
在c#中,是否可以传递或返回类似类型的运算符,c#,C#,我有一个excel exporter类,它必须从第三方获取过滤信息,并使用这些信息过滤数据。过滤信息以字符串形式出现,如“equals”、“greatherthan”等。生成可将这些过滤类型转换为c#代码的可重用代码的最佳方法是什么 我在想,把它们转换成操作符并返回它可能会更好。但我不知道这是否可能,甚至是一个好主意。你觉得怎么样?试试这个: public class ExcelFiltersManager { public static class ExcelFilters

我有一个excel exporter类,它必须从第三方获取过滤信息,并使用这些信息过滤数据。过滤信息以字符串形式出现,如“equals”、“greatherthan”等。生成可将这些过滤类型转换为c#代码的可重用代码的最佳方法是什么



  public class ExcelFiltersManager
    public static class ExcelFilters
        public const string Equal = "equals";
        public const string GreaterThen = "greaterthan";

        // complete here the other operators.

    static class Operators
        // C# compiler converts overloaded operators to functions with name op_XXXX where XXXX is the opration

        public const string Equality = "op_Equality";
        public const string InEquality = "op_Inequality";
        public const string LessThan = "op_LessThan";
        public const string GreaterThan = "op_GreaterThan";
        public const string LessThanOrEqual = "op_LessThanOrEqual";
        public const string GreaterThanOrEqual = "op_GreaterThanOrEqual";

    public bool GetOperatorBooleanResult<T>(string excelFilter, T value1, T value2)
        MethodInfo mi = typeof(T).GetMethod(GetOperatorCompileName(excelFilter), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
        return (bool)mi.Invoke(null, new object[] { value1, value2 });

    private string GetOperatorCompileName(string excelFilter)
        string operatorCompileName = string.Empty;

        switch (excelFilter)
            case ExcelFilters.Equal:
                operatorCompileName = Operators.Equality;
            case ExcelFilters.GreaterThen:
                operatorCompileName = Operators.GreaterThan;

                // continue here the mapping with the rest of operators

        return operatorCompileName;

decimal value1 = 5;
decimal value2 = 10;

bool result = GetOperatorBooleanResult(ExcelFilters.GreaterThen, value1, value2);