C 打印机密[0]和修改机密[0]漏洞攻击

C 打印机密[0]和修改机密[0]漏洞攻击,c,string,security,exploit,format-string,C,String,Security,Exploit,Format String,我有这个实验室要做,这是C格式字符串漏洞。我必须做三件事:使程序崩溃,打印出secret[0]或secret[1]值,并修改secret[0]或secret[1]。我成功地使程序崩溃了。我的问题是,我将如何执行其他两个步骤?我不明白如何做这些步骤,也找不到一个好的解释来帮助我理解它 /* vul_prog.c */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define SECRET1 0x44 #define SECRET2 0x5


/* vul_prog.c */


#define SECRET1 0x44
#define SECRET2 0x55

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char user_input[100];
    int *secret;
    int int_input;
    int a, b, c, d; /* other variables, not used here.*/

    /* The secret value is stored on the heap */
    secret = (int *) malloc(2*sizeof(int));

    /* getting the secret */
    secret[0] = SECRET1; secret[1] = SECRET2;

    printf("The variable secret's address is 0x%8x (on stack)\n",(unsigned int)&secret);
    printf("The variable secret's value is 0x%8x (on heap)\n", (unsigned int)secret);
    printf("secret[0]'s address is 0x%8x (on heap)\n", (unsigned int)&secret[0]);
    printf("secret[1]'s address is 0x%8x (on heap)\n", (unsigned int)&secret[1]);

    printf("Please enter a decimal integer\n");
    scanf("%d", &int_input);  /* getting an input from user */
    printf("Please enter a string\n");
    scanf("%s", user_input); /* getting a string from user */

    /* Vulnerable place */

    /* Verify whether your attack is successful */
    printf("The original secrets: 0x%x -- 0x%x\n", SECRET1, SECRET2);
    printf("The new secrets:      0x%x -- 0x%x\n", secret[0], secret[1]);
    return 0;


The variable secret's address is 0x5c349888 (on stack)
The variable secret's value is 0x49403250 (on heap)
secret[0]'s address is 0x49403250 (on heap)
secret[1]'s address is 0x49403254 (on heap)
Please enter a decimal integer
Please enter a string
Segmentation fault: 11