雅思 i=i+1 如果我数数的话 csvFile.写chr(34)和field.name&chr(34)和“,” elseif i=列数 csvFile.Write chr(34)&field.name&chr(34) 其他的 退出 如果结束 下一个 cs

雅思 i=i+1 如果我数数的话 csvFile.写chr(34)和field.name&chr(34)和“,” elseif i=列数 csvFile.Write chr(34)&field.name&chr(34) 其他的 退出 如果结束 下一个 cs,csv,datetime,vbscript,timestamp,db2,Csv,Datetime,Vbscript,Timestamp,Db2,雅思 i=i+1 如果我数数的话 csvFile.写chr(34)和field.name&chr(34)和“,” elseif i=列数 csvFile.Write chr(34)&field.name&chr(34) 其他的 退出 如果结束 下一个 csvFile.Write vbNewLine 其他的 logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(),3)&”:数据库连接未成功。数据库连接返回代码:“&rc” logFile.write FormatDateTime(No

雅思 i=i+1 如果我数数的话 csvFile.写chr(34)和field.name&chr(34)和“,” elseif i=列数 csvFile.Write chr(34)&field.name&chr(34) 其他的 退出 如果结束 下一个 csvFile.Write vbNewLine 其他的 logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(),3)&”:数据库连接未成功。数据库连接返回代码:“&rc” logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(),3)&):--------------脚本DailyWorkstepReport.vbs文件在“&Now()&”---------“&vbNewLine”被禁用 logFile.close csvfile.close wscript.quit 如果结束 昏暗的一排 暗柱 模糊结果数组 resultsArray=data.GetRows 暗淡的阵列 arrayRows=ubound(结果数组,2) 如果arrayRows为0,则 logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(),3)&“&(arrayRows+1)&”行已成功读取到数组中以获取文件“&fname&vbnewline” 对于行=0到UBound(结果数组,2) 对于列=0到(UBound(resultsArray,1)-1) 如果行=Ubound(resultsArray,2)列=(Ubound(resultsArray,1)-1),则 csvFile.Write chr(34)&结果数组(列、行)&chr(34) 其他的 如果列=0,则 csvFile.Write chr(34)和formatDate(resultsArray(列、行))&chr(34)和“,” elseif列=19,则 csvFile.Write chr(34)和FormatDateTime(resultsArray(列,行),4)和chr(34)和“,” elseif列=18,则 csvFile.Write chr(34)和formatDate(resultsArray(列、行))&chr(34)和“,” elseif列=17,则 暗fDate fDate=formatDate(resultsArray(列,行))&“&FormatDateTime(resultsArray(列,行),4)&”:“&second(resultsArray(列,行))&”。&resultsArray((ubound(resultsArray,1)),行) csvFile.写chr(34)和fDate&chr(34)和“,” 其他的 csvFile.Write chr(34)和resultsArray(列、行)以及chr(34)和“,” 如果结束 如果结束 下一个 csvFile.Write vbNewLine 下一个 logfile.write FormatDateTime(Now(),3)&“&(row)&”行已写入“&fname&vbNewLine” 其他的 logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(),3)&”:文件“&fname&vbNewLine”的查询结果数组中没有数据 logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(),3)&):--------------脚本DailyWorkstepReport.vbs文件在“&Now()&”---------“&vbNewLine”被禁用 logfile.close csvfile.close wscript.quit 如果结束 csvFile.close logfile.write“------------DailyWorkstepReport.vbs脚本已成功结束于“&Now()&”----------------------&vbNewLine logfile.close wscript.quit REM--------------------辅助函数如下所示----------------------------- 子调试(myText) '窗口必须全局定义 '像这样调用“Debug variableName” '取消注释下一行以关闭调试 “出口接头 如果不是IsObject(对象窗口),则 Set-ObjeDebugWindow=CreateObject(“InternetExplorer.Application”) objIEDebugWindow。导航“关于:空白” objIEDebugWindow.Visible=True objIEDebugWindow.ToolBar=False 对象窗口。宽度=200 对象窗口。高度=300 对象窗口。左=10 ObjectDebugWindow.Top=10 在调试窗口时执行。忙 WScript.Sleep 100 环 objIEDebugWindow.Document.Title=“IE调试窗口” objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML=“&Now&”
“ 如果结束 objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML=objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML&myText&“
”&vbCrLf 端接头 函数格式化日期(sDate) 暗淡的一年 暗月 昏暗的日子 Dim格式化日期 年份=年份(sDate) theMonth=Right(字符串(2,“0”)和DatePart(“m”,sDate),2) 日期=右侧(字符串(2,“0”)和日期部分(“d”,sDate),2) formattedDate=年份和月份和日期 formatDate=formattedDate 端函数
,该函数只返回日期。 2016-05-04 08:00:00.000000
On Error Resume Next
Dim sPassword
Dim sUserID
Dim sDefaultLib
Dim sSystem
Dim cs
Dim rc
Dim objIEDebugWindow

sDefaultLib =  *library*
sUserID = *userid*
sPassword = *password*
sSystem = *system*
cs = *connectionString*

Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set data = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
con.Open cs, sUserID, sPassword
rc = con.State

If (rc = 1) Then
  data.CursorLocation = adUseClient
  data.Open strQuery, con
  Set filsSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Dim theYear
  Dim theMonth
  Dim theDay
  Dim mDate
  mDate = Date()
  theYear = DatePart("yyyy", mDate)
  theMonth = Right(String(2, "0") & DatePart("m", mDate), 2)
  theDate = Right(String(2, "0") & DatePart("d", mDate), 2)
  mDate = theYear & theMonth & theDate
  Set csvFile = filsSysObj.OpenTextFile("C:\SampleFile_" & mDate & ".csv", 8, True)

  columnCount = data.Fields.Count

  Set i = 0
  For Each field In data.Fields
    i= i + 1
    If (i <> columnCount) Then
      csvFile.Write Chr(34) & field.Name & Chr(34) & ","
      csvFile.Write Chr(34) & field.Name & Chr(34)
    End If
  csvFile.Write vbNewLine
End If

rowCount = data.RecordCount
row = 0

Dim row
Dim column
Dim resultsArray
Dim dateArray
resultsArray = data.GetRows

debug "hi"

i = 0
Do Until i>5
  i = i + 1
  'debug "in"
  'Dim value
  'Dim dArray()
  'debug "in"
  'value = Chr(34) & CStr(data.Fields(17).Value) & Chr(34) & ","

  'dArray = additem(dArray, value)
  'dateArray = dArray

debug "out"

For row = 0 To UBound(resultsArray, 2)
  For column = 0 To UBound(resultsArray, 1)
    If row = UBound(resultsArray, 2) And column = UBound(resultsArray, 1) Then
      csvFile.Write Chr(34) & resultsArray(column, row) & Chr(34)
      If column = 0 Then
        csvFile.Write Chr(34) & formatDate(resultsArray(column, row)) & Chr(34) & ","
      ElseIf column = 19 Then
        csvFile.Write Chr(34) & FormatDateTime(resultsArray(column, row),4) & Chr(34) & ","
      ElseIf column = 18 Then
        csvFile.Write Chr(34) & formatDate(resultsArray(column, row)) & Chr(34) & ","
      'ElseIf column = 17 Then
        'csvFile.Write Chr(34) & formatDate(resultsArray(column, row)) & Chr(34) & ","
        csvFile.Write Chr(34) & resultsArray(column, row) & Chr(34) & ","
      End If
    End If
  csvFile.Write vbNewLine


'----------------------Helper Functions are below-----------------------------
Sub Debug(myText)
  'Dim objIEDebugWindow must be defined globally
  'Call like this "Debug variableName"
  'Uncomment the next line to turn off debugging
  'Exit Sub

  If Not IsObject(objIEDebugWindow) Then
    Set objIEDebugWindow = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    objIEDebugWindow.Navigate "about:blank"
    objIEDebugWindow.Visible = True
    objIEDebugWindow.ToolBar = False
    objIEDebugWindow.Width   = 200
    objIEDebugWindow.Height  = 300
    objIEDebugWindow.Left    = 10
    objIEDebugWindow.Top     = 10
    Do While objIEDebugWindow.Busy
      WScript.Sleep 100
    objIEDebugWindow.Document.Title = "IE Debug Window"
    objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = "<b>" & Now & "</b></br>"
  End If

  objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML & myText & "<br>" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Function formatDate(sDate)
  Dim theYear
  Dim theMonth
  Dim theDay
  Dim formattedDate

  theYear = Year(sDate)
  theMonth =  Right(String(2,"0") & DatePart("m", sDate),2)
  theDay = Right(String(2,"0") & DatePart("d", sDate),2)
  formattedDate = theYear & "-" & theMonth & "-" & theDate
  formatDate = formattedDate
End Function
if(rc = 1) then
    logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": Database connection successful" & vbNewLine
    logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) &": Default Library: " & sDefaultLib & vbNewLine
    logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": Signed into server as: " & sUserID & vbNewLine
    logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": System: " & sSystem & vbNewLine
    strQuery = "SELECT ws_date, groupcd, userid, firstname, lastname, clientcd, unitcd, categorycd, category, activity, wrktype, subwrktype, step_begin, step_end, report_indicator, report_indicator, count, event_dattim, key_date, key_time, key_milsec, microsecond(event_dattim) FROM *Library.Name* FOR READ ONLY WITH UR"
    data.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    data.open strQuery, con
    if data.EOF then 
        logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": The query returned no data"
        logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": ---------------- The script DailyWorkstepReport.vbs file was abended at " & Now() &". There was no worksteps file created. ----------------" & vbNewLine
    end if
    columnCount = data.Fields.Count
    columnCount = columnCount - 1

    Set filsSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set csvFile = filsSysObj.OpenTextFile("C:\VBScript\Dailys\" & fname, 8, True)

    set i = 0
    for each field in data.Fields
        i= i + 1
        if i < columnCount then
            csvFile.Write chr(34) & field.name & chr(34) & ","
        elseif i = columnCount then
            csvFile.Write chr(34) & field.name & chr(34)
            exit for
        end if
    csvFile.Write vbNewLine
    logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": Database connection was unsuccessful. Database Connection Return Code: " & rc
    logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": ---------------- The script DailyWorkstepReport.vbs file was abended at " & Now() &". ----------------" & vbNewLine
end if

dim row
dim column
dim resultsArray
resultsArray = data.GetRows

dim arrayRows
arrayRows = ubound(resultsArray, 2)

if  arrayRows <> 0 then 
    logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": " & (arrayRows + 1) & " rows were successfully read into the array for file " & fname & vbnewline

    for row = 0 to UBound(resultsArray, 2)
        for column = 0 to (UBound(resultsArray, 1) - 1)
            if row = Ubound(resultsArray, 2) and column = (ubound(resultsArray, 1) - 1) then
                csvFile.Write chr(34) & resultsArray(column, row) & chr(34)
                if column = 0 then 
                    csvFile.Write chr(34) & formatDate(resultsArray(column, row)) & chr(34) & ","               
                elseif column = 19 then
                    csvFile.Write chr(34) & FormatDateTime(resultsArray(column, row),4) & chr(34) & ","
                elseif column = 18 then
                    csvFile.Write chr(34) & formatDate(resultsArray(column, row)) & chr(34) & ","
                elseif column = 17 then
                    Dim fDate
                    fDate = formatDate(resultsArray(column, row)) & " " & FormatDateTime(resultsArray(column, row),4) & ":" & second(resultsArray(column,row)) & "." & resultsArray((ubound(resultsArray, 1)), row)
                    csvFile.Write chr(34) & fDate & chr(34) & ","               
                    csvFile.Write chr(34) & resultsArray(column, row) & chr(34) & ","               
                end if
            end if
        csvFile.Write vbNewLine
    logfile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": " & (row) & " rows have been written to " & fname &vbNewLine
    logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": There was no data in the query results array for file " & fname & vbNewLine
    logFile.write FormatDateTime(Now(), 3) & ": ---------------- The script DailyWorkstepReport.vbs file was abended at " & Now() &". ----------------" & vbNewLine
end if

logfile.write "---------------- DailyWorkstepReport.vbs script successfully ended at " & Now() & "----------------" & vbNewLine

REM ----------------------Helper Functions are below-----------------------------
Sub Debug( myText )
    'Dim objIEDebugWindow must be defined globally
    'Call like this "Debug variableName"
    'Uncomment the next line to turn off debugging
    'Exit Sub

    If Not IsObject( objIEDebugWindow ) Then
        Set objIEDebugWindow = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
        objIEDebugWindow.Navigate "about:blank"
        objIEDebugWindow.Visible = True
        objIEDebugWindow.ToolBar = False
        objIEDebugWindow.Width   = 200
        objIEDebugWindow.Height  = 300
        objIEDebugWindow.Left    = 10
        objIEDebugWindow.Top     = 10
        Do While objIEDebugWindow.Busy
            WScript.Sleep 100
        objIEDebugWindow.Document.Title = "IE Debug Window"
        objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = "<b>" & Now & "</b></br>"
    End If

    objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objIEDebugWindow.Document.Body.InnerHTML & myText & "<br>" & vbCrLf
End Sub

function formatDate(sDate)  
    Dim theYear
    Dim theMonth
    Dim theDay
    Dim formattedDate

    theYear = Year(sDate)
    theMonth =  Right(String(2,"0") & DatePart("m", sDate),2)
    theDay = Right(String(2,"0") & DatePart("d", sDate),2)
    formattedDate = theYear & "-" & theMonth & "-" & theDate
    formatDate = formattedDate
end function