如何检测Windows、Mac和Linux上的物理处理器/内核数量 我有一个多线程的C++应用程序,它运行在Windows、MAC和一些Linux的口味上。p>

如何检测Windows、Mac和Linux上的物理处理器/内核数量 我有一个多线程的C++应用程序,它运行在Windows、MAC和一些Linux的口味上。p>,c++,windows,macos,assembly,hyperthreading,C++,Windows,Macos,Assembly,Hyperthreading,长话短说:为了让它以最高效率运行,我必须能够为每个物理处理器/核心实例化一个线程。创建比物理处理器/内核更多的线程会大大降低程序的性能。我已经能够在这三个平台上正确地检测到逻辑处理器/内核的数量。为了能够正确检测物理处理器/内核的数量,我必须检测是否支持并激活了hyper-treading 因此,我的问题是,是否有一种方法可以检测超线程是否被支持和启用?如果是这样的话,具体是怎样的。我不知道这三种方法都是以相同的方式公开信息的,但是如果您可以安全地假设NT内核将根据POSIX标准报告设备信息(据





<>当然,所有的假设都是C++。对于ASM,我想您将只在x86或amd64 CPU上运行?您仍然需要两个分支路径,每个架构一个,您需要单独测试Intel和AMD(IIRC),但大体上您只需要检查CPUID。这就是你想要找到的吗?英特尔/AMD系列CPU上ASM的CPUID?


对于linux,/proc/cpuinfo文件。我不是在运行linux 现在,我不能给你更多的细节。你可以数数 物理/逻辑处理器实例。如果逻辑计数 是物理的两倍,则您已启用HT



int main(){


我对这个问题的理解是,你问的是如何检测CPU内核的数量与CPU线程的数量,这与检测系统中逻辑和物理内核的数量不同。CPU内核通常不被操作系统视为物理内核,除非它们有自己的包或死。因此,操作系统会报告Core 2 Duo,for例如,具有1个物理CPU和2个逻辑CPU,并且具有超线程的Intel P4将以完全相同的方式报告,尽管2个超线程与2个CPU内核在性能方面是完全不同的



  • 使用CPUID函数0检测CPU供应商
  • 从CPUID函数1检查CPU功能EDX中的HTT位28
  • 从CPUID函数1中的EBX[23:16]获取逻辑内核计数
  • 获取实际的非线程CPU内核计数
  • 如果vendor=='GenuineIntel',这是1加上CPUID函数4中的EAX[31:26]
  • 如果vendor=='AuthenticAMD',这是1加上CPUID函数0x8000008中的ECX[7:0]
  • 听起来很困难,但这里有一个希望与平台无关的C++程序,它的诀窍是:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    void cpuID(unsigned i, unsigned regs[4]) {
    #ifdef _WIN32
      __cpuid((int *)regs, (int)i);
      asm volatile
        ("cpuid" : "=a" (regs[0]), "=b" (regs[1]), "=c" (regs[2]), "=d" (regs[3])
         : "a" (i), "c" (0));
      // ECX is set to zero for CPUID function 4
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      unsigned regs[4];
      // Get vendor
      char vendor[12];
      cpuID(0, regs);
      ((unsigned *)vendor)[0] = regs[1]; // EBX
      ((unsigned *)vendor)[1] = regs[3]; // EDX
      ((unsigned *)vendor)[2] = regs[2]; // ECX
      string cpuVendor = string(vendor, 12);
      // Get CPU features
      cpuID(1, regs);
      unsigned cpuFeatures = regs[3]; // EDX
      // Logical core count per CPU
      cpuID(1, regs);
      unsigned logical = (regs[1] >> 16) & 0xff; // EBX[23:16]
      cout << " logical cpus: " << logical << endl;
      unsigned cores = logical;
      if (cpuVendor == "GenuineIntel") {
        // Get DCP cache info
        cpuID(4, regs);
        cores = ((regs[0] >> 26) & 0x3f) + 1; // EAX[31:26] + 1
      } else if (cpuVendor == "AuthenticAMD") {
        // Get NC: Number of CPU cores - 1
        cpuID(0x80000008, regs);
        cores = ((unsigned)(regs[2] & 0xff)) + 1; // ECX[7:0] + 1
      cout << "    cpu cores: " << cores << endl;
      // Detect hyper-threads  
      bool hyperThreads = cpuFeatures & (1 << 28) && cores < logical;
      cout << "hyper-threads: " << (hyperThreads ? "true" : "false") << endl;
      return 0;
    // test.cpp
    #include <omp.h>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      int nThreads = omp_get_max_threads();
      cout << "Can run as many as: " << nThreads << " threads." << endl;

     logical cpus: 4
        cpu cores: 4
    hyper-threads: false
    英特尔(R)至强(R)CPU E5520@2.27GHz(带x2个物理CPU包):

    英特尔(R)奔腾(R)4 CPU 3.00GHz:

     logical cpus: 2
        cpu cores: 1
    hyper-threads: true


    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    void cpuID(unsigned i, unsigned regs[4]) {
    #ifdef _WIN32
      __cpuid((int *)regs, (int)i);
      asm volatile
        ("cpuid" : "=a" (regs[0]), "=b" (regs[1]), "=c" (regs[2]), "=d" (regs[3])
         : "a" (i), "c" (0));
      // ECX is set to zero for CPUID function 4
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      unsigned regs[4];
      // Get vendor
      char vendor[12];
      cpuID(0, regs);
      ((unsigned *)vendor)[0] = regs[1]; // EBX
      ((unsigned *)vendor)[1] = regs[3]; // EDX
      ((unsigned *)vendor)[2] = regs[2]; // ECX
      string cpuVendor = string(vendor, 12);
      // Get CPU features
      cpuID(1, regs);
      unsigned cpuFeatures = regs[3]; // EDX
      // Logical core count per CPU
      cpuID(1, regs);
      unsigned logical = (regs[1] >> 16) & 0xff; // EBX[23:16]
      cout << " logical cpus: " << logical << endl;
      unsigned cores = logical;
      if (cpuVendor == "GenuineIntel") {
        // Get DCP cache info
        cpuID(4, regs);
        cores = ((regs[0] >> 26) & 0x3f) + 1; // EAX[31:26] + 1
      } else if (cpuVendor == "AuthenticAMD") {
        // Get NC: Number of CPU cores - 1
        cpuID(0x80000008, regs);
        cores = ((unsigned)(regs[2] & 0xff)) + 1; // ECX[7:0] + 1
      cout << "    cpu cores: " << cores << endl;
      // Detect hyper-threads  
      bool hyperThreads = cpuFeatures & (1 << 28) && cores < logical;
      cout << "hyper-threads: " << (hyperThreads ? "true" : "false") << endl;
      return 0;
    // test.cpp
    #include <omp.h>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      int nThreads = omp_get_max_threads();
      cout << "Can run as many as: " << nThreads << " threads." << endl;




    对于Intel CPUID,应使用.Bh。该解决方案看起来并不简单。对于AMD,需要使用不同的解决方案





    这是一个针对使用CPUID leaf 11(Bh)的英特尔处理器的解决方案。执行此操作的方法是在逻辑处理器上循环,并从CPUID获取每个逻辑处理器的x2APIC ID,并计算最低有效位为零的x2APIC ID数。对于没有超线程的系统,x2APIC ID将始终为偶数。对于具有超线程的系统,每个x2APIC ID将具有偶数和奇数版本

    // input:  eax = functionnumber, ecx = 0
    // output: eax = output[0], ebx = output[1], ecx = output[2], edx = output[3]
    //static inline void cpuid (int output[4], int functionnumber)  
    int getNumCores(void) {
        //Assuming an Intel processor with CPUID leaf 11
        int cores = 0;
        #pragma omp parallel reduction(+:cores)
            int regs[4];
            if(!(regs[3]&1)) cores++; 
        return cores;

    我在我的4核/8 HT系统上测试了这个,它返回了
    $ g++ -fopenmp -o test.o test.cpp
    $ g++ -fopenmp -o test.o -lstdc++ test.cpp
    // input:  eax = functionnumber, ecx = 0
    // output: eax = output[0], ebx = output[1], ecx = output[2], edx = output[3]
    //static inline void cpuid (int output[4], int functionnumber)  
    int getNumCores(void) {
        //Assuming an Intel processor with CPUID leaf 11
        int cores = 0;
        #pragma omp parallel reduction(+:cores)
            int regs[4];
            if(!(regs[3]&1)) cores++; 
        return cores;
    $ sysctl hw
    hw.ncpu: 24
    hw.activecpu: 24
    hw.physicalcpu: 12  <-- number of cores
    hw.physicalcpu_max: 12
    hw.logicalcpu: 24   <-- number of cores including hyper-threaded cores
    hw.logicalcpu_max: 24
    hw.packages: 2      <-- number of CPU packages
    hw.ncpu = 24
    hw.availcpu = 24
    #include <hwloc.h>
    int nPhysicalProcessorCount = 0;
    hwloc_topology_t sTopology;
    if (hwloc_topology_init(&sTopology) == 0 &&
        hwloc_topology_load(sTopology) == 0)
        nPhysicalProcessorCount =
            hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_type(sTopology, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE);
    if (nPhysicalProcessorCount < 1)
    #ifdef _OPENMP
        nPhysicalProcessorCount = omp_get_num_procs();
        nPhysicalProcessorCount = 1;
    #ifdef _WIN32
        #include <windows.h>
    #elif MACOS
        #include <sys/param.h>
        #include <sys/sysctl.h>
        #include <unistd.h>
    uint32_t registers[4];
    unsigned logicalcpucount;
    unsigned physicalcpucount;
    #ifdef _WIN32
    SYSTEM_INFO systeminfo;
    GetSystemInfo( &systeminfo );
    logicalcpucount = systeminfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
    logicalcpucount = sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN );
    __asm__ __volatile__ ("cpuid " :
                          "=a" (registers[0]),
                          "=b" (registers[1]),
                          "=c" (registers[2]),
                          "=d" (registers[3])
                          : "a" (1), "c" (0));
    unsigned CPUFeatureSet = registers[3];
    bool hyperthreading = CPUFeatureSet & (1 << 28);
    if (hyperthreading){
        physicalcpucount = logicalcpucount / 2;
    } else {
        physicalcpucount = logicalcpucount;
    fprintf (stdout, "LOGICAL: %i\n", logicalcpucount);
    fprintf (stdout, "PHYSICAL: %i\n", physicalcpucount);
        #include <iostream>
        #include <boost/thread.hpp>
        int main()
            std::cout << boost::thread::physical_concurrency();
            return 0;
    $ python -c "import psutil; psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <libcpuid.h>
    int main(void)
        if (!cpuid_present()) {                                                // check for CPUID presence
            printf("Sorry, your CPU doesn't support CPUID!\n");
            return -1;
    if (cpuid_get_raw_data(&raw) < 0) {                                    // obtain the raw CPUID data
            printf("Sorry, cannot get the CPUID raw data.\n");
            printf("Error: %s\n", cpuid_error());                          // cpuid_error() gives the last error description
            return -2;
    if (cpu_identify(&raw, &data) < 0) {                                   // identify the CPU, using the given raw data.
            printf("Sorrry, CPU identification failed.\n");
            printf("Error: %s\n", cpuid_error());
            return -3;
    printf("Found: %s CPU\n", data.vendor_str);                            // print out the vendor string (e.g. `GenuineIntel')
        printf("Processor model is `%s'\n", data.cpu_codename);                // print out the CPU code name (e.g. `Pentium 4 (Northwood)')
        printf("The full brand string is `%s'\n", data.brand_str);             // print out the CPU brand string
        printf("The processor has %dK L1 cache and %dK L2 cache\n",
            data.l1_data_cache, data.l2_cache);                            // print out cache size information
        printf("The processor has %d cores and %d logical processors\n",
            data.num_cores, data.num_logical_cpus);                        // print out CPU cores information