Encryption Pyfhel减法

Encryption Pyfhel减法,encryption,Encryption,我正在尝试使用Pyfhel库对加密的整数列表执行一些操作。但在执行减法运算时,当期望值为负值时,我得到的值不同 """Import all the packages useful for the Demo. #-Pyfhel is useful to generate keys, encrypt and decrypt. #-PyPtxt is useful to tranform the input vectors into plain text objects that could be e


"""Import all the packages useful for the Demo.
#-Pyfhel is useful to generate keys, encrypt and decrypt.
#-PyPtxt is useful to tranform the input vectors into plain text objects that could be encrypted.
#-PyCtxt is useful to tranform the plain text object in PyCtxt object that are encrypted (Cypher texts). PyCtxt can be add, multiply etc with homeomorphic operations."""
from Pyfhel import Pyfhel
from PyPtxt import PyPtxt
from PyCtxt import PyCtxt

"""Other imports useful for the demo."""
from itertools import izip
import itertools
from operator import sub
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import argparse
import copy
import datetime
import os

#Instantiate a Pyfhel object called HE.
HE = Pyfhel()

print("******Generation of the keys for encryption******")

#Create the Key Generator parameters.
KEYGEN_PARAMS={ "p":257,      "r":1,
                "d":1,        "c":2,
                "sec":80,     "w":64,
                "L":10,       "m":-1,
                "R":3,        "s":0,
                "gens":[],    "ords":[]}

"""Print the Key Generator parameters to let the user knows how his vectors will be encrypted."""
print("  Running KeyGen with params:")

"""Generate the keys that will be use to encrypted the vectors. The generation of the keys uses the Key Generator parameters. Then print a message to inform the user that the key generation has been completed."""
print("  KeyGen completed")

var1 = HE.encrypt(PyPtxt([130], HE))
var2 = HE.encrypt(PyPtxt([10], HE))

xyz = var2 - var1
abc = HE.decrypt(xyz)
abc[0][0] # 137
print(abc[0][0] - 257) # output: -120




