C# 如何在wpf中按顺序从子窗口更新父UI窗口的标签控件?

C# 如何在wpf中按顺序从子窗口更新父UI窗口的标签控件?,c#,wpf,dispatcher,C#,Wpf,Dispatcher,我试图找出答案,但没有找到真正的答案。有人能回答以下问题吗?我试图通过调用Dispatcher方法来更新父窗口中的状态,但我看到它没有按顺序更新状态。我在主窗口中看到状态更新,如下所示: 第一个进程已启动。。。 第一道工序完成了! 第三道工序完成了 除了UpdateStatus之间的延迟之外,还可以使用其他方法或任务。那么,为什么它不更新其他状态呢?有真实的答案吗 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


第一个进程已启动。。。 第一道工序完成了! 第三道工序完成了


    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        UpdateStatus("First Process started...");
        Thread.Sleep(5000); //or any method
        UpdateStatus("First Process done!");

        Thread.Sleep(5000); //or any method

        UpdateStatus("Second Process started...");
        Thread.Sleep(5000); //or any method
        UpdateStatus("Second Process done!");

        Thread.Sleep(5000); //or any method

        UpdateStatus("Third Process started...");
        Thread.Sleep(5000); //or any method
        UpdateStatus("Third Process done!");

    private void UpdateStatus(string message)
        Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new ThreadStart(delegate
            MainWindow.main.lblTest.Content = message;



private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    UpdateStatus("First Process started...");
    await Task.Delay(5000);
    UpdateStatus("First Process done!");

    await Task.Delay(5000);

    UpdateStatus("Second Process started...");
    await Task.Delay(5000);
    UpdateStatus("Second Process done!");

    await Task.Delay(5000);

    UpdateStatus("Third Process started...");
    await Task.Delay(5000);
    UpdateStatus("Third Process done!");

private void UpdateStatus(string message)
    MainWindow.main.lblTest.Content = message;


void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) => Task.Run(() =>
     ... // rest of your code


Dispatcher.Invoke(() => lblTest.Content = message);


    private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        // I run on the main thread and return immediately
        await SearchForAliensAsync();

    private async Task SearchForAliensAsync()
        // I run on (capture) the caller thread (main thread)
        UpdateStatus("Searching for aliens...");

        /* Dispatch the dirty work on a background thread and return immediately,
         * so that the caller thread (main thread) remains responsive.
         * If you don't do that, the main thread will get blocked.
         * From the user perspective the UI is frozen.
         * The main thread will search infinitely for aliens,
         * instead of doing its main job - poping and dispatching messages from
         * its message queue (Win32 is event driven).
         * The operating system will keep notifying the main thread,
         * that the user has clicked on the window or smashed multiple keys on the keyboard,
         * but the main thread won't listen, it's searching for aliens!
         * The operating system monitors all main threads, by measuring what
         * time has elapsed from the last call to GetMessage(...) and
         * if the latter exceeds a certain amount, it will play a trick on you.
         * The OS will create a transparent window and place it on top of the 
         * unresponsive one, so that it can detect the next angry mouse click
         * and display the famous "Application is not responding" dialog...
        await Task.Run(() =>
            // I run synchronously on the thread pool and I won't finish any time soon..

        // When my time comes, I'll be dispatched on the captured thread (main thread)
        UpdateStatus("Aliens exist!");
