Entity framework core 在EF Core中生成具有所属实体的复合唯一约束/索引

Entity framework core 在EF Core中生成具有所属实体的复合唯一约束/索引,entity-framework-core,Entity Framework Core,我有一个实体拥有另一个实体 public class Entity1 { [Key] [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] public virtual int ID { get; set; } public string Property { get; set; } public Entity2 Description { get; set; } } public class Entity2 {


public class Entity1
  public virtual int ID { get; set; }

  public string Property { get; set; }

  public Entity2 Description { get; set; }

public class Entity2
   public string Test { get; set; }

builder.OwnsOne(pt => pt.Description);

builder.HasIndex(p => new { p.Property, p.Description.Test }).IsUnique();
//builder.HasIndex("Property", "Description_Test").IsUnique();

The properties expression 'p => new <>f__AnonymousType3`7(Property = p.DeviceClassId, 
Test = p.Description.Test)' is not valid. The expression should represent a property 
access: 't => t.MyProperty'. When specifying multiple properties use an anonymous type:
't => new { t.MyProperty1, t.MyProperty2 }'.
Parameter name: propertyAccessExpression


显然EF Core还不支持此功能



The property 'Description_test' cannot be added to the type 'Entity1' because there was no 
property type specified and there is no corresponding CLR property or field. To add a 
shadow state property the property type must be specified.