C# 检测fluent API的使用

C# 检测fluent API的使用,c#,entity-framework,fluent-interface,C#,Entity Framework,Fluent Interface,假设我有以下数据模型: public class Base { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } 以及以下有关模型创建的信息: 实体框架的fluent API的使用是否可以在编译时或运行时检测到?在伪代码中,我希望执行以下操作: for a given Base detect that Name is required and must be <= 32 character


public class Base {
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

实体框架的fluent API的使用是否可以在编译时或运行时检测到?在伪代码中,我希望执行以下操作:

for a given Base
    detect that Name is required and must be <= 32 characters
    act upon that information 


for a given Base
    detect that Name is required and must be <= 32 characters
    act upon that information