C# ASP.NET:显示模型中特定范围的项

C# ASP.NET:显示模型中特定范围的项,c#,asp.net,asp.net-mvc-5,C#,Asp.net,Asp.net Mvc 5,我正在为一个朋友建立一个网站。我还不是很好,但我正在学习。这就是我面临的问题 public ActionResult CategoryRetail() { var allCategories = m_db.Categories; return View(allCategories); } 在视图中,我使用它来显示模型中的所有类别 <ul> @foreach (var category in Model)


 public ActionResult CategoryRetail()
        var allCategories = m_db.Categories;
        return View(allCategories);

        @foreach (var category in Model)
问题是,如何根据ID显示模型中特定范围的类别? 我想让一个部分显示7个类别,然后另一个部分显示另一组,依此类推。






可以使用Linq Lambda表达式,其中



Id  | SectionName
 1  | Header
 2  | LeftNav
 3  | Footer

Id  | CategoryId | SectionId
 1  |     1      |     3      <-- Maps Books to Footer
 2  |     2      |     1      <-- Maps Music to Header, etc etc

@model MyProject.Models.MyModel

        @foreach (var category in Model.Cat2)
public class CategoryModel
    public IEnumerable<Category> Section1Categories{ get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Category> Section2Categories{ get; set; }

    public class Category
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
    } // end class category
} // end class CategoryModel
public Models.CategoryModel GetAllCategories()
    var TheModel = new Models.CategoryModel();
    TheModel.Section1Categories = GetCategoryRange(1, 7);
    TheModel.Section2Categories = GetCategoryRange(7, 9);
} // end Get All Categories

private IEnumerable<Models.CategoryModel.Category> GetCategoryRange(Int32 LowId, Int32 HighId)
    // This is using LINQ.  You could accomplish this with other technologies as well
    var cats = (from c in m_db.Category
                where c.Id >= LowId &&
                c.Id <= HighVal
                select new Models.CategoryModel.Category()
                    Id = c.Id,
                    Name = c.Name
    return cats;
} // end GetCategoryRange
public ActionResult MyPage()
    BLL.CategoryMethods cm = new BLL.CategoryMethods();
    Models.CategoryModel TheModel = cm.GetAllCategories();
    return View(TheModel);
} // end MyPage
<ul id="CategorySection1">
  @foreach (var cat in Model.Section1Categories)
    <li data-catid="@cat.Id">@cat.Name</li>
<ul id="CategorySection2">
  @foreach (var cat in Model.Section2Categories)
    <li data-catid="@cat.Id">@cat.Name</li>
Id  | CategoryName
 1  | Books  
 2  | Music  
 3  | Sports
Id  | SectionName
 1  | Header
 2  | LeftNav
 3  | Footer
Id  | CategoryId | SectionId
 1  |     1      |     3      <-- Maps Books to Footer
 2  |     2      |     1      <-- Maps Music to Header, etc etc
var footerCategories = (from c in m_db.Category
                        join cs in m_db.CategorySections on c.Id equals cs.CategoryId
                        where cs.SectionId == 3
                        select new Models.CategoryModel.Category()
                           Id = c.Id,
                           Name = c.Name