C# 未在Winform.show c上显示的图像#

C# 未在Winform.show c上显示的图像#,c#,C#,我有一个程序,当按下按钮时显示一个“加载”Winform,一旦需要运行的脚本完成,它就会消失 按下按钮时,新表单“出现”,但它不显示任何表单信息,如徽标和标签-仅显示一个空白/灰色框。我试图改变背景颜色和改变图像,但它仍然显示为空白形式 我发现最让人困惑的是,这个空白表单仅在特定的CS出现时才显示为空白。文件在按钮按下时被调用PDFMerge.CombineMultiblePDF。如果我尝试在程序的不同部分中显示加载表单,例如,当按下不同的按钮时,表单将按照计划正确加载所有内容 这里显示的空白表







     loadingPDF.Show(); // Show the loading form 
     string fileDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yy");
     string fileTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH.mm.ss");
     string outcomeFolder = outputFolder;
     string outputFile = "Combined Folder " + fileDate + " @ " + fileTime + ".pdf";
     string outputFileName = Path.Combine(outcomeFolder, outputFile);

     // combines the file name, output path selected and the yes / no for pagebreaks. 
     PDFMerge.CombineMultiplePDFs(sourceFiles, outputFileName);
     loadingPDF.Hide(); // Hide the loading form 
如果我将PDFMerge.combined替换为不同的intrance CS文件,加载表单将正确显示,这使我相信问题在于PDFMerge以及何时调用它。以下是PDFMerge中使用的代码

public class PDFMerge
    public static void CombineMultiplePDFs(String[] fileNames, string outFile)
            int pageOffset = 0;
            int f = 0;

            Document document = null;
            PdfCopy writer = null;

            while (f < fileNames.Length)
                // Create a reader for a certain document
                PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(fileNames[f]);

                // Retrieve the total number of pages
                int n = reader.NumberOfPages;
                pageOffset += n;
                if (f == 0)
                    // Creation of a document-object
                    document = new Document(reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(1));

                    // Create a writer that listens to the document
                    writer = new PdfCopy(document, new FileStream(outFile, FileMode.Create));

                    // Open the document

                // Add content
                for (int i = 0; i < n;)
                    if (writer != null)
                        PdfImportedPage page = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, i);
                PRAcroForm form = reader.AcroForm;
                if (form != null && writer != null)

            // Close the document
            if (document != null)
        catch (Exception ex)


 // Declaring the 'loading' form when files are being combined.
    LoadingPDF loadingPDF = new LoadingPDF();


public void ShowLoading()
 loadingPDF.Shown += loadingPDF_Shown;
 loadingPDF.Show(); // Show the loading form
public void loadingPDF_Shown(object sender, eventargs e)
 string fileDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yy");
 string fileTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH.mm.ss");
 string outcomeFolder = outputFolder;
 string outputFile = "Combined Folder " + fileDate + " @ " + fileTime + ".pdf";
 // combines the file name, output path selected and the yes / no for pagebreaks. 
 PDFMerge.CombineMultiplePDFs(sourceFiles, outputFileName);
 loadingPDF.Hide(); // Hide the loading form 
public void ShowLoading()
 loadingPDF.Show(); // Show the loading form 
 System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();
 worker.DoWork += worker_DoWork;
 worker.RunWorkerCompleted += worker_RunWorkerCompleted;
 worker.RunWorkerAsync(); //Added missed line

void worker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
   //anything you want to do AFTER the cpu-intensive process is done
   loadingPDF.Hide(); // Hide the loading form 
public void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
 string fileDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yy");
 string fileTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH.mm.ss");
 string outcomeFolder = outputFolder;
 string outputFile = "Combined Folder " + fileDate + " @ " + fileTime + ".pdf";
 string outputFileName = Path.Combine(outcomeFolder, outputFile);
 // combines the file name, output path selected and the yes / no for pagebreaks. 
 PDFMerge.CombineMultiplePDFs(sourceFiles, outputFileName);



public void ShowLoading()
 loadingPDF.Shown += loadingPDF_Shown;
 loadingPDF.Show(); // Show the loading form
public void loadingPDF_Shown(object sender, eventargs e)
 string fileDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yy");
 string fileTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH.mm.ss");
 string outcomeFolder = outputFolder;
 string outputFile = "Combined Folder " + fileDate + " @ " + fileTime + ".pdf";
 // combines the file name, output path selected and the yes / no for pagebreaks. 
 PDFMerge.CombineMultiplePDFs(sourceFiles, outputFileName);
 loadingPDF.Hide(); // Hide the loading form 
public void ShowLoading()
 loadingPDF.Show(); // Show the loading form 
 System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();
 worker.DoWork += worker_DoWork;
 worker.RunWorkerCompleted += worker_RunWorkerCompleted;
 worker.RunWorkerAsync(); //Added missed line

void worker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
   //anything you want to do AFTER the cpu-intensive process is done
   loadingPDF.Hide(); // Hide the loading form 
public void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
 string fileDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yy");
 string fileTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH.mm.ss");
 string outcomeFolder = outputFolder;
 string outputFile = "Combined Folder " + fileDate + " @ " + fileTime + ".pdf";
 string outputFileName = Path.Combine(outcomeFolder, outputFile);
 // combines the file name, output path selected and the yes / no for pagebreaks. 
 PDFMerge.CombineMultiplePDFs(sourceFiles, outputFileName);


