C# 搜索引擎优化(SEO)&;使用ASP.Net的友好URL

C# 搜索引擎优化(SEO)&;使用ASP.Net的友好URL,c#,asp.net,C#,Asp.net,请告诉我使用ASP.Net实现搜索引擎优化(SEO)和友好URL的最佳方法。就SEO而言,请参阅谷歌提供的以下指南: 它不会确切地告诉你如何在ASP.NET中做到这一点,但它会提供如何改进网站SEO的建议。然后,一旦你决定了一项改进搜索引擎优化的任务,你就可以专注于如何在ASP.NET中实现该特定项目。我有一些想法给你 1- avoid using table. use div instead. 2- write the title of the page then use general de




1- avoid using table. use div instead.
2- write the title of the page then use general description of the page;
  for instance; Apples , Goldville Co. 
3- keep your keywords up to five for each page. use a sentence for the description which only describes the current page.
4- for asp.net I recommend intelligencia component which is free. or if you use asp.net mvc, friendly url comes default.
5- keep linking among pages. like wikipedia does.

祝你好运 bk