C++ skiplist'中存在未知错误;s打印成员函数

C++ skiplist'中存在未知错误;s打印成员函数,c++,skip-lists,C++,Skip Lists,我一直在研究skiplist实现,但在打印它时遇到了一些问题。我想知道问题是出在我的打印算法还是我写的另一段代码上 QuadNode.h: #include "Entry.h" class QuadNode{ friend class SkipList; public: QuadNode(Entry* e= NULL) :prev(NULL), next(NULL), below(NULL), above(NULL), entry(e){}



#include "Entry.h"

class QuadNode{
    friend class SkipList;
    QuadNode(Entry* e= NULL)
    :prev(NULL), next(NULL), below(NULL), above(NULL), entry(e){}
    Entry* entry;
    int level;
    QuadNode* prev;
    QuadNode* next;
    QuadNode* below;
    QuadNode* above;

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

//declaration of entry class
class Entry{
            friend class SkipList;
                void random();
                int getKey(){return key;}
                string getData(){return data;}
                void toString();
                //private constructor so user can't make entry with same key and data as "special end entry"
                Entry(int k, string str)
                :key(k), data(str){}
                int key;
                string data;



    //creating the endpoints and setting their entries and making them point to eachother
    start = new QuadNode(new Entry(INT_MIN,""));
    end = new QuadNode(new Entry(INT_MAX,""));
    start->next = end;
    end->prev = start;

void SkipList::put(int k, string v){

    int count = 0;
    while(rand()%2 == 0){
    //adding new levels if they are needed
    for(int i = 0; i < (count - height) + 1; i++){
        start->above = new QuadNode(new Entry(INT_MIN,""));
        start->above->below = start;
        start = start->above;
        start->next = new QuadNode(new Entry(INT_MAX,""));
        start->next->prev = start;
    if(count - height >= 0){
        height += (count - height) + 1;
    int currHeight = height;
    QuadNode* curr = start;
    QuadNode* recentInsert = NULL;
    while(curr != NULL){
        if(k < curr->next->entry->key){//if the key is less than the next node we either insert and move down or just move down
            if (currHeight <= count){//if the current height is less than or equal to the "heads" count and we are in the right insertion spot, insert the a new node
                //creating the new node
                QuadNode* insertee = new QuadNode(new Entry(k,v));
                //linking it to the node above it
                insertee->above = recentInsert;
                if(recentInsert != NULL){
                    recentInsert->below = insertee;
                //linking it in on its respective level
                insertee->next = curr->next;
                curr->next->prev = insertee;
                insertee->prev = curr;
                curr->next = insertee;
                //storing it for use the next level
                recentInsert = insertee;      
            //moving down to the next lower level
            curr = curr->below;
        else if(k > curr->next->entry->key){//if the key is greater than the next nodes key then we move foreward
            curr = curr->next;
        else if(k == curr->next->entry->key){//if the key is already present on that level, change the key and move down
            curr->next->entry->data = v;
            //links it to last insert
            curr->next->above = recentInsert;
            recentInsert->below = curr->next;
            recentInsert = curr->next;
            //moves down to next level
            curr = curr->below;

void SkipList::print(){
    QuadNode* curr = start;
    curr = curr->below;
    QuadNode* bottomLeft = start;
    //going to bottom level
    while(bottomLeft->below != NULL){
        bottomLeft = bottomLeft->below;

    QuadNode* A;
    QuadNode* B;
    while(curr != NULL){
        A = curr;
        A = A->next;
        B = bottomLeft;
        B = B->next;
        cout << "-inf";
        while(A != NULL){
            if(A->entry->key == B->entry->key){
                if(A->next != NULL){
                A = A->next;
                B = B->next;
            if(A != NULL && A->entry->key != B->entry->key){
                B = B->next;
        cout << "inf" << endl;

        curr = curr->below;


一双“一”字的。这是因为我的打印功能还是skiplist是如何设计的? 谢谢
