
net.corda.core.flows.UnexpectedFlowEndException:试图使用空缓冲区访问已结束的会话SessionId(toLong=8223329095323268472),corda,Corda,我使用Corda 4.0 RC1,并拥有现金发行人存储库的克隆;我有一个Corda ResponderFlow,它应该做一个商业测试;目前它抛出一个异常;流程是以这种方式编程的 class ReceiveBankAccount(val otherSession: FlowSession) : FlowLogic<Unit>() { @Suspendable override fun call() {"Starting Rece

我使用Corda 4.0 RC1,并拥有现金发行人存储库的克隆;我有一个Corda ResponderFlow,它应该做一个商业测试;目前它抛出一个异常;流程是以这种方式编程的

class ReceiveBankAccount(val otherSession: FlowSession) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
    override fun call() {"Starting ReceiveBankAccount flow...")

        val signedTransactionFlow = object : SignTransactionFlow(otherSession) {
            override fun checkTransaction(stx: SignedTransaction) = requireThat {
                val bankAccountState = stx.tx.outputsOfType<BankAccountState>().single()
                val result = getBankAccountStateByAccountNumber(bankAccountState.accountNumber, serviceHub)
                if (result != null) {
                    val linearId =
                    throw IllegalArgumentException("Bank account $bankAccountState already exists with linearId ($linearId).")


        if (!serviceHub.myInfo.isLegalIdentity(otherSession.counterparty)) {

flow start AddBankAccount bankAccount: { accountId: "12345", accountName: "Roger's Account", accountNumber: { sortCode: "442200" , accountNumber: "13371337", type: "uk" }, currency: "GBP" }, verifier: Issuer: exception: Collection contains no element matching the predicate.
Fri Jan 18 11:14:03 CET 2019>>> [ERROR] 11:14:03+0100 [pool-8-thread-2] command.CRaSHSession.execute - Error while evaluating request 'flow start AddBankAccount bankAccount: { accountId: "12345", accountName: "Roger's Account", accountNumber: { sortCode: "442200" , accountNumber: "13371337", type: "uk" }, currency: "GBP" }, verifier: Issuer' flow start AddBankAccount bankAccount: { accountId: "12345", accountName: "Roger's Account", accountNumber: { sortCode: "442200" , accountNumber: "13371337", type: "uk" }, currency: "GBP" }, verifier: Issuer: exception: Collection contains no element matching the predicate. [errorCode=hf0q78, moreInformationAt=]
[WARN] 11:14:07+0100 [rpc-client-observation-pool-1] internal.RPCClientProxyHandler.onRemoval - A hot observable returned from an RPC was never subscribed to. This wastes server-side resources because it was queueing observations for retrieval. It is being closed now, but please adjust your code to call .notUsed() on the observable to close it explicitly. (Java users: subscribe to it then unsubscribe). If you aren't sure where the leak is coming from, set -Dnet.corda.client.rpc.trackRpcCallSites=true on the JVM command line and you will get a stack trace with this warning.
[WARN] 11:14:07+0100 [rpc-client-observation-pool-1] internal.RPCClientProxyHandler.onRemoval - A hot observable returned from an RPC was never subscribed to. This wastes server-side resources because it was queueing observations for retrieval. It is being closed now, but please adjust your code to call .notUsed() on the observable to close it explicitly. (Java users: subscribe to it then unsubscribe). If you aren't sure where the leak is coming from, set -Dnet.corda.client.rpc.trackRpcCallSites=true on the JVM command line and you will get a stack trace with this warning.
[WARN] 11:14:07+0100 [rpc-client-observation-pool-1] internal.RPCClientProxyHandler.onRemoval - A hot observable returned from an RPC was never subscribed to. This wastes server-side resources because it was queueing observations for retrieval. It is being closed now, but please adjust your code to call .notUsed() on the observable to close it explicitly. (Java users: subscribe to it then unsubscribe). If you aren't sure where the leak is coming from, set -Dnet.corda.client.rpc.trackRpcCallSites=true on the JVM command line and you will get a stack trace with this warning.

flow start AddBankAccount bankAccount: { accountId: "12345", accountName: "Roger's Account", accountNumber: { sortCode: "442200" , accountNumber: "13371337", type: "uk" }, currency: "GBP" }, verifier: Issuer: exception: Collection contains no element matching the predicate.
Fri Jan 18 11:14:03 CET 2019>>> [ERROR] 11:14:03+0100 [pool-8-thread-2] command.CRaSHSession.execute - Error while evaluating request 'flow start AddBankAccount bankAccount: { accountId: "12345", accountName: "Roger's Account", accountNumber: { sortCode: "442200" , accountNumber: "13371337", type: "uk" }, currency: "GBP" }, verifier: Issuer' flow start AddBankAccount bankAccount: { accountId: "12345", accountName: "Roger's Account", accountNumber: { sortCode: "442200" , accountNumber: "13371337", type: "uk" }, currency: "GBP" }, verifier: Issuer: exception: Collection contains no element matching the predicate. [errorCode=hf0q78, moreInformationAt=]
[WARN] 11:14:07+0100 [rpc-client-observation-pool-1] internal.RPCClientProxyHandler.onRemoval - A hot observable returned from an RPC was never subscribed to. This wastes server-side resources because it was queueing observations for retrieval. It is being closed now, but please adjust your code to call .notUsed() on the observable to close it explicitly. (Java users: subscribe to it then unsubscribe). If you aren't sure where the leak is coming from, set -Dnet.corda.client.rpc.trackRpcCallSites=true on the JVM command line and you will get a stack trace with this warning.
[WARN] 11:14:07+0100 [rpc-client-observation-pool-1] internal.RPCClientProxyHandler.onRemoval - A hot observable returned from an RPC was never subscribed to. This wastes server-side resources because it was queueing observations for retrieval. It is being closed now, but please adjust your code to call .notUsed() on the observable to close it explicitly. (Java users: subscribe to it then unsubscribe). If you aren't sure where the leak is coming from, set -Dnet.corda.client.rpc.trackRpcCallSites=true on the JVM command line and you will get a stack trace with this warning.
[WARN] 11:14:07+0100 [rpc-client-observation-pool-1] internal.RPCClientProxyHandler.onRemoval - A hot observable returned from an RPC was never subscribed to. This wastes server-side resources because it was queueing observations for retrieval. It is being closed now, but please adjust your code to call .notUsed() on the observable to close it explicitly. (Java users: subscribe to it then unsubscribe). If you aren't sure where the leak is coming from, set -Dnet.corda.client.rpc.trackRpcCallSites=true on the JVM command line and you will get a stack trace with this warning.



val command = Command(BankAccountContract.Add(), listOf(ourIdentity.owningKey))

你能用完整的stacktrace更新这个问题吗?还有,你用的是什么版本的Corda?嗨,Joel,我用的是Corda 4.0 RC 1;我的堆栈跟踪是在上面给出的,我使用的存储库是从RogerHmm做的现金发行人那里获取的,我看不出有什么错误。您可以发布流程的另一面(发起人运行的部分)吗?它与现金发行人存储库中的流程相同:
val command = Command(BankAccountContract.Add(), listOf(ourIdentity.owningKey,bankAccountState.verifier.owningKey))