C# 声明要在其他地方使用的变量

C# 声明要在其他地方使用的变量,c#,C#,我有以下代码: private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { string Elementsfile; if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\checkfiles.lst")) { string path = Application.StartupPath + "\


private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
        string Elementsfile;
        if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\checkfiles.lst"))
            string path = Application.StartupPath + "\\checkfiles.lst";

            // Open the file to read from.
            foreach (string readText in File.ReadLines(path))
                var elements = readText.Split('|');
                Elementsfile = elements[0];
                string HashString = elements[1];
                string ByteSize = elements[2];
                Console.WriteLine(Elementsfile + HashString + ByteSize);

        string filePath = Elementsfile;

string Elementsfile = elements[0];
string HashString = elements[1];
string ByteSize = elements[2];

当我尝试使用它们时,例如:string filePath=Elementfile;,我得到了错误




class X {
   string ElementsFile;
   string HashString;

   void method(){
        ElementsFile = "file.txt"; // notice how you just assign the values 
        HashString = "something";  // instead of redefining them as string

class X {
   string ElementsFile;
   string HashString;

   void method(){
        ElementsFile = "file.txt"; // notice how you just assign the values 
        HashString = "something";  // instead of redefining them as string

class X {  
   void method(){
        string ElementsFile;
        string HashString;

        foreach(something) {
            ElementsFile = "file.txt"; 
            HashString = "something";  

        // Use the variables here



public class MyClass
    string myClassVar; // this one is usable throughout the class

    void MyMethod()
        string myMethodVar; // This one is visible inside this method
        string path = Application.StartupPath + "\\checkfiles.lst";

        // Open the file to read from.
        foreach (string readText in File.ReadLines(path))
            var elements = readText.Split('|');
            string Elementsfile = elements[0];    // these ones are visible inside the for loop
            string HashString = elements[1];
            string ByteSize = elements[2];
            Console.WriteLine(Elementsfile + HashString + ByteSize);



public class HashEntryModel { //name it whatever represents a single line in your file
  public string ElementsFile { get;set;}
  public string Hash { get;set;}
  public string ByteSize { get;set;} //sounds like an integer?  Perhaps instead of string declare as int and parse with int.TryParse?

public class SomeClass()
 public List<HashEntryModel> HashEntries {get;set;}

 public SomeClass(){
   HashEntries = new List<HashEntryModel>();

 public void SomeMethod() 
  string path = Application.StartupPath + "\\checkfiles.lst";

  // Open the file to read from.
  foreach (string readText in File.ReadLines(path))
    var elements = readText.Split('|');
    HashEntryModel current = new HashEntryModel();
    current.ElementsFile = elements[0];
    current.Hash = elements[1];
    current.ByteSize = elements[2];

    HashEntries.Add(current);//add the entry we just parsed to the list

  //now anywhere in this class we can loop through the entries:

  foreach(HashEntryModel item in HashEntries)
    Console.WriteLine(item.ElementsFile + item.Hash + item.ByteSize);



在您的示例中,您在foreach之后使用string ElementsFile,我试图在foreach之后和if语句外部使用它。@hulu804:if语句也被视为单独的上下文。在仍然允许您在两种上下文中使用的最低级别上声明变量ElementsFile。如果您无法理解:请编辑您的帖子,这样我就可以看到您的情况。@Hulu8004您的示例不显示此场景没有If,但假设您有If…{..foreach…{…ElementsFile=…},然后使用Jeroen在第二个示例中使用的相同技术,将变量的声明移动到if:string ElementsFile;…if…{..foreach…{…ElementsFile=…}上方Console.WriteLink可以访问相同的作用域:+ElementsFile;如果您搜索变量scope c,您可以找到一些示例和解释来帮助您更好地理解。@HULU804:将string ElementsFile;更改为string ElementsFile=null;。如果If语句从未执行,它将永远不会为ElementsFile赋值,这将在执行时导致问题您正在将ElementsFile的值分配给filePath。