C# 我看不出有错吗?

C# 我看不出有错吗?,c#,windows,2d,sfml,game-development,C#,Windows,2d,Sfml,Game Development,我不知道为什么,但我的跳转方法不起作用。我的角色只能在一个对象上跳跃。另一个障碍对玩家没有任何影响。我真的看不出我的错误 foreach (RectangleShape obstacles in MoveAtObjectList) { MainPlayer.Move(deltaTime, obstacles); } foreach (RectangleSha


     foreach (RectangleShape obstacles in MoveAtObjectList)
                   MainPlayer.Move(deltaTime, obstacles);

               foreach (RectangleShape obstacles in JumpAtObjectList)
                   MainPlayer.Jump(deltaTime, obstacles);



using SFML.Graphics;
using SFML.System;
using SFML.Window;

namespace Pong3final
    class Player : RectangleShape

        float CollisionDistance = 0.5f;

        float PlayerSpeed = 50;
        float JumpSpeed = 100;
        float FallSpeed = 100;
        float JumpTimer;

        bool JumpBool = false;
        bool Fall = true;

public  void Jump(float deltaTime, RectangleShape collisionObject)

            if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Space) && !Fall && CheckCollision(this, collisionObject))
                JumpBool = true;

            //Player is jumping
            if (JumpBool)
                JumpTimer += deltaTime;

                this.Position -= new Vector2f(0, JumpSpeed) * deltaTime;

                if (JumpTimer > 0.5f)
                    JumpBool = false;
                    Fall = true;
                    JumpTimer = 0;

            //Player is falling when he doesnt touch anything and he isnt jumping
            else if (!CheckCollision(this, collisionObject))
                Fall = true;

            //Player is falling
            if (!JumpBool && !CheckCollision(this, collisionObject) && Fall)
                this.Position += new Vector2f(0, FallSpeed) * deltaTime;

                if (CheckCollision(this, collisionObject)) //Player stops falling because of a collision with an object
                    Fall = false;

        public void Move(float deltaTime, RectangleShape collisionObject)
                Vector2f MovePlayerPosition = Position;

                if ((Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Left) || Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.A)))

                    MovePlayerPosition -= new Vector2f(PlayerSpeed, 0) * deltaTime;

                    FloatRect collisionOverlap;

                    if (CheckCollision(this, collisionObject, out collisionOverlap))
                       MovePlayerPosition = MovePlayerPosition + new Vector2f(collisionOverlap.Width + CollisionDistance, 0);

                if (Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.Right) || Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.D))

                    MovePlayerPosition += new Vector2f(PlayerSpeed, 0) * deltaTime;

                    FloatRect collisionOverlap;

                    if (CheckCollision(this, collisionObject, out collisionOverlap))
                       MovePlayerPosition = MovePlayerPosition - new Vector2f(collisionOverlap.Width + CollisionDistance, 0);

                Position = MovePlayerPosition;

        public static bool CheckCollision(RectangleShape obj1, RectangleShape obj2, out FloatRect overlap)
            FloatRect obj1Collider = obj1.GetGlobalBounds();
            FloatRect obj2Collider = obj2.GetGlobalBounds();

            //Nur die rechte, linke und obere Seite kollidiert
            if (obj1Collider.Intersects(obj2Collider, out overlap))
                return true;
            overlap = new FloatRect();
            return false;

        public static bool CheckCollision(RectangleShape obj1, RectangleShape obj2)
            FloatRect obj1Collider = obj1.GetGlobalBounds();
            FloatRect obj2Collider = obj2.GetGlobalBounds();

            return obj1Collider.Intersects(obj2Collider);


foreach (RectangleShape obstacles in JumpAtObjectList)
    MainPlayer.Jump(deltaTime, obstacles);

 foreach (RectangleShape obstacles in JumpAtObjectList)
     MainPlayer.Jump(deltaTime, obstacles);
