Drupal 7 在Drupal 7中安装主题时出错

Drupal 7 在Drupal 7中安装主题时出错,drupal-7,drupal-modules,Drupal 7,Drupal Modules,通过主题安装表单中的URL输入在Drupal 7中安装主题时,我遇到以下错误: Failed to connect to the server. The server reports the following message: Cannot connect to FTP Server, check settings For more help installing or updating code on your server, see the handbook. 有什么问题吗? 我哪里做

通过主题安装表单中的URL输入在Drupal 7中安装主题时,我遇到以下错误:

Failed to connect to the server. The server reports the following message:
Cannot connect to FTP Server, check settings

For more help installing or updating code on your server, see the handbook.
有什么问题吗? 我哪里做错了?


sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/drupal(or your drupal web root name)/sites