Css 指南针蓝图混合不编译?

Css 指南针蓝图混合不编译?,css,compass-sass,sass,blueprint-css,Css,Compass Sass,Sass,Blueprint Css,我正试图让Blueprint(SCSS语法)与我的Rails(3.1)项目一起工作。 为了保持简单,在安装compass并创建基本的scss文件后,我首先使用一些基本的blueprint语法设置了一个简单的HTML文件(在rails项目之外): compass install blueprint . 它生成一个包含screen.scss的sass目录,其中包含: @import blueprint 除其他内容外,stylesheets/screen.css不包含span-x指令,正如我在观看

我正试图让Blueprint(SCSS语法)与我的Rails(3.1)项目一起工作。 为了保持简单,在安装compass并创建基本的scss文件后,我首先使用一些基本的blueprint语法设置了一个简单的HTML文件(在rails项目之外):

compass install blueprint .

@import blueprint
除其他内容外,stylesheets/screen.css不包含span-x指令,正如我在观看了Chris Eppstein的《Compass:一个真正的样式表框架》之后所期待的那样(http://vimeo.com/4335944)最重要的是,我的HTML看起来和以前一样枯燥

  <link href="stylesheets/screen.css" media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <link href="stylesheets/print.css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <!--[if lt IE 8]>
      <link href="/stylesheets/ie.css" media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

        <div class="container">
            <div class="span-24">
                <h1 class="alt box">asdfhlakshf sdfgs dgf sdf sdfg fsd g</h1>

            <div class="pre">

            <div class="span-4 success colborder">



compass compile

@import "blueprint/grid"





  • 指南针0.11.5(心宿二)
  • ruby 1.8.7(rails项目之外)
  • ruby 1.9.2(与rails项目一起)
  • 使用rvm 1.6.21
已安装haml 3.1.2和sass 3.1.4。虽然我认为这不应该是相关的,因为我使用了html和SCS,对吗


// This import applies a global reset to any page that imports this stylesheet.
@import "blueprint/reset";

// To configure blueprint, edit the partials/base.sass file.
@import "partials/base";
@import "blueprint/grid";

// Import all the default blueprint modules so that we can access their mixins.
@import "blueprint";

// Import the non-default scaffolding module.
@import "blueprint/scaffolding";

// To generate css equivalent to the blueprint css but with your
// configuration applied, uncomment:
// @include blueprint

// If you are doing a lot of stylesheet concatenation, it is suggested
// that you scope your blueprint styles, so that you can better control
// what pages use blueprint when stylesheets are concatenated together.
body.bp {
  @include blueprint-typography(true);
  @include blueprint-utilities;
  @include blueprint-debug;
  @include blueprint-interaction;
  // Remove the scaffolding when you're ready to start doing visual design.
  // Or leave it in if you're happy with how blueprint looks out-of-the-box

form.bp {
  @include blueprint-form;
  // You'll probably want to remove the scaffolding once you start styling your site.
  @include blueprint-scaffolding; }

// Page layout can be done using mixins applied to your semantic classes and IDs:
body.two-col {
  #container {
    @include container; }
  #header, #footer {
    @include column($blueprint-grid-columns); }
  #sidebar {
    // One third of the grid columns, rounding down. With 24 cols, this is 8.
    $sidebar-columns: floor($blueprint-grid-columns / 3);
    @include column($sidebar-columns); }
  #content {
    // Two thirds of the grid columns, rounding up.
    // With 24 cols, this is 16.
    $content-columns: ceil(2 * $blueprint-grid-columns / 3);
    // true means it's the last column in the row
    @include column($content-columns, true); } }


好吧。这是一些基本的东西。我没有取消注释“@include blueprint”行,因为我认为@import blueprint应该足够了,当我尝试时,我看到了一条错误消息。 结果表明,错误消息是通过在行尾添加分号解决的

也许应该在shipped screen.scss中添加smiclon。我会给作者发一封电子邮件。

// This import applies a global reset to any page that imports this stylesheet.
@import "blueprint/reset";

// To configure blueprint, edit the partials/base.sass file.
@import "partials/base";
@import "blueprint/grid";

// Import all the default blueprint modules so that we can access their mixins.
@import "blueprint";

// Import the non-default scaffolding module.
@import "blueprint/scaffolding";

// To generate css equivalent to the blueprint css but with your
// configuration applied, uncomment:
// @include blueprint

// If you are doing a lot of stylesheet concatenation, it is suggested
// that you scope your blueprint styles, so that you can better control
// what pages use blueprint when stylesheets are concatenated together.
body.bp {
  @include blueprint-typography(true);
  @include blueprint-utilities;
  @include blueprint-debug;
  @include blueprint-interaction;
  // Remove the scaffolding when you're ready to start doing visual design.
  // Or leave it in if you're happy with how blueprint looks out-of-the-box

form.bp {
  @include blueprint-form;
  // You'll probably want to remove the scaffolding once you start styling your site.
  @include blueprint-scaffolding; }

// Page layout can be done using mixins applied to your semantic classes and IDs:
body.two-col {
  #container {
    @include container; }
  #header, #footer {
    @include column($blueprint-grid-columns); }
  #sidebar {
    // One third of the grid columns, rounding down. With 24 cols, this is 8.
    $sidebar-columns: floor($blueprint-grid-columns / 3);
    @include column($sidebar-columns); }
  #content {
    // Two thirds of the grid columns, rounding up.
    // With 24 cols, this is 16.
    $content-columns: ceil(2 * $blueprint-grid-columns / 3);
    // true means it's the last column in the row
    @include column($content-columns, true); } }