C++ 有没有办法打破一个getline?

C++ 有没有办法打破一个getline?,c++,C++,您可以在循环中使用std::getline()读取每一行,然后使用std::find_if()查找该行的第一位数字。这就是拆分字符串的位置。我将把食物名称后面的空格删掉交给你处理 Hamburger 1.89 Cheeseburger 2.29 French Fries 1.59 Onion Rings 1.59 Soda 1.29 Iced Tea 1.29 输出: #include <iostream> #include <sstream


Hamburger    1.89
Cheeseburger 2.29
French Fries 1.59
Onion Rings  1.59
Soda         1.29
Iced Tea     1.29


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>

int main()
    using namespace std;

    istringstream is(
R"(Hamburger    1.89
Cheeseburger 2.29
French Fries 1.59
Onion Rings  1.59
Soda 24      1.29
Iced Tea     free

    string line;
    while( getline( is, line ) )
        auto itLineRevEnd = crend( line );

        // Find end (reverse begin) of price token.
        auto itPriceRevBegin = find_if( crbegin( line ), itLineRevEnd, []( char c ){ return ! isspace( c ); } );
        if( itPriceRevBegin != itLineRevEnd )
            // Find begin (reverse end) of price token.
            auto itPriceRevEnd = find_if( itPriceRevBegin, itLineRevEnd, []( char c ){ return isspace( c ); } );
            if( itPriceRevEnd != itLineRevEnd )
                // Find end (reverse begin) of name.
                auto itNameRevBegin = find_if( itPriceRevEnd, itLineRevEnd, []( char c ){ return ! isspace( c ); } );
                if( itNameRevBegin != itLineRevEnd )
                    // Call reverse_iterator::base() to turn them into forward iterators (otherwise strings would be reversed).
                    string name( itLineRevEnd.base(), itNameRevBegin.base() );
                    string price( itPriceRevEnd.base(), itPriceRevBegin.base() );

                    cout << "\nFood: \"" << name << "\"";
                    cout << "\nPrice: ";

                        double priceNum = stod( price );
                        cout << priceNum << endl;     
                    catch( std::exception& e )
                        // Conversion error or out-of-range.
                        cout << "ERROR" << endl;

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>

int main()
    using namespace std;

    istringstream is(
R"(Hamburger    1.89
Cheeseburger 2.29
French Fries 1.59
Onion Rings  1.59
Soda         1.29
Iced Tea     1.29

    string s;
    while( getline( is, s ) )
        auto it = find_if( begin( s ), end( s ), []( char c ){ return isdigit( c ); } );
        if( it != end( s ) )
            string name( begin( s ), it );
            string price( it, end( s ) );
            cout << "\nFood: " << name << "\nPrice: " << price << endl;   
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>

int main()
    using namespace std;

    istringstream is(
R"(Hamburger    1.89
Cheeseburger 2.29
French Fries 1.59
Onion Rings  1.59
Soda 24      1.29
Iced Tea     free

    string line;
    while( getline( is, line ) )
        auto itLineRevEnd = crend( line );

        // Find end (reverse begin) of price token.
        auto itPriceRevBegin = find_if( crbegin( line ), itLineRevEnd, []( char c ){ return ! isspace( c ); } );
        if( itPriceRevBegin != itLineRevEnd )
            // Find begin (reverse end) of price token.
            auto itPriceRevEnd = find_if( itPriceRevBegin, itLineRevEnd, []( char c ){ return isspace( c ); } );
            if( itPriceRevEnd != itLineRevEnd )
                // Find end (reverse begin) of name.
                auto itNameRevBegin = find_if( itPriceRevEnd, itLineRevEnd, []( char c ){ return ! isspace( c ); } );
                if( itNameRevBegin != itLineRevEnd )
                    // Call reverse_iterator::base() to turn them into forward iterators (otherwise strings would be reversed).
                    string name( itLineRevEnd.base(), itNameRevBegin.base() );
                    string price( itPriceRevEnd.base(), itPriceRevBegin.base() );

                    cout << "\nFood: \"" << name << "\"";
                    cout << "\nPrice: ";

                        double priceNum = stod( price );
                        cout << priceNum << endl;     
                    catch( std::exception& e )
                        // Conversion error or out-of-range.
                        cout << "ERROR" << endl;
Food: "Hamburger"   
Price: 1.89

Food: "Cheeseburger"
Price: 2.29

Food: "French Fries"
Price: 1.59    

Food: "Onion Rings"
Price: 1.59

Food: "Soda 24"
Price: 1.29

Food: "Iced Tea"
Price: ERROR