Deep learning darknet:./src/utils.c:325:错误:断言'0';失败(YOLO-v4)Google colab

Deep learning darknet:./src/utils.c:325:错误:断言'0';失败(YOLO-v4)Google colab,deep-learning,google-colaboratory,object-detection,yolo,Deep Learning,Google Colaboratory,Object Detection,Yolo,我尝试使用Google Colab在我自己的数据集上训练YOLO_v4,但遇到了下一个错误: CUDA status Error: file: ./src/ : () : line: 841 : build time: Oct 9 2020 - 12:04:13 CUDA Error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device CUDA Error: no kernel image is

我尝试使用Google Colab在我自己的数据集上训练YOLO_v4,但遇到了下一个错误:

CUDA status Error: file: ./src/ : () : line: 841 : build time: Oct  9 2020 - 12:04:13 

 CUDA Error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device
CUDA Error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device: File exists
darknet: ./src/utils.c:325: error: Assertion `0' failed.
CPU times: user 58 ms, sys: 12.4 ms, total: 70.4 ms
Wall time: 15.4 s
我检查了我的代码,但没有发现错误。 然后我用我使用的例子()运行Google Colab笔记本。当我执行单元格时:

!./darknet detector train data/ cfg/custom-yolov4-detector.cfg -dont_show -map #./backup/custom-yolov4-detector_last.weights
#If you get CUDA out of memory adjust subdivisions above!
#adjust max batches down for shorter training above
此错误有时会出现,但不会出现。 我很困惑。。。 我认为这与我连接的GPU的可用性或类型有关。




