C# 我需要什么代码来计算任何条形码的校验和,以及验证/验证现有校验和?

C# 我需要什么代码来计算任何条形码的校验和,以及验证/验证现有校验和?,c#,barcode,barcode-scanner,checksum,C#,Barcode,Barcode Scanner,Checksum,有许多条形码类型和大小(长度)。是否有一套通用算法可用于计算任何条形码的校验和?条形码虽然长度不同,语义不同,但在生成校验和时仍遵循一些基本规则。下面的代码可以复制到一个小的util中进行测试(或者简单地使用非事件处理代码): 要使用此功能,请创建WinForms应用程序,并在其上删除以下控件: 0) A button named button1; give it text something like "Calculate barcode and append it to label belo




0) A button named button1; give it text something like "Calculate barcode and append it to label below", if desired
1) A button named button2; give it text something like "Valid barcode + czech digit", if desired
2) A label named label1, which displays the result of clicking button1
3) A textBox named textBox1, wherein you enter a raw barcode value (sans check digit) prior to clicking button1 OR enter a full barcode value (with check digit) prior to clicking button2

// "Calculate check sum" handler
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string barcodeWithoutCheckSum = textBox1.Text.Trim();
    string checkSum = GetBarcodeChecksum(barcodeWithoutCheckSum);
    string barcodeWithCheckSum = string.Format("{0}{1}", barcodeWithoutCheckSum, checkSum);
    label1.Text = barcodeWithCheckSum;

// Verify/validate existing checksum handler
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string bcVal = textBox1.Text.Trim();
    bool validCheckDigit = isValidBarcodeWithCheckDigit(bcVal);
    MessageBox.Show(validCheckDigit ? string.Format("{0} is valid", bcVal) : string.Format("{0} invalid", bcVal));

public static string GetBarcodeChecksum(string barcode)
    int oddTotal;
    int oddTotalTripled;
    int evenTotal;
    // Which positions are odd or even depend on the length of the barcode, 
    // or more specifically, whether its length is odd or even, so:
    if (isStringOfEvenLen(barcode))
        oddTotal = sumInsideOrdinals(barcode);
        oddTotalTripled = oddTotal * 3;
        evenTotal = sumOutsideOrdinals(barcode);
        oddTotal = sumOutsideOrdinals(barcode);
        oddTotalTripled = oddTotal * 3;
        evenTotal = sumInsideOrdinals(barcode);
    int finalTotal = oddTotalTripled + evenTotal;
    int modVal = finalTotal%10;
    int checkSum = 10 - modVal;
    if (checkSum == 10)
        return "0";
    return checkSum.ToString();

private static bool isStringOfEvenLen(string barcode)
    return (barcode.Length % 2 == 0);

// "EvenOrdinals" instead of "EvenVals" because values at index 0,2,4,etc. are seen by the 
// checkdigitmeisters as First, Third, Fifth, ... (etc.), not Zeroeth, Second, Fourth
private static int sumInsideOrdinals(string barcode)
    int cumulativeVal = 0;
    for (int i = barcode.Length-1; i > -1; i--)
        if (i % 2 != 0)
            cumulativeVal += Convert.ToInt16(barcode[i] - '0');
    return cumulativeVal;

// "OddOrdinals" instead of "OddVals" because values at index 1,3,5,etc. are seen by the 
// checkdigitmeisters as Second, Fourth, Sixth, ..., not First, Third, Fifth, ...
private static int sumOutsideOrdinals(string barcode)
    int cumulativeVal = 0;
    for (int i = barcode.Length - 1; i > -1; i--)
        if (i % 2 == 0)
            cumulativeVal += Convert.ToInt16(barcode[i] - '0');
    return cumulativeVal;

private static bool isValidBarcodeWithCheckDigit(string barcodeWithCheckDigit)
    string barcodeSansCheckDigit = barcodeWithCheckDigit.Substring(0, barcodeWithCheckDigit.Length - 1);
    string checkDigit = barcodeWithCheckDigit.Substring(barcodeWithCheckDigit.Length - 1, 1);
    //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("raw barcode portion is {0}", barcodeSansCheckDigit));
    //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("check portion is {0}", checkDigit));
    return GetBarcodeChecksum(barcodeSansCheckDigit) == checkDigit;



伪码 共同计划 校验数字方案在各个行业中普遍使用,条形码生产和验证只是其中之一。以下是可用于此算法的一些常见校验位方案的列表:

  • UPC-A条码:权重为{3,1,3,1,3,1,1,3,1,1,3,1}的12位数字,除数为10,productDigitAdd值为假
  • EAN-13条码:权重为{1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,1,1,3,3,1},除数为10,productDigitAdd值为假
  • 代码128条形码:数字是条形码的代码值,而不是条形码包含的值(例如,在模式A和B中,条形码符号值65表示ASCII字母“A”,但在模式C中是一对数字“33”);权重是{1,2,3,4,5…通过条形码符号总数1},其中1是右端的校验位权重;除数是103;并且productDigitAdd值为false
  • POSTNET条形码:权重为{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1},除数为10,productDigitAdd值为false
  • 16位信用卡:权重是由16位数字组成的数组,{2,1,2,1…2,1},除数是10,productDigitAdd值为真。这是卢恩算法
  • ISBN(书号):权重为{10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1},除数为11,productDigitAdd字段为false
  • 路由中转号(在银行支票上):权重为{3,7,1,3,7,1,3,7,1},除数为10,ProductDigitAddd字段为false
验证 要使用此算法验证条形码,只需将其输出值与零进行比较。非零值表示故障


一代 您还可以使用相同的算法来计算校验位,就像生成新条形码时一样。在您的输入数据中,其中一个数字将保留为检查数字的位置。这通常是,但并不总是,最右边的数字。将输入数字数组的位置设置为零。像验证输入数据一样调用算法,然后从模除数中减去算法的输出。用减去的输出替换输入数字数组中的零占位符

特例 Luhn算法通常以非常非正式的方式实现。一种常见的描述方法是“每隔两位数,然后将总和的位数相加,最后一位数必须是校验位数”。这一方法简单地适用于16位数的卡,但可能导致代码不灵活,通常使用case语句来处理不同长度的卡号等





