Excel VBA阴影交替行

Excel VBA阴影交替行,excel,excel-2013,vba,Excel,Excel 2013,Vba,使用站点作为源,我将工作簿放在一起,其中提取并列出了给定文件夹中的文件 代码运行得很好,但我正试图通过对C、D和E列中的交替行进行着色来稍微调整这一点 我对此进行了研究,并找到了一个例子 我遇到的问题是,我只能对列E进行着色,我不知道为什么。我也想给另一排遮阴,但我有点不确定该怎么做 这是提取文件并对行进行着色的代码 Public Sub ListFilesInFolder(SourceFolder As Scripting.folder, IncludeSubfolders As Boolea






Public Sub ListFilesInFolder(SourceFolder As Scripting.folder, IncludeSubfolders As Boolean)
    Dim lngLastRow As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each FileItem In SourceFolder.Files
        ' display file properties
        Cells(iRow, 3).Formula = iRow - 13
        Cells(iRow, 4).Formula = FileItem.Name
        Cells(iRow, 5).Select
        Selection.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:= _
        FileItem.Path, TextToDisplay:="Click Here to Open"
        iRow = iRow + 1 ' next row number

        lngLastRow = Sh.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
        Range("C14:E" & lngLastRow).Activate
        Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=MOD(ROW(),2)=0"

        Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 24

    Next FileItem

    If IncludeSubfolders Then
        For Each SubFolder In SourceFolder.SubFolders
            ListFilesInFolder SubFolder, True
        Next SubFolder
    End If
    Set FileItem = Nothing
    Set SourceFolder = Nothing
    Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub



Public Sub ListFilesInFolder(SourceFolder As Scripting.folder, _
           IncludeSubfolders As Boolean)
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim Toggle as integer           'added this here

On Error Resume Next
Toggle = 0
For Each FileItem In SourceFolder.Files
' display file properties
    Cells(iRow, 3).Formula = iRow - 13
    Cells(iRow, 4).Formula = FileItem.Name
    Cells(iRow, 5).Select
    Selection.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:= _
          FileItem.Path, TextToDisplay:="Click Here to Open"
    iRow = iRow + 1 ' next row number
    lngLastRow = Sh.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
    Range("C14:E" & lngLastRow).Activate
    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, _
    'Add this section here
    if toggle = 0 then
      Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 24
      toggle = 1
      Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 42
      toggle = 0
    end if

Next FileItem

If IncludeSubfolders Then
    For Each SubFolder In SourceFolder.SubFolders
        ListFilesInFolder SubFolder, True
    Next SubFolder
End If
Set FileItem = Nothing
Set SourceFolder = Nothing
Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub



Sub ReShade(startRow As Integer, endRow As Integer)
    '--- begin by "erasing" the previous row coloring
    ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(startRow, 3), Cells(endRow, 5)).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
    '--- shades alternate rows in columnd C, D, E
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim rowCells As Range
    For r = startRow To endRow Step 2
        Set rowCells = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(r, 3), Cells(r, 5))
        With rowCells
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 24
        End With
    Next r
End Sub

'--- call ReShade at the end of your routine, as in...
Sub test()
    ReShade 5, 20  
End Sub


Public Sub-ListFilesInFolder(SourceFolder为Scripting.folder,IncludeSubfolders为Boolean)

    Dim LastRow As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    For Each FileItem In SourceFolder.Files
        ' display file properties
        Cells(iRow, 3).Formula = iRow - 12
        Cells(iRow, 4).Formula = FileItem.Name
        Cells(iRow, 5).Select
        Selection.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:= _
        FileItem.Path, TextToDisplay:="Click Here to Open"
        iRow = iRow + 1 ' next row number

        With ActiveSheet
            LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
            LastRow = Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
        End With

        For Each Cell In Range("C13:E" & LastRow) ''change range accordingly
            If Cell.Row Mod 2 = 1 Then ''highlights row 2,4,6 etc|= 0 highlights 1,3,5
                Cell.Interior.Color = RGB(232, 232, 232) ''color to preference
                Cell.Interior.Color = RGB(141, 180, 226) 'color to preference or remove
            End If
        Next Cell
    Next FileItem

    If IncludeSubfolders Then
        For Each SubFolder In SourceFolder.SubFolders
            ListFilesInFolder SubFolder, True
        Next SubFolder
    End If
    Set FileItem = Nothing
    Set SourceFolder = Nothing
    Set FSO = Nothing
End Sub