C# 动态构建嵌套谓词

C# 动态构建嵌套谓词,c#,.net,xml,linq,predicatebuilder,C#,.net,Xml,Linq,Predicatebuilder,我正在尝试从xml字符串动态构建谓词,例如,xml字符串的格式如下所示: <Group Operation="AND"> <Group Operation="AND"> <Group Operation="OR"> <Filter> (ContainsValue) </Filter> <Filter> (StartsWithValue) </Filter>


<Group Operation="AND">
    <Group Operation="AND">
      <Group Operation="OR">
        <Filter> (ContainsValue) </Filter>
        <Filter> (StartsWithValue) </Filter>
      <Filter> (HasData) </Filter>
    <Filter> (SomeotherCondition) </Filter>

  • 我是否试图通过嵌套谓词实现一些不可信的东西
  • 如果这是合理的,我做错了什么?我读了那本书 根据嵌套谓词部分,我看不出我的谓词在哪里 错


    public Stack<FilterExpressionModel> RecursiveExpressionBuilder(XElement root, Stack<FilterExpressionModel> stackelement)
        Stack<Expression<Func<Product, bool>>> stackexpression = new Stack<Expression<Func<Product, bool>>>();
        var left = root.Elements().FirstOrDefault();
        var right = root.Elements().Count() == 1 ? null : root.Elements().LastOrDefault();
        if (left != null)
            stackelement = RecursiveExpressionBuilder(left, stackelement);
        if (right != null)
            stackelement = RecursiveExpressionBuilder(right, stackelement);
        if (root.Name == FilterQueryNodes.Filter)
            stackelement.Push(new FilterExpressionModel() { FilterNode = root });
        else if (root.Name == FilterQueryNodes.Group)
            var operand2Candidate = stackelement.Pop();
            var operand1Candidate = stackelement.Pop();
            //following grabs the actual expression for the corresponding value of the xml node for example (d=>d.Value.Contains(filterValue)) for Contains
            //if the node is "filter" it grabs the filter if not, it grabs the predicate that has been built so far
            var operand1 = operand1Candidate.FilterNode != null ? FilterExpression(GetFilterRule(Convert.ToInt32(operand1Candidate.FilterNode.Value))) : operand1Candidate.PredicateBuilding;
            var operand2 = operand2Candidate.FilterNode != null ? FilterExpression(GetFilterRule(Convert.ToInt32(operand2Candidate.FilterNode.Value))) : operand2Candidate.PredicateBuilding;
            string operation = root.Attribute(FilterQueryNodes.Operation).Value;

            var predicate = BuildPredicate(operand1, operand2, operation);
            stackelement.Push(new FilterExpressionModel() { PredicateBuilding = predicate });
        return stackelement;

    public Expression<Func<Product, bool>> BuildPredicate(Expression<Func<Product, bool>> operand1, Expression<Func<Product, bool>> operand2, string operation)
        switch (operation)
            case "AND":
                operand1 = operand1.And(operand2);
                return operand1;
            case "OR":
                operand1 = operand1.Or(operand2);
                return operand1;
                return (d => true);
//this class is to hold the grouped predicate and the filter so that I will only have one stack
    public class FilterExpressionModel
        public FilterExpressionModel() {

        public Expression<Func<FieldValues, bool>> PredicateBuilding { get; set; }
        public XElement FilterNode { get; set; } 
    <Group Operation="AND">