Dictionary d3.js。如何放大地图的选定区域?

Dictionary d3.js。如何放大地图的选定区域?,dictionary,d3.js,projection,zooming,Dictionary,D3.js,Projection,Zooming,我正在做一个在世界海洋地图上描绘不同数据的项目。您可以在上找到开发版本。若要在地图上描述数据,请选择变量,然后最好选择“类型统计平均值”,然后单击顶部栏上的“显示”按钮 要最初渲染贴图,我使用以下代码计算投影: var scale = this.width / 640 * 100; var offset = [this.width / 2, this.height / 2]; this.projection = d3.geo.equirectangular() .rotate([-180,



var scale = this.width / 640 * 100;
var offset = [this.width / 2, this.height / 2];
this.projection = d3.geo.equirectangular()
  .rotate([-180, 0])
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(this.projection);

它工作得很好,最后我得到了全屏/宽度图。但用户可以通过拖动和放大选定区域来选择地图的一部分。因此,当选择小面积地图时,其效果不是很好,但并不完美: 但当放大到大面积时,一切都会崩溃:



 * Coordinates of selection (rectangle area).
var leftX      = state.leftX;
var topY       = state.topY;
var rightX     = state.rightX;
var bottomY    = state.bottomY;
 * Calculate new map center.
var areaWidth  = rightX - leftX;
var areaHeight = bottomY - topY;
var projectionCenter = state.inProjection.invert(
  [leftX + (areaWidth / 2), bottomY - (areaHeight / 2)]
 * Calculate new scale factor.
var widthAspectRatio  = areaWidth  / this.map.width;
var heightAspectRatio = areaHeight / this.map.height;

var widthScale  = state.inProjection.scale() / widthAspectRatio;
var heightScale = state.inProjection.scale() / heightAspectRatio;

var projectionScale;
if (widthScale < heightScale) {
  projectionScale = widthScale;
} else {
  projectionScale = heightScale;
 * Update projection.
state.outProjection = d3.geo.equirectangular()
  .rotate([0, 0, 0])

 * Coordinates of selection (rectangle area).
var leftX      = state.leftX;
var topY       = state.topY;
var rightX     = state.rightX;
var bottomY    = state.bottomY;
 * Calculate new map center.
var areaWidth  = rightX - leftX;
var areaHeight = bottomY - topY;
var projectionCenter = state.inProjection.invert(
  [leftX + (areaWidth / 2), bottomY - (areaHeight / 2)]
 * Calculate new scale factor.
var widthAspectRatio  = areaWidth  / this.map.width;
var heightAspectRatio = areaHeight / this.map.height;

var widthScale  = state.inProjection.scale() / widthAspectRatio;
var heightScale = state.inProjection.scale() / heightAspectRatio;

var projectionScale;
if (widthScale < heightScale) {
  projectionScale = widthScale;
} else {
  projectionScale = heightScale;
 * Update projection.
state.outProjection = d3.geo.equirectangular()
  .rotate([0, 0, 0])