Cocoa 如何在OSX中访问NSX窗口的像素缓冲区?

Cocoa 如何在OSX中访问NSX窗口的像素缓冲区?,cocoa,macos,core-graphics,Cocoa,Macos,Core Graphics,我正在寻找一种方法来抓取窗口的内容,比如CamTwist的“桌面+”功能。这可以抓住任何窗口,即使它在背景中 苹果的OpenGLScreenCapture示例展示了如何从主屏幕而不是隐藏表面进行捕获 知道CamTwist是如何访问NSWindow的像素缓冲区的吗?AFAIK您不能使用官方API访问。当然这是可能的,否则苹果将如何实施Exposé呢?人们通过逆向工程苹果的代码创造的;使用它的风险由您自己承担(作为一个私有API,这些调用中的任何一个都可能会随着苹果的任何发布而随时发生变化,并且不会







/* Create an image containing a composite of the specified set of windows
   contained within a rectangular area. The set of windows is specified
   using options from `CGWindowListOption', along with an optional
   additional window ID.

   The windows list options are:

   --- kCGWindowListOptionAll, kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly: Use all
   on-screen windows in this user session to construct the image. The
   parameter `windowID' should be `kCGNullWindowID'.

   --- kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenAboveWindow: Use all on-screen windows in
   this user session above the window specified by `windowID', ordered from
   front to back, to construct the image. To include the window specified by
   `windowID', add the flag `kCGWindowListOptionIncludingWindow'.

   --- kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenBelowWindow: Use all on-screen windows in
   this user session below the window specified by `windowID', ordered from
   front to back, to construct the image. To include the window specified by
   `windowID', add the flag `kCGWindowListOptionIncludingWindow'.

   --- kCGWindowListOptionIncludingWindow: Use only the window specified by
   `windowID' to construct the image.

   The parameter `screenBounds' specifies the rectangle in screen space
   (origin at the upper-left; y-value increasing downward). Setting
   `screenBounds' to `CGRectInfinite' will include all the windows on the
   entire desktop. Setting `screenBounds' to `CGRectNull' will use the
   bounding box of the specified windows as the screen space rectangle.


   /* The parameter `imageOptions' allows you to specify whether the window
   frame ornamentation, such as a shadow or similar effect, should be
   included or excluded in the bounds calculation when `CGRectNull' is
   specified for the window bounds.

   If no windows meet the specified criteria, or the windows can't be read,
   then a transparent black image will be returned.

   Any on-screen window with sharing type `kCGWindowSharingNone' will not
   be included in the image.

   This function returns NULL if the caller is not running within a Quartz
   GUI session or the window server is disabled. */

CG_EXTERN CGImageRef CGWindowListCreateImage(CGRect screenBounds,
  CGWindowListOption listOption, CGWindowID windowID,
  CGWindowImageOption imageOption)

/* Create an image containing a composite of the specified set of windows
   contained within a rectangular area à la `CGWindowListCreateImage'. The
   set of windows is specified by `windowArray', an array of window IDs. */

CG_EXTERN CGImageRef CGWindowListCreateImageFromArray(CGRect screenBounds,
  CFArrayRef windowArray, CGWindowImageOption imageOption)