C# 频率为“a”和“b”的1.5倍。但很容易看出,您的算法并不总是在结果中产生“c”

C# 频率为“a”和“b”的1.5倍。但很容易看出,您的算法并不总是在结果中产生“c”,c#,statistics,probability,C#,Statistics,Probability,实现这一点的一种算法是,将项目沿数字线从0到1排列,使其占据与其权重成比例的线段,然后随机选择0到1/x之间的数字“开始”,然后找到所有点“开始+n/x”(对于所有整数n,使点在0到1之间)并生成包含由这些点标记的项的集合 换句话说,类似于: a.) optionally shuffle the list of elements (if you need random combinations of elements in addition to respecting the weights)



a.) optionally shuffle the list of elements (if you need random combinations of elements in addition to respecting the weights)  
b.) create a list of cumulative weights, if you will, called borders, such that borders[0] = items[0].weight and borders[i] = borders[i - 1] + items[i].weight  
c.) calculate the sum of all the weights => total_weight  
d.) step_size = total_weight / x  
e.) next_stop = pick a random number between [0, step_size)  
f.) current_item = 0  
g.) while next_stop < total_weight:
h.)   while borders[current_item] < next_stop:  
i.)     current_item += 1  
j.)   append items[current_item] to the output  
k.)   next_stop += step_size
b、 )创建一个名为borders的累积权重列表,使borders[0]=项目[0]。权重和borders[i]=边框[i-1]+项目[i]。权重
c、 )计算所有权重之和=>总权重
d、 )步长=总重量/x
e、 )next_stop=在[0,步长大小]之间选择一个随机数
f、 )当前项目=0
g、 )下一站时<总重量:
h、 )而边框[当前项目]<下一站:
i、 )当前_项+=1
j、 )将项[当前项]附加到输出
k、 )下一站+=步长

order by Guid.NewGuid()
var cards = new List<Card>
    new Card { Id = 1, AttributionRate = 1 }, // 10 %
    new Card { Id = 2, AttributionRate = 3 }, // 30 %
    new Card { Id = 3, AttributionRate = 5 }, // 50 %
    new Card { Id = 4, AttributionRate = 1 }, // 10 %
public class CardAttributor : ICardsAttributor
    private static Random random = new Random();

    private List<Node> GenerateHeap(List<Card> cards)
        List<Node> nodes = new List<Node>();

        foreach (Card card in cards)
            nodes.Add(new Node(card.AttributionRate, card, card.AttributionRate));

        for (int i = nodes.Count - 1; i > 1; i--)
            nodes[i>>1].TotalWeight += nodes[i].TotalWeight;

        return nodes;

    private Card PopFromHeap(List<Node> heap)
        Card card = null;

        int gas = random.Next(heap[1].TotalWeight);
        int i = 1;

        while (gas >= heap[i].Weight)
            gas -= heap[i].Weight;
            i <<= 1;

            if (gas >= heap[i].TotalWeight)
                gas -= heap[i].TotalWeight;
                i += 1;

        int weight = heap[i].Weight;
        card = heap[i].Value;

        heap[i].Weight = 0;

        while (i > 0)
            heap[i].TotalWeight -= weight;
            i >>= 1;

        return card;

    public List<Card> PickMultipleCards(List<Card> cards, int cardsToPickCount)
        List<Card> pickedCards = new List<Card>();

        List<Node> heap = GenerateHeap(cards);

        for (int i = 0; i < cardsToPickCount; i++)

        return pickedCards;

class Node
    public int Weight { get; set; }
    public Card Value { get; set; }
    public int TotalWeight { get; set; }

    public Node(int weight, Card value, int totalWeight)
        Weight = weight;
        Value = value;
        TotalWeight = totalWeight;

public class Card
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int AttributionRate { get; set; }
Card GetCard(List<Card> cards)
  int total = 0;
  foreach (Card c in cards)
    total += AttributionRate;

  int index = Random.Next(0, total - 1);
  foreach(Card c in cards)
    index -= c.AttributionRate;
    if (index < 0)
      return c;

Card PopCard(List<Card> cards)
  Card c = GetCard(cards);
var deck = new List<Card>();

cards.ForEach(c => 
    for(int i = 0; i < c.AttributionRate; i++)
deck = deck.OrderBy(c => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList();
var hand = deck.Take(x)
Card 1: 9.932% 
Card 2: 30.15% 
Card 3: 49.854% 
Card 4: 10.064% 
Card 1: 10.024%
Card 2: 30.034%
Card 3: 50.034% 
Card 4: 9.908% 
Card 1: 10.4%  
Card 2: 32.2% 
Card 3: 48.4% 
Card 4: 9.0% 

Card 1: 7.5%
Card 2: 28.1%
Card 3: 50.0% 
Card 4: 14.4% 
heap[i].Weight = 0;
int gas = random.Next(heap[1].TotalWeight);
a.) optionally shuffle the list of elements (if you need random combinations of elements in addition to respecting the weights)  
b.) create a list of cumulative weights, if you will, called borders, such that borders[0] = items[0].weight and borders[i] = borders[i - 1] + items[i].weight  
c.) calculate the sum of all the weights => total_weight  
d.) step_size = total_weight / x  
e.) next_stop = pick a random number between [0, step_size)  
f.) current_item = 0  
g.) while next_stop < total_weight:
h.)   while borders[current_item] < next_stop:  
i.)     current_item += 1  
j.)   append items[current_item] to the output  
k.)   next_stop += step_size