Doctrine 实体验证开始前已调度验证程序事件

Doctrine 实体验证开始前已调度验证程序事件,doctrine,symfony,symfony-validator,Doctrine,Symfony,Symfony Validator,问题 在Symfony 2.8+/3.x+中,是否可以在启动实体验证之前调度事件 情况: 假设我们有100个实体,它们有@LifeCycleCallbacks,它们有@postLoad事件来做一些事情,但其结果仅用于实体的有效性,在99%的情况下@postLoad的结果对系统不重要。因此,如果我们从数据库中获取了数百或数千个实体,那么对于不重要的数据,将丢失大量的机器周期 在验证开始之前,最好运行某种类型的事件,运行方法,为特定实体填充数据 而不是: $entity->preValidat


在Symfony 2.8+/3.x+中,是否可以在启动实体验证之前调度事件





$validator = $this->get('validator');
$errors = $validator->validate($entity);

$validator = $this->get('validator');
$errors = $validator->validate($entity);


  • 我有一个将页面/子页面存储为实体的系统。可以有10页或10000页/子页
  • 页面/子页面可以包含文件
  • 实体只存储文件名(因为我们不能存储SplFileInfo-资源序列化限制)
  • 虽然Entity->file属性是字符串的类型,但当我想使其成为文件的实例(以便我们可以验证类型文件)时,我有如下方法:
  • 好的,但是postLoad()会更改属性,而且条令会注意到这一点。那么下一步呢








    二,。实体属性->文件必须是Assert/file的文件类型,因为FileValidator只能接受文件或文件绝对路径的值。 但我不会存储文件的绝对路径,因为它在开发、阶段和生产环境中将完全不同






    编辑:在symfony 3中,第一个方法作为注释中提到的线程op被弃用。检查为symfony 3制作的第二种方法

    Symfony 2.3+,Symfony<3



    namespace Your\Name\Space;
    interface PreValidateInterface
       public function preValidate();

    namespace Your\Name\Space;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator;
    class MyValidator extends Validator //feel free to rename this to your own liking
         * @inheritdoc
        public function validate($value, $groups = null, $traverse = false, $deep = false)
            if (is_object($value) && $value instanceof PreValidateInterface) {
            return parent::validate($value, $groups, $traverse, $deep);


    适用于Symfony 3.0->3.1




        validator.class: Your\Name\Space\MyValidator
    namespace Your\Name\Space;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\MetadataInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ContextualValidatorInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface;
    class myValidator implements ValidatorInterface
         * @var ValidatorInterface
        protected $validator;
         * @param ValidatorInterface $validator
        public function __construct(ValidatorInterface $validator)
            $this->validator = $validator;
         * Returns the metadata for the given value.
         * @param mixed $value Some value
         * @return MetadataInterface The metadata for the value
         * @throws Exception\NoSuchMetadataException If no metadata exists for the given value
        public function getMetadataFor($value)
            return $this->validator->getMetadataFor($value);
         * Returns whether the class is able to return metadata for the given value.
         * @param mixed $value Some value
         * @return bool Whether metadata can be returned for that value
        public function hasMetadataFor($value)
            return $this->validator->hasMetadataFor($value);
         * Validates a value against a constraint or a list of constraints.
         * If no constraint is passed, the constraint
         * {@link \Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Valid} is assumed.
         * @param mixed $value The value to validate
         * @param Constraint|Constraint[] $constraints The constraint(s) to validate
         *                                             against
         * @param array|null $groups The validation groups to
         *                                             validate. If none is given,
         *                                             "Default" is assumed
         * @return ConstraintViolationListInterface A list of constraint violations.
         *                                          If the list is empty, validation
         *                                          succeeded
        public function validate($value, $constraints = null, $groups = null)
            //the code you are doing all of this for
            if (is_object($value) && $value instanceof PreValidateInterface) {
            //End of code
            return $this->validator->validate($value, $constraints, $groups);
         * Validates a property of an object against the constraints specified
         * for this property.
         * @param object $object The object
         * @param string $propertyName The name of the validated property
         * @param array|null $groups The validation groups to validate. If
         *                                 none is given, "Default" is assumed
         * @return ConstraintViolationListInterface A list of constraint violations.
         *                                          If the list is empty, validation
         *                                          succeeded
        public function validateProperty($object, $propertyName, $groups = null)
            $this->validator->validateProperty($object, $propertyName, $groups);
         * Validates a value against the constraints specified for an object's
         * property.
         * @param object|string $objectOrClass The object or its class name
         * @param string $propertyName The name of the property
         * @param mixed $value The value to validate against the
         *                                     property's constraints
         * @param array|null $groups The validation groups to validate. If
         *                                     none is given, "Default" is assumed
         * @return ConstraintViolationListInterface A list of constraint violations.
         *                                          If the list is empty, validation
         *                                          succeeded
        public function validatePropertyValue($objectOrClass, $propertyName, $value, $groups = null)
            $this->validator->validatePropertyValue($objectOrClass, $propertyName, $value, $groups);
         * Starts a new validation context and returns a validator for that context.
         * The returned validator collects all violations generated within its
         * context. You can access these violations with the
         * {@link ContextualValidatorInterface::getViolations()} method.
         * @return ContextualValidatorInterface The validator for the new context
        public function startContext()
         * Returns a validator in the given execution context.
         * The returned validator adds all generated violations to the given
         * context.
         * @param ExecutionContextInterface $context The execution context
         * @return ContextualValidatorInterface The validator for that context
        public function inContext(ExecutionContextInterface $context)
    namespace Your\Name\Space;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\ValidatorBuilder;
    class myValidatorBuilder extends ValidatorBuilder
        public function getValidator()
            $validator =  parent::getValidator();
            return new  MyValidator($validator);
    namespace Your\Name\Space;
    final class MyValidation
         * The Validator API provided by Symfony 2.4 and older.
         * @deprecated use API_VERSION_2_5_BC instead.
        const API_VERSION_2_4 = 1;
         * The Validator API provided by Symfony 2.5 and newer.
        const API_VERSION_2_5 = 2;
         * The Validator API provided by Symfony 2.5 and newer with a backwards
         * compatibility layer for 2.4 and older.
        const API_VERSION_2_5_BC = 3;
         * Creates a new validator.
         * If you want to configure the validator, use
         * {@link createValidatorBuilder()} instead.
         * @return ValidatorInterface The new validator.
        public static function createValidator()
            return self::createValidatorBuilder()->getValidator();
         * Creates a configurable builder for validator objects.
         * @return ValidatorBuilderInterface The new builder.
        public static function createValidatorBuilder()
            return new MyValidatorBuilder();
         * This class cannot be instantiated.
        private function __construct()

        validator.class: Your\Name\Space\MyValidator
    namespace Your\Name\Space;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\MetadataInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ContextualValidatorInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator\ValidatorInterface;
    class myValidator implements ValidatorInterface
         * @var ValidatorInterface
        protected $validator;
         * @param ValidatorInterface $validator
        public function __construct(ValidatorInterface $validator)
            $this->validator = $validator;
         * Returns the metadata for the given value.
         * @param mixed $value Some value
         * @return MetadataInterface The metadata for the value
         * @throws Exception\NoSuchMetadataException If no metadata exists for the given value
        public function getMetadataFor($value)
            return $this->validator->getMetadataFor($value);
         * Returns whether the class is able to return metadata for the given value.
         * @param mixed $value Some value
         * @return bool Whether metadata can be returned for that value
        public function hasMetadataFor($value)
            return $this->validator->hasMetadataFor($value);
         * Validates a value against a constraint or a list of constraints.
         * If no constraint is passed, the constraint
         * {@link \Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Valid} is assumed.
         * @param mixed $value The value to validate
         * @param Constraint|Constraint[] $constraints The constraint(s) to validate
         *                                             against
         * @param array|null $groups The validation groups to
         *                                             validate. If none is given,
         *                                             "Default" is assumed
         * @return ConstraintViolationListInterface A list of constraint violations.
         *                                          If the list is empty, validation
         *                                          succeeded
        public function validate($value, $constraints = null, $groups = null)
            //the code you are doing all of this for
            if (is_object($value) && $value instanceof PreValidateInterface) {
            //End of code
            return $this->validator->validate($value, $constraints, $groups);
         * Validates a property of an object against the constraints specified
         * for this property.
         * @param object $object The object
         * @param string $propertyName The name of the validated property
         * @param array|null $groups The validation groups to validate. If
         *                                 none is given, "Default" is assumed
         * @return ConstraintViolationListInterface A list of constraint violations.
         *                                          If the list is empty, validation
         *                                          succeeded
        public function validateProperty($object, $propertyName, $groups = null)
            $this->validator->validateProperty($object, $propertyName, $groups);
         * Validates a value against the constraints specified for an object's
         * property.
         * @param object|string $objectOrClass The object or its class name
         * @param string $propertyName The name of the property
         * @param mixed $value The value to validate against the
         *                                     property's constraints
         * @param array|null $groups The validation groups to validate. If
         *                                     none is given, "Default" is assumed
         * @return ConstraintViolationListInterface A list of constraint violations.
         *                                          If the list is empty, validation
         *                                          succeeded
        public function validatePropertyValue($objectOrClass, $propertyName, $value, $groups = null)
            $this->validator->validatePropertyValue($objectOrClass, $propertyName, $value, $groups);
         * Starts a new validation context and returns a validator for that context.
         * The returned validator collects all violations generated within its
         * context. You can access these violations with the
         * {@link ContextualValidatorInterface::getViolations()} method.
         * @return ContextualValidatorInterface The validator for the new context
        public function startContext()
         * Returns a validator in the given execution context.
         * The returned validator adds all generated violations to the given
         * context.
         * @param ExecutionContextInterface $context The execution context
         * @return ContextualValidatorInterface The validator for that context
        public function inContext(ExecutionContextInterface $context)
    namespace Your\Name\Space;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\ValidatorBuilder;
    class myValidatorBuilder extends ValidatorBuilder
        public function getValidator()
            $validator =  parent::getValidator();
            return new  MyValidator($validator);
    namespace Your\Name\Space;
    final class MyValidation
         * The Validator API provided by Symfony 2.4 and older.
         * @deprecated use API_VERSION_2_5_BC instead.
        const API_VERSION_2_4 = 1;
         * The Validator API provided by Symfony 2.5 and newer.
        const API_VERSION_2_5 = 2;
         * The Validator API provided by Symfony 2.5 and newer with a backwards
         * compatibility layer for 2.4 and older.
        const API_VERSION_2_5_BC = 3;
         * Creates a new validator.
         * If you want to configure the validator, use
         * {@link createValidatorBuilder()} instead.
         * @return ValidatorInterface The new validator.
        public static function createValidator()
            return self::createValidatorBuilder()->getValidator();
         * Creates a configurable builder for validator objects.
         * @return ValidatorBuilderInterface The new builder.
        public static function createValidatorBuilder()
            return new MyValidatorBuilder();
         * This class cannot be instantiated.
        private function __construct()

    参数: validator.builder.factory.class:Your\Name\Space\MyValidation



    Alexandru Cosoi
