Coldfusion 9 Flash多文件上载小部件由于不相关的代码而失败

Coldfusion 9 Flash多文件上载小部件由于不相关的代码而失败,coldfusion,coldfusion-9,application.cfc,cffile,Coldfusion,Coldfusion 9,Application.cfc,Cffile,随着无法在应用程序中运行流程的其余部分(即按文件类型排序的文件和压缩功能),此问题将继续存在。我遇到的问题是,我的pdf压缩代码导致多文件上载程序冻结在99%,仍然成功上载第一个文件,但阻止后续文件上载 问题1:当我试图从列表中排除pdf文件时,文件上载失败 问题2:存在用于压缩pdf文件的查询和循环代码导致fileuploader在99%时停止,仍在上载第一个文件,但在多文件上载中没有后续文件 多文件上载处理程序代码 您是否有任何示例代码?ColdFusion日志中包含哪些内容?当使用flas





 <cfif Files eq 'Multiple'>
<cffile action="upload" destination= "c:\uploads\" result="myfiles" 
nameconflict="makeunique" >

<cfset fileSys = CreateObject('component','cfc.FileManagement')>

<cfif Len(get.realec_transactionid)>
    <cfset internalOnly=1 >

    <cfset uploadedfilenames='#myfiles.clientFile#' >

   <!---This variable contains the list of files from the multifile upload module--->    
    <cfset uploadedfilenames='#myfiles.clientFile#' >

<!---Exclude PDF file types from the file list to relocate to the NAS--->
                   <cfset lResultList = ""/>
            <cfset fileExtToExclude = "pdf" />
            <cfloop list="#uploadedfilenames#" index="fileItem" delimiters=",">
            <cfif ListLast(ListLast(fileItem, '\'), '.pdf') NEQ  
            <cfset lResultsList = ListAppend(lResultList, fileItem) />
**This is where the upload failure begins: when the original variable is set as the result of the above code**

        <cfset uploadedfilenames = lResultList />
        This subsequent code does not execute

    <cfquery name="addFile" datasource="#request.dsn#">
            INSERT INTO upload_many (title_id, fileDate, filetime, fileupload)
                    VALUES('#get.title_id#', '#dateTimeStamp#', '#a_insert_time#', '#new_file_name#')

        <cffile action="upload" destination= #ExpandPath("./uploaded_files/zip.txt")# nameconflict="overwrite" >
    <!---This block then pulls a file list from the DB table of files just uploaded and then loops through the names executing the pdf compression app on the files--->
    cffunction access="remote" name="compressFiles" returntype="void" output="no">
        <!---Get File List and Loop Through Compression--->
        <cfquery name="qryGetFilesJustUploaded" datasource="#request.dsn#">                                            
     <!--- Limit to filed with pdf file type endings --->
        SELECT fileupload
        FROM [First_Title_Services_Dev].[dbo].[upload_many]
        WHERE filedate >= '#dateTimeStamp#' AND fileupload Like '% .pdf'

        <cfloop query="qryGetFilesJustUploaded">
        <cfset pdf_file_name = 'qryGetFilesJustUploaded.fileupload' />
        <cfexecute name="C:\Program Files (x86)\\PDFcompress\cmdLine\CLcompr.exe"
        arguments="C:\uploads\#pdf_file_name# C:\uploads\#pdf_file_name# -co -ci jpg -cq 10 -gi jpg -gq 10 -mi jbig2 -mq 1"