C# eaver不知道这些技术被称为什么,我只是更喜欢在子实体上迭代1000次时生成一个SQL server请求的方法,而不是1000个请求。您好,您知道这一点吗?我没有,我也从未再次讨论过这个问题。这应该被删除,因为这不是一个答案,而是一个问题。 //

C# eaver不知道这些技术被称为什么,我只是更喜欢在子实体上迭代1000次时生成一个SQL server请求的方法,而不是1000个请求。您好,您知道这一点吗?我没有,我也从未再次讨论过这个问题。这应该被删除,因为这不是一个答案,而是一个问题。 //,c#,asp.net,linq-to-sql,C#,Asp.net,Linq To Sql,eaver不知道这些技术被称为什么,我只是更喜欢在子实体上迭代1000次时生成一个SQL server请求的方法,而不是1000个请求。您好,您知道这一点吗?我没有,我也从未再次讨论过这个问题。这应该被删除,因为这不是一个答案,而是一个问题。 //cdc is my datacontext DataLoadOptions options = new DataLoadOptions(); options.LoadWith<Global>(p => p.Category

eaver不知道这些技术被称为什么,我只是更喜欢在子实体上迭代1000次时生成一个SQL server请求的方法,而不是1000个请求。您好,您知道这一点吗?我没有,我也从未再次讨论过这个问题。这应该被删除,因为这不是一个答案,而是一个问题。
    //cdc is my datacontext

DataLoadOptions options = new DataLoadOptions();

options.LoadWith<Global>(p => p.Category);
options.AssociateWith<Global>(p => p.Category.OrderBy(o => o.SortOrder));
options.LoadWith<Category>(p => p.ItemTypes);
options.AssociateWith<Category>(p => p.ItemTypes.OrderBy(o => o.SortOrder));

cdc.LoadOptions = options;

TraceTextWriter traceWriter = new TraceTextWriter();
cdc.Log = traceWriter;

var query =
from g in cdc.Global
where g.active == true && g.globalid == 41
select g;

var globalList = query.ToList();

// In this case I have hardcoded an id while I figure this out
// but intend on trying to figure out a way to include something like globalid in (#,#,#)
foreach (var g in globalList)

   // I only have one result set, but if I had multiple globals this would run however many times and execute multiple queries like it does farther down in the hierarchy 
    List<Category> categoryList = g.category.ToList<Category>();

    // Doing some processing that sticks parent record into a hierarchical collection

    var categories = (from comp in categoryList
        where comp.Type == i 
        select comp).ToList<Category>();

    foreach (var c in categories)
        // Doing some processing that stick child records into a hierarchical collection
        // Here is where multiple queries are run for each type collection in the category
        // I want to somehow run this above the loop once where I can get all the Items for the categories
        // And just do a filter

        List<ItemType> typeList = c.ItemTypes.ToList<ItemType>();

        var itemTypes = (from cat in TypeList
                where cat.itemLevel == 2
                select cat).ToList<ItemType>();

        foreach (var t in itemTypes)
           // Doing some processing that stick child records into a hierarchical collection                            
    var query =
    from g in cdc.Global
    where g.active == true && g.globalId == 41
    select g;

    var globalList = query.ToList();

    List<Category> categoryList = g.category.ToList<Category>();

    var categoryIds = from c in cdc.Category
                where c.globalId == g.globalId
                select c.categoryId;

    var types = from t in cdc.ItemTypes
                where categoryIds.Any(i => i == t.categoryId)
                select t;

    List<ItemType> TypeList = types.ToList<ItemType>();

    var items = from i in cdc.Items
                from d in cdc.ItemData
                where i.ItemId == d.ItemId && d.labelId == 1
                where types.Any(i => i == r.ItemTypes)
                select new 
                        // A Bunch of more fields shortened for berevity

    var ItemList = items.ToList();

    // Keep on going down the hierarchy if you need more child results
    // Do your processing psuedocode
    for each item in list
        filter child list
        for each item in child list