Autohotkey 按ctrl键和shift键不工作。啊

Autohotkey 按ctrl键和shift键不工作。啊,autohotkey,ctrl,Autohotkey,Ctrl,我正在使用这个代码。我玩计数器,按Ctrl键和Shift键。ahk不工作。游戏在Crtl和轮班工作,我需要补充 capslock::Suspend f2::ExitApp ~LButton:: ; while holding Left mouse button, usually fire loop ; preform this and loop it while the fire button is held { GetKeyState,updn, LButton, P ; che



~LButton::  ; while holding Left mouse button, usually fire
loop ; preform this and loop it while the fire button is held
    GetKeyState,updn, LButton, P ; check to see if its down
    if updn = U ; if its not down
        break ; break the loop 
    MouseClick, left,,, 2, 0, D ; if the loop isnt broken this
    MouseClick, left,,, 1, 0, U ; virtually send 2 downclicks then 1 up very fast
    DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 0, int, 1, uint, 0, int, 1) ; on the down click move the mouse position this much


