
Eclipse3.7注释早期换行,eclipse,word-wrap,Eclipse,Word Wrap,我正在Windows Vista上运行indigo版本。 我已经将General->Editor->Text Editor中的打印边距和Java->Code Style->Formatter中的最大线宽设置为100个字符,但仍然决定将我的注释换行到第80列 例如,在我的文件顶部键入时: (最长行分别为90和94个字符) 其格式为: (行分别为73和79个字符) 我尝试重新启动Java,并点击了我能找到的每个“应用”按钮,但没有成功。在发行说明中,它似乎没有作为已知问题列出。有什么我遗漏的吗?也许

我正在Windows Vista上运行indigo版本。
我已经将General->Editor->Text Editor中的打印边距和Java->Code Style->Formatter中的最大线宽设置为100个字符,但仍然决定将我的注释换行到第80列




至少在Eclipse Helios(3.6)上,格式化程序设置中有一个单独的“注释”选项卡,它有自己的“注释的最大线宽”设置。

// This comment is over 80 characters long, but it is in no way over 100 characters long.  
 * The same problem occurs in block comments as well. True, neither problem is code breaking,  
 * but it certainly is annoying all the same.  
// This comment is over 80 characters long, but it is in no way over 100  
// characters long.  
 * The same problem occurs in block comments as well. True, neither problem is  
 * code breaking,  
 * but it certainly is annoying all the same.  