C# 在解析图像之前到达文件结尾

C# 在解析图像之前到达文件结尾,c#,asp.net,html,asp.net-mvc-3,C#,Asp.net,Html,Asp.net Mvc 3,谁能告诉我为什么… 正在用初始值标记错误 '<' End of file was reached before the 'img' tag could be parsed. Elements inside markup blocks must be complete. They must either be self-closing("<br />") or have matching end tags ("<p>Hello</p>




    End of file was reached before the 'img' tag could be parsed. Elements inside markup blocks must be complete. 
    They must either be self-closing("<br />") or have matching end tags ("<p>Hello</p>". 
    If you intended to display a "<" character, use the "&lt;" HTML entity.



<img src='@Url.Action("Index", "ReturnImage", @Model.GUID)' alt="Doorstep signature" style="width:290px;height:290px;"/>