平线,只需加上“1”。要画一条垂直线,只需加上“200”。有道理吗?如果我错了,请纠正我。所以我必须填第一行才能填第二行?但非常感谢你,我想我需要我需要的。这不是一个好例子。您正在执行2字节存储(AX,而不是AL),但只将指针增加1。因此,最后一次迭代将
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; triangle.asm
; A very simple *Windows* OpenGL application using the GLUT library.  It
; draws a nicely colored triangle in a top-level application window.  One
; interesting thing is that the Windows GL and GLUT functions do NOT use the
; C calling convention; instead they use the "stdcall" convention which is
; like C except that the callee pops the parameters.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        global  _main
        extern  _glClear@4
        extern  _glBegin@4
        extern  _glEnd@0
        extern  _glColor3f@12
        extern  _glVertex3f@12
        extern  _glFlush@0
        extern  _glutInit@8
        extern  _glutInitDisplayMode@4
        extern  _glutInitWindowPosition@8
        extern  _glutInitWindowSize@8
        extern  _glutCreateWindow@4
        extern  _glutDisplayFunc@4
        extern  _glutMainLoop@0

        section .text
title:  db      'A Simple Triangle', 0
zero:   dd      0.0
one:    dd      1.0
half:   dd      0.5
neghalf:dd      -0.5

        push    dword 16384
        call    _glClear@4              ; glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
        push    dword 9
        call    _glBegin@4              ; glBegin(GL_POLYGON)
        push    dword 0
        push    dword 0
        push    dword [one]
        call    _glColor3f@12           ; glColor3f(1, 0, 0)
        push    dword 0
        push    dword [neghalf]
        push    dword [neghalf]
        call    _glVertex3f@12          ; glVertex(-.5, -.5, 0)
        push    dword 0
        push    dword [one]
        push    dword 0
        call    _glColor3f@12           ; glColor3f(0, 1, 0)
        push    dword 0
        push    dword [neghalf]
        push    dword [half]
        call    _glVertex3f@12          ; glVertex(.5, -.5, 0)
        push    dword [one]
        push    dword 0
        push    dword 0
        call    _glColor3f@12           ; glColor3f(0, 0, 1)
        push    dword 0
        push    dword [half]
        push    dword 0
        call    _glVertex3f@12          ; glVertex(0, .5, 0)
        call    _glEnd@0                ; glEnd()
        call    _glFlush@0              ; glFlush()

        push    dword [esp+8]           ; push argv
        lea     eax, [esp+8]            ; get addr of argc (offset changed :-)
        push    eax
        call    _glutInit@8             ; glutInit(&argc, argv)
        push    dword 0
        call    _glutInitDisplayMode@4
        push    dword 80
        push    dword 80
        call    _glutInitWindowPosition@8
        push    dword 300
        push    dword 400
        call    _glutInitWindowSize@8
        push    title
        call    _glutCreateWindow@4
        push    display
        call    _glutDisplayFunc@4
        call    _glutMainLoop@0