Dynamics crm 子网格fetchXML javascript刷新未显示链接实体列

Dynamics crm 子网格fetchXML javascript刷新未显示链接实体列,dynamics-crm,dynamics-crm-2013,Dynamics Crm,Dynamics Crm 2013,我在表单上有一个子网格,我正试图根据表单数据使用动态fetchXML刷新它。fetch正在适当地刷新子网格,但是链接实体列要么没有提取数据,要么子网格没有显示数据。这是我正在运行的javascript function UpdateContactSubGrid() { //If this method is called from the Onload, make sure the grid is loaded before proceeding if (document


    function UpdateContactSubGrid() {
    //If this method is called from the Onload, make sure the grid is loaded before proceeding
    if (document.getElementById('new_Opportunity_Contacts_SubGrid') == null) {
        //The subgrid hasn't loaded, wait 1 second and then try again 
        setTimeout(UpdateContactSubGrid, 1000);

    // To get the Id of the 'Contacts' subgrid
    var grid = document.getElementById('new_Opportunity_Contacts_SubGrid').control;  

    var fetchXML = "";

    // To get contract lookup from 'CustomerId' field 
    var accountLookup = getAttributeValue("customerid");

    if (accountLookup != null)
         fetchXML = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>" +
         "<entity name='new_affiliation'>" +
          "<attribute name='new_role' />" +
          "<attribute name='new_contactid' />" +
          "<attribute name='new_affiliationid' />" +          
           "<order attribute='new_contactid' descending='false' />" +
           "<filter type='and'>" +
            "<condition attribute='statecode' operator='eq' value='0' /> " +
            "<condition attribute='new_clientid' operator='eq' value='" + accountLookup[0].id + "' />" +
           "</filter>" +
           "<link-entity name='contact' from='contactid' to='new_contactid' alias='a_adbe31a68306e2118bc478e3b5100e8d'>" +
           "<attribute name='emailaddress1' />" +
             "<attribute name='telephone1' />" +
             "<attribute name='mobilephone' />" +            
           "</link-entity>" +
         "</entity>" +

        fetchXML = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>" +
         "<entity name='new_affiliation'>" +
          "<attribute name='new_role' />" +
          "<attribute name='new_contactid' />" +
          "<attribute name='new_affiliationid' />" +          
           "<order attribute='new_contactid' descending='false' />" +
           "<filter type='and'>" +
            "<condition attribute='statecode' operator='eq' value='0' /> " +
           "</filter>" +
           "<link-entity name='contact' from='contactid' to='new_contactid' alias='a_adbe31a68306e2118bc478e3b5100e8d'>" +
           "<attribute name='emailaddress1' />" +
             "<attribute name='telephone1' />" +
             "<attribute name='mobilephone' />" +            
           "</link-entity>" +
         "</entity>" +

    if (grid.SetParameter)
        //Inject the new fetchXml
        grid.SetParameter("fetchXml", fetchXML);
        grid.get_innerControl().setParameter("fetchXml", fetchXML);

    //Force the subgrid to refresh

// parametrs:
// attributeName: the name of the attribute  
//It checks the existance of the attribute on the form and then get the value of the attriute.It applies null checks.  
function getAttributeValue(attributeName) {
    try {
        var returnValue = null;
        var attrb = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(attributeName);
        if (attrb != null) {
                var attrbValue = attrb.getValue();
                if (attrbValue != null)
                    returnValue = attrbValue;
        return returnValue;
    catch (ex) {
        alert(ex.message + ' ' + ex.name);
函数UpdateContactSubGrid(){ //如果从Onload调用此方法,请确保在继续之前加载网格 if(document.getElementById('new\u Opportunity\u Contacts\u SubGrid')==null){ //子网格尚未加载,请等待1秒钟,然后重试 setTimeout(UpdateContactSubGrid,1000); 返回; } //获取“联系人”子网格的Id var grid=document.getElementById('new\u Opportunity\u Contacts\u SubGrid')。控件; var fetchXML=“”; //从“CustomerId”字段获取合同查找 var accountLookup=getAttributeValue(“customerid”); if(accountLookup!=null) { fetchXML=“”+ "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + " " + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; } 其他的 { fetchXML=“”+ "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + " " + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; } if(grid.SetParameter) //注入新的fetchXml SetParameter(“fetchXml”,fetchXml); 其他的 grid.get_innerControl().setParameter(“fetchXml”,fetchXml); //强制子栅格刷新 grid.refresh(); } //参数: //attributeName:属性的名称 //目的: //它检查表单上属性的存在性,然后获取属性的值。它应用空检查。 函数getAttributeValue(attributeName){ 试一试{ var returnValue=null; var attrb=Xrm.Page.getAttribute(attributeName); 如果(attrb!=null){ { var attrbValue=attrb.getValue(); if(attrbValue!=null) returnValue=属性值; } } 返回值; } 捕获(ex){ 警报(例如消息+“”+例如名称); } }
实体之间的关系类型是什么? 使用N:N时,需要在链接实体节点中指示intersect=“true”。 使用N:1可以将link type=“outer”属性添加到链接实体节点


var fetchXML =
            .attributes("new_role", "new_contactid", "new_affiliationid")
            .order("new_contactid", fetch.order.Asc)
                .condition("statecode", fetch.op.Equal, 0);

if (accountLookup != null) {
    fetchXML = fetchXML
        .condition("new_clientid", fetch.op.Equal, accountLookup[0].id);

fetchXML = fetchXML
        entityName: "contact",
        to: "new_contactid",
        from: "contactid",
        alias : "a_adbe31a68306e2118bc478e3b5100e8d",
        type: fetch.link.outer //added outer join
        .attributes("emailaddress1", "telephone1", "mobilephone")

return fetchXML.toString();