C# ASP.NETWebMethods同步

C# ASP.NETWebMethods同步,c#,asp.net,sql,multithreading,C#,Asp.net,Sql,Multithreading,我在asp.net.asmx服务中有一个webmethod,它应该检查数据库中是否有记录,如果没有记录,它应该添加一个记录 代码的简化示例如下所示: object Mutex = new object(); [WebMethod] public void InsertIfNotExists(string CLI) { lock (Mutex) { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionStr



object Mutex = new object();
public void InsertIfNotExists(string CLI)
    lock (Mutex)
        using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
        using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter())
        using (DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()){
        //I log with log4net
        logger.Debug("InsertIfNotExists: Start Function: CLI:" + CLI);
        int dummy = 0;

        string sql = "SELECT  * CLI Promote where CLI=" + CLI + " ";
        adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
        DataTable t = ds.Tables[0];

        logger.Debug("InsertIfNotExists: " + t.Rows.Count + " records found for CLI:" + CLI);

        if (t.Rows.Count == 0)
            logger.Debug("InsertIfNotExists: starting to add to table: CLI:" + CLI);

            DataRow dr = t.NewRow();
            dr["CLI"] = CLI;
            dr["DateOfSend"] = DateTime.Now;

            InsertToTable(t, dr, sql);
            logger.Debug("InsertIfNotExists: added to table: CLI:" + CLI + ", starting re-check");

            //checking if exist more then one lines - one more time
            sql = "SELECT  * CLI Promote where CLI=" + CLI + "";
            adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
            t = ds.Tables[0];

            logger.Debug("InsertIfNotExists: re-check for CLI:" + CLI + ", records count=" + t.Rows.Count);             
        logger.Debug("InsertIfNotExists: Finish Function for CLI:" + CLI);



2013-09-15 11:47:14,145 [21] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: Start Function: CLI: 0501234567
2013-09-15 11:47:14,145 [13] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: Start Function: CLI: 0501234567
2013-09-15 11:47:14,148 [21] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: 0 records found for CLI: 0501234567
2013-09-15 11:47:14,148 [21] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: starting to add to table: CLI: 0501234567
2013-09-15 11:47:14,148 [13] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: 0 records found for CLI: 0501234567
2013-09-15 11:47:14,148 [13] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: starting to add to table: CLI: 0501234567
2013-09-15 11:47:14,149 [21] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: added to table: CLI: 0501234567, starting re-check
2013-09-15 11:47:14,149 [13] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: added to table: CLI: 0501234567, starting re-check
2013-09-15 11:47:14,154 [27] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: Start Function: CLI: 0501234567
2013-09-15 11:47:14,157 [27] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: 2 records found for CLI: 0501234567
2013-09-15 11:47:14,157 [27] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: Finish Function for CLI: 0501234567
2013-09-15 11:47:14,183 [13] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: re-check for CLI: 0501234567, records count=2
2013-09-15 11:47:14,184 [21] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: re-check for CLI: 0501234567, records count=2
2013-09-15 11:47:14,185 [13] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: Finish Function for CLI: 0501234567

2013-09-15 11:49:19,626 [21] DEBUG Namespace.Service1 InsertIfNotExists: Start Function: CLI:0507654321
我们在这里看到,3个线程试图并行地将CLI 0501234567插入表中。 线程21和13进入座圈条件,每个线程插入1条记录。然后线程27也尝试插入一条记录,但找到了现有记录并退出



