C# 如何使用C在协议缓冲区中使用名称空间#

C# 如何使用C在协议缓冲区中使用名称空间#,c#,protocol-buffers,C#,Protocol Buffers,我正在使用协议缓冲区,希望使用Protobuf net生成.cs文件 因此,我准备了test1.proto和test2.proto文件,如下所示 message Test1 { required string test = 1; } import "test1.proto"; message Test2 { required Test1 test = 1; } //------------------------------------------------------

我正在使用协议缓冲区,希望使用Protobuf net生成.cs文件


message Test1 {
    required string test = 1;

import "test1.proto";

message Test2 {
    required Test1 test = 1;
    // <auto-generated>
    //     This code was generated by a tool.
    //     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
    //     the code is regenerated.
    // </auto-generated>


// Generated from: test1.proto
namespace test1
  [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"Test1")]
  public partial class Test1 : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
    public Test1() {}

    private string _test;
    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"test", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
    public string test
      get { return _test; }
      set { _test = value; }
    private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }


// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>

// Generated from: test2.proto
// Note: requires additional types generated from: test1.proto
namespace test2
  [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"Test2")]
  public partial class Test2 : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
    public Test2() {}

    private Test1 _test;
    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"test", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
    public Test1 test
      get { return _test; }
      set { _test = value; }
    private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }

    // <auto-generated>
    //     This code was generated by a tool.
    //     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
    //     the code is regenerated.
    // </auto-generated>


// Generated from: test1.proto
namespace test1
  [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"Test1")]
  public partial class Test1 : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
    public Test1() {}

    private string _test;
    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"test", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
    public string test
      get { return _test; }
      set { _test = value; }
    private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }


message Test1 {
    required string test = 1;

import "test1.proto";

message Test2 {
    required Test1 test = 1;
    // <auto-generated>
    //     This code was generated by a tool.
    //     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
    //     the code is regenerated.
    // </auto-generated>


// Generated from: test1.proto
namespace test1
  [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"Test1")]
  public partial class Test1 : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
    public Test1() {}

    private string _test;
    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"test", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
    public string test
      get { return _test; }
      set { _test = value; }
    private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }


// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>

// Generated from: test2.proto
// Note: requires additional types generated from: test1.proto
namespace test2
  [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"Test2")]
  public partial class Test2 : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
    public Test2() {}

    private Test1 _test;
    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"test", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
    public Test1 test
      get { return _test; }
      set { _test = value; }
    private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }

    // <auto-generated>
    //     This code was generated by a tool.
    //     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
    //     the code is regenerated.
    // </auto-generated>


// Generated from: test1.proto
namespace test1
  [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"Test1")]
  public partial class Test1 : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
    public Test1() {}

    private string _test;
    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"test", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
    public string test
      get { return _test; }
      set { _test = value; }
    private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }

获取{return\u test;}
设置{u test=value;}
全局::ProtoBuf.IExtension全局::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
{return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject,createIfMissing);}
获取{return\u test;}
设置{u test=value;}
全局::ProtoBuf.IExtension全局::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
{return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject,createIfMissing);}
但是,没有“usingtest1”语句。 如果我想添加using语句,手动添加using语句是唯一的方法吗


谢谢你,马克先生。 我使用Protobuf网络。 test1.cs代码如下所示

message Test1 {
    required string test = 1;

import "test1.proto";

message Test2 {
    required Test1 test = 1;
    // <auto-generated>
    //     This code was generated by a tool.
    //     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
    //     the code is regenerated.
    // </auto-generated>


// Generated from: test1.proto
namespace test1
  [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"Test1")]
  public partial class Test1 : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
    public Test1() {}

    private string _test;
    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"test", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
    public string test
      get { return _test; }
      set { _test = value; }
    private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }


// <auto-generated>
//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>

// Generated from: test2.proto
// Note: requires additional types generated from: test1.proto
namespace test2
  [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"Test2")]
  public partial class Test2 : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
    public Test2() {}

    private Test1 _test;
    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"test", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
    public Test1 test
      get { return _test; }
      set { _test = value; }
    private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }

    // <auto-generated>
    //     This code was generated by a tool.
    //     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
    //     the code is regenerated.
    // </auto-generated>


// Generated from: test1.proto
namespace test1
  [global::System.Serializable, global::ProtoBuf.ProtoContract(Name=@"Test1")]
  public partial class Test1 : global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible
    public Test1() {}

    private string _test;
    [global::ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, IsRequired = true, Name=@"test", DataFormat = global::ProtoBuf.DataFormat.Default)]
    public string test
      get { return _test; }
      set { _test = value; }
    private global::ProtoBuf.IExtension extensionObject;
    global::ProtoBuf.IExtension global::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
      { return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject, createIfMissing); }

获取{return\u test;}
设置{u test=value;}
全局::ProtoBuf.IExtension全局::ProtoBuf.IExtensible.GetExtensionObject(bool createIfMissing)
{return global::ProtoBuf.Extensible.GetExtensionObject(ref extensionObject,createIfMissing);}

您正在使用哪些工具?Protobuf网络?Protobuf csharp端口?Test1在哪个命名空间中生成?注意:您的意思是“使用指令”,而不是“使用语句”