C# SqlTableProfileProvider,自定义Profile基类,向属性添加额外属性

C# SqlTableProfileProvider,自定义Profile基类,向属性添加额外属性,c#,asp.net,C#,Asp.net,我使用SqlTableProfileProvider作为我的配置文件提供程序,并从System.Web.profile.ProfileBase继承一个名为“ProfileCommon”的自定义类。My ProfileCommon类属性表示我的配置文件表中的列,每个属性的属性为[CustomProviderData(“columnName;dbType”)]。我正在尝试向特定列添加一个新属性,然后将从SqlTableProfileProvider类中提取该信息 我和团队希望将外键(表)与配置文件表

我使用SqlTableProfileProvider作为我的配置文件提供程序,并从System.Web.profile.ProfileBase继承一个名为“ProfileCommon”的自定义类。My ProfileCommon类属性表示我的配置文件表中的列,每个属性的属性为[CustomProviderData(“columnName;dbType”)]。我正在尝试向特定列添加一个新属性,然后将从SqlTableProfileProvider类中提取该信息



Profile.Bookmarks.Count; // to know if there are bookmarks

// to also just be able to foreach through them
foreach (Bookmark bk in Profile.Bookmarks) { ... }

SqlTableProfileProvider由Hao Kung实现。它继承自ProfileProvider





// In the default constructor add the following
public ProfileCommon()
    //  Get all properties for this class 'ProfileCommon'
    PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos = typeof(ProfileCommon).GetProperties();

    //  The ProfileBase, base class, has a property called Properties and 
    //  one can get to all attributes on that property but there are only
    //  a few attributes that ProfileBase looks for. If the developer wishes
    //  to use custom attributes on a property, it wont appear in the 
    //  ProfileCommon.Properties.Attributes list.
    //  So, what are we going to do, well, we are going to come up with a hack and solution to this problem
    foreach (SettingsProperty settingsProperty in ProfileCommon.Properties)
        foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
            if (settingsProperty.Name == propertyInfo.Name)
                //  get all attributes from the associated property, but we are getting it from the propertyInfo variable
                //  which was retrieved through reflection and will list ALL attributes.
                    object[] attributes = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false);

                for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count(); i++)
                    Type type = attributes[i].GetType();

                    PropertyInfo[] attributeClassProperities = type.GetProperties();

                    foreach (PropertyInfo attributeClassProperty in attributeClassProperities)
                        //  not intested in the TypeId property for the object
                        if (!attributeClassProperty.Name.Equals("TypeId"))
                            //  if the settingsProperty.Attributes does not contain our key value pair, then add it.
                            if (settingsProperty.Attributes[attributeClassProperty.Name] == null)
                                    settingsProperty.Attributes.Add(attributeClassProperty.Name, attributes[i]);
foreach(PropertyInfo PropertyInfo in propertyInfos中的PropertyInfo)
对于(int i=0;i


在数据库的Profile表中,您将有一个Bookmarks列,该列具有合适的FK类型,例如Guid、Int或BigInt,它只不过是另一个表的外键,您可以命名为[dbo]。[Bookmarks],它实际上包含每个用户的书签。此Bookmarks表应具有类似UserId的列,该列将是ASP.NET UserId的FK

// In the default constructor add the following
public ProfileCommon()
    //  Get all properties for this class 'ProfileCommon'
    PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos = typeof(ProfileCommon).GetProperties();

    //  The ProfileBase, base class, has a property called Properties and 
    //  one can get to all attributes on that property but there are only
    //  a few attributes that ProfileBase looks for. If the developer wishes
    //  to use custom attributes on a property, it wont appear in the 
    //  ProfileCommon.Properties.Attributes list.
    //  So, what are we going to do, well, we are going to come up with a hack and solution to this problem
    foreach (SettingsProperty settingsProperty in ProfileCommon.Properties)
        foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
            if (settingsProperty.Name == propertyInfo.Name)
                //  get all attributes from the associated property, but we are getting it from the propertyInfo variable
                //  which was retrieved through reflection and will list ALL attributes.
                    object[] attributes = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false);

                for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count(); i++)
                    Type type = attributes[i].GetType();

                    PropertyInfo[] attributeClassProperities = type.GetProperties();

                    foreach (PropertyInfo attributeClassProperty in attributeClassProperities)
                        //  not intested in the TypeId property for the object
                        if (!attributeClassProperty.Name.Equals("TypeId"))
                            //  if the settingsProperty.Attributes does not contain our key value pair, then add it.
                            if (settingsProperty.Attributes[attributeClassProperty.Name] == null)
                                    settingsProperty.Attributes.Add(attributeClassProperty.Name, attributes[i]);